CS4097D Assignment 1 Solved

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  1. Write a Java program that accepts the number and its exponent and returns the power of the

Sample Input

Enter the base of the number: 3

Enter the exponent: 4

Sample Output


  1. Write a Java program that accepts two numbers, “a” and “b” from the user input and swap the numbers without using a third variable

Sample Input

a=25 b=40 Sample Output

a = 40 b=25

  1. Write a Java program that accepts a number and find the number of digits in the given number. Sample Input


Sample Output


  1. Write a Java program that accepts a number and returns the reverse of that number.

Sample Input


Sample Output


  1. Write a Java program that accepts an integer array of size “N” from the user as input and prints the array in sorted order (Descending order). Write your sorting function.

Sample Input

Size of the array, N=5

18 7

25 33 1

Sample Output

33 25 18 7 1


  1. Write a Java program that accepts a number and returns true when the number is Palindrome and false otherwise.

Sample Input 1                         Sample Input 2

343                                          1256

Sample Output 1             Sample Output 2

True                                                              False

  1. Write a Java program that accepts N as user input and finds the Fibonacci series of N numbers. Sample Input


Sample Output

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13

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