CS2410 -Assignment #8 – Minesweeperish – Bonus Solved

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5/5 - (1 vote)

You can earn up to 50 points to make up for lost assignment points this semester. Just add features to your existing Assignment #8 submission.

General requirements

In order to receive any bonus points you will also create a pop-up dialog that starts when the game loads. It will detail the features you added and the points you feel you earned. An example message will be described below. You must actually implement the required feature, not just have a menu item to select the (non-working) feature. All features/settings described will be accessible through a menu bar.

Bonus Features
1. (15 pts) Create a mode feature. This will allow a user to select a small, medium, or large board. Changing this mode will end the current game and the newly sized board will start when the player clicks the start button. The game window should resize appropriately as well. (Hint: look for a method called sizeToScene())
a. Small: 10×10
b. Medium: 25 x 25
c. Large: 50 x 25
2. (10 pts) Create a difficulty feature. This will allow the user to change the percentage of square that are bombs. Changing this mode will end the current game and the newly sized board will start when the player clicks the start button. The game window should resize appropriately as well.
a. Easy: 10%
b. Medium: 25%
c. Hard: 40%
3. (10 pts) Add reporting to your game. The scores should be persistent through each execution of the game. If a player wins they should be prompted for their name. Then their name and the time it took to complete should be saved. A menu item selection should display a pop-up of the winning scores. Another menu item should erase the list.
4. (15 pts) Add sounds to your game. A menu item will allow a user to turn this mode off and on. At a minimum there should be distinct sounds (different for each case) in the following circumstances:
a. User selects a non-bomb button
b. User selects a bomb-button
c. User toggles button marks (right click buttons)
d. Winning game over music
e. Losing game over music

Claiming points
• I implemented the following bonus features:
o 15 pts – mode feature. This is fully functional
o 10 pts – sound feature. I think I deserve 10/15 because I 4/5 requirements completed. That toggle button sound is not working.

  • assignment8-rcdrq1.zip