CS2400 Lab 12-Structures Solved

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Work with structures, vector of structures, files, and formatting.

A company keeps its employee records in a file. Each line in the file includes a single employee record (id, first name, last name, & salary). Write a C++ program that prints a report of employee data. You are asked to process the data in the file by storing the records in a vector of structures. Your program must print the following report.

  • All employee records.
  • Find and print the total payroll.

Create a directory called Lab6 inside your 2400/Labs directory. Download the data file and store it in Lab6 directory.


  • Write a function to load the vector of structures.
  • Write a function to print the report. Consider using setw.

o Combine the first and last name into a single string. This will make it easier to use setw.

  • Write a function to calculate and return the total payroll.

Sample input:

1000 George Washington 10000

2000 John Adams 15000

1212 Thomas Jefferson 34000

1313 Abraham Lincoln 45000

1515 Jimmy Carter 78000

1717 George Bush 80000

Sample output:

Sorted by name

ID      Name                Salary


1000    George Washington   $10000.00

2000    John Adams          $15000.00

1212    Thomas Jefferson    $34000.00

1313    Abraham Lincoln     $45000.00

1515    Jimmy Carter        $78000.00

1717    George Bush         $80000.00

Total Payroll: $262000.00


  • lab6-paaec7.zip