CS3331 Lab 2 assignment Solved

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You should write a NEW program. Redesign your Lab 1 assignment. Please NOTE that there are new requirements.

  • You will not read from file multiple pieces of chess.
  • You will not use an array.
  • You will prompt the user for the values ofa piece of chess, specifically the type. color. x and y position.
  • You will prompt the user for a new location,
  • You will determine ifthe position is correct.
  • Create a new object of chess figure based on the user input. Note that you will not know the class type (chess figure) until run time.

You will only prompt once the user for the data of a chess figure.

  1. create a new class for each type of chess Figure. These classes should have the following attributes:
  2. a) t•-ne’.string b) color:strir.g c) x:char d) y:int
  3. add and implement the following constructors:
  4. empty constructor that assigns default values
  5. constructor that receives four values
  6. include the specific move method inside each of the chess pieces. Make sure that you document your code.
  • Lab_2.zip