CS3330 Homework #7 Solved

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Using the classicmodels data, answer the following questions.  Note your output may different than what is provided below.

  1. The company wants to standardize their USA customer’s phone numbers to contain the correct international prefix. Your manager has been given a report which shows the new standardized format. What is the query used to create this report?  (Note only a few rows are displayed here)


  1. Management wants to email all employees based in the USA. Write the query to provide the list of email addresses for the USA employees in two ways.


  1. With an INNER JOIN




  1. Using a sub-query in the WHERE clause

A new Sales Manager joined the team on June 8, 2004 and the executives want to compare how many products the new manager sold vs the old manager for each product line.  Write the query that can be used to create this report.  (Note only a few rows are displayed here)



Management wants to know how many orders are Large, Medium and Small based on the total quantityOrdered per order.  A Small order has less than 150 units, a Medium order has between 150 and 450 units and a Large order has greater than 450 units.  Write the query that can be used to create this report.



  • Homework07-xz0inr.pdf