CS309 – Assignment 1 UML Design Solved

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Scenario Description
With the rapid restoration of production and life order, people’s travel and orderly flow have been increasing. The epidemic risk level query system provided by the National Health Commission has been launched on the applet of The State Council client, which can check the epidemic risk level of nearly 3,000 counties (cities, districts and banners) in China. Blue – low risk , yellow – medium risk , red – high risk .
1. For all WeChat users, when using the app, it will first obtain WeChat ID and Address Info to display the Epidemic Risk Level of district where the user is currently located. If there is a low, medium or high risk in the area, it will return a list of low, medium and high risk zones.
2. A user can query the risk level of one destination district by selecting a province, city, and district. After querying, it will return a list of low, medium and high risk zones in current district, then user can optionally subscribe current district.
3. A user can also view all districts he/she subscribed.
4. A user can also query all infomation in the whole country or specified province. After querying, the number of high, medium and low risk areas and a list of all risk zones can be obtained on the page. In this process, user can optionally generate images, or copy the results.
5. A user get his/her travel historys in the past seven days by the program. More specifically, it can obtain the user’s mobile phone number, and then return the provinces and cities that the user has traveled in the past seven days.
6. Administrators also need to log in WeChat before using it. Administrators can modify the risk zones of one district. When the risk level changes, all subscribers will be notified.
Let’s declare some nouns first:

Question 1: Use case diagram (30 points)
Draw a user case diagram according to the scenario above. The use case diagram should contains actors, use case and system boundary.
Question 2: Class diagram. (40 points)
Question 2: Class diagram. (40 points)
Find and draw all entity class according to the scenario above. In this sections you need to indicate the class names, relevant attributes, some of methods and the relationship between classes. In addtion, you need also design and draw a control class named risk system, which includes a number of methods for system control.
Only the following methods need to appear in class diagram.
method name return value parameter describe
addRiskZone Null Null create a new object in method and add the new object in a riskZone collection
removeRiskZone Null RiskZone remove current object from collection.
updateRiskZone Null RiskZone upate an object in collection
subscribeDistrict Null District add current district to the subscribed collection
viewAllSubscribed Collection of district Null return all subscribed districts
calculateRiskZoneCount Design by you City Calculate the number of high, medium and low risk zones according to the designated city
calculateRiskZoneCount Design by you Null Calculate the number of high, middle and low risk zones in China.
searchRiskZonesByDistrict Collection of risk zones District return a list of risk zones according to a parameter district
modifyriskZoneByDistrict Null District and others Design by you For parameter district, do add, remove or update risk zone according to the operation value.

Question 3: Draw a sequence diagram to represent the risk level change and push process.(30 points)
The administrator login wechat, in this process he/her sent his/her info to Rsit System to verify it. After login, it returns the Admin Main Page, then administrator can select the province, city and district on the page, and then do modify risk zones in current district. In this sections, he/she can choose to add(create a new one), delete(destroy the object) or update(change the risk level) the risk zone. After completing the operation, the administrator submits the modify result. After successful submission, all subscribers in the region(district) will be notified of the change in risk level information.

What to Submit?

Complete all the questions and combine the UML diagrams into a single PDF file before Sep. 28th 11:00 pm.. If necessary, given several explanations about your diagrams.
Any handwriting UML diagrams are not allowed for this assignment

  • Assignment1-UML-8j9fuu.zip