CS2223 Homework 1 Solved

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First Steps

Your first task is to copy all of the files from the Git repository that you will be modifying/using for homework 1. First, make sure you have created a Java Project within your workspace (something like MyCS2223). Be sure to modify the build path so this project will have access to the shared code I provide in the git repository. To do this, select your project and right-click on it to bring up the Properties for the project. Choose the option Java Build Path on the left and click the Projects tab. Now Add… the Algorithms D2020 project to your build path.


Homework Context

This homework is concerned with how to efficiently access data stored either in a one-dimensional array (Q4) or a two-dimensional array (Q2). Q1 uses a FixedCapacityStack (introduced on lecture 3).


Q1. Stack Experiments

On page 129 of the book there is an implementation of a rudimentary calculator using two stacks for expression evaluation. I have created the Evaluate class which you should copy into your USERID.hw1 package. Note that all input (as described in the book) must have spaces that cleanly separate all operators and values. Note 1.2 has a space before final closing “)”.

1.1. (4 pts.) Run Evaluate on input “( 9 8 * / 3 )”

1.2. (4 pts.) Run Evaluate on input “( 9 – – 2 )”       (there is a space between the minus signs)

1.3. (4 pts.) Run Evaluate on input “- 99”      (there is a space between the minus sign and the 9)

1.4. (4 pts.) Run Evaluate on input “( 6 * ( 3 + ( 8 + 4”

1.5. (4 pts.) Run Evaluate on input “( ( 3 * 7 ) / ( ( 8 * 2 ) + ( 3 / 8 ) ) )”

1.6. (5 pts.) Modify Evaluate to support two new operations

  1. Add a new equals operation “=” that computes whether two double values are equal. If the values are equal then 1.0 is the result, otherwise 0.0
  2. Add a new round operation “round” which computes the closest integer to x. This operator is a unary operator (like sqrt for square root). The round(double) method will be useful for you.

1.7. (5 pts.) Run your modified Evaluate on input “( round ( 8 / 5 ) )” and be sure to explain the result of the computation in your WrittenQuestions.txt file.

For each of these questions (a) state the observed output; (b) describe the state of the ops stack when the program completes; (c) describe the state of the vals stack when the program completes.

Note: If, to an empty stack, you push the value “1”, “2” and then “3”, the state of this stack is represented as [“3”, “2”, “1”] where the top of the stack contains the value “3” on the left, and the bottommost element of the stack, the value “1”, is on the right. An empty stack is represented as [].

Write the answers to these questions in the WrittenQuestions.txt text file. For question 1.6, modify your copy of the Evaluate class and be sure to include this revised class in your submission.

Q1.8 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

Can you modify Evaluate to be able to detect when the user input is not a valid infix expression? You should throw a RuntimeException (with helpful error message) for each of the input cases 1.1 through 1.5.  Hint: you may need to keep track of extra state while processing the operations and values.

Q2. ArraySearch Programming Exercise

You are given an nxn two dimensional (2D) square array of unique, positive integer values.  The array represents a lower-triangle array, that is, all values above the main diagonal are zero; all other A[r][c] values in the array are greater than 0 and smaller than or equal to ; you can inspect the value of any cell in the array by calling inspect(r, c) where r is the desired row (0  r < n) and c is the desired column (0  c < n). Without knowing any information about the way values are stored in the array, the following locate method will identify the row and column of a desired target value (if it exists) in the lower-triangle array or it will return null if target can’t be found.

public int[] locate(int target) {   int n = this.length();   for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {

for (int c = 0; c <= r; c++) {    // only need to inspect lower triangle       if (inspect(r,c) == target) {

return new int[] { r, c };    // return (row, col) where found


}   }

return null;  // not found


In the best case, the target value you are looking for is in (row=0, col=0) and so only one array inspection is required. In the worst case, the target value is not in the array and you have to inspect all values. algs.hw1.arraysolution.UnknownArraySolution creates a 13×13 lower-triangular array and looks for all numbers from 1 to ; in this case, n=13, so it will call locate on the 1,092 values from 1 to 1,092. As you can see from the program output, it requires a total of 95,277 inspections of the array to locate each of these values (that is, find its location in the array or determine it is not present).

If you modify the main method in UnknownArraySolution to create a 3×3 array, trial searches for 12 values; create a 5×5 array and it searches for 60 values. Below are the two arrays that are created:

8 12      
16 20 24    
28 32 36 40  
44 48 52 56 60
4 6  
8 10 12

0          1          2          3          4          0          1          2











As you can see, the smallest number (upper left corner) is n-1, the largest value (lower right corner) is (𝑛 − 1) ∗ 𝑛 ∗ (𝑛 + 1)/2 and the difference between subsequent numbers (from left to right, and from top row to bottom row) is 𝑛 − 1. Your task is to write more efficient locate methods if you know the specific structure of the nxn array. Draw inspiration from BINARY ARRAY SEARCH presented in class for searching for a value within a one-dimensional array of sorted values. Your locate method must call inspect(r,c) every time it checks the value of the cell in row r and column c. This is done to properly count the number of times your code inspects the array. Trying to work around this restriction might cause you to lose points on this question.

Q2.1 RowOrderedArraySolution

A RowOrderedArray is a two-dimensional, lower-triangular, square nxn array of unique, positive integers with the following properties:

  1. The array is a lower-triangular array where all values above the main diagonal are zero.
  2. Each row contains ascending values from left to right (ignoring the zero values of course).
  3. Each of the values in row 0  k < (n-1) are smaller than the values in row (k+1).

Here is a sample 5×5 RowOrderedArray, with each row colored differently.

1 0 0 0 0
13 23 0 0 0
35 36 37 0 0
48   55 0
63 72 77 78 79


Copy algs.hw1.arraysolution.RowOrderedArraySolution into your USERID.hw1 package and write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a RowOrderedArray.

Task 2.1 (10 points): Complete locate method in RowOrderedArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 10,000 array inspections.

Hint: BINARY ARRAY SEARCH can come to your rescue, thinking vertically

Q2.1.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 7,600 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array.

Q2.2 DiagonalSolution

A DiagonalArray is a two-dimensional, lower-triangular, square nxn array of unique, positive integers where n is an odd number.  The properties of a DiagonalArray are as follows:

  1. The smallest value is in the top left cell A[0][0].
  2. The largest value is in the lower left cell A[n–1][0].
  3. There are n diagonal bands, each running from a cell in the first column “southeast” to the bottom row.
  4. Diagonal band D0 contains 𝑛 values in ascending order along the main diagonal.
  5. Diagonal band D1 contains 𝑛 − 1 values in ascending order along the diagonal from A[1][0] to A[n-1][n-2]. Each successive band has one fewer element. Dn-1 has just a single element.

Here is a sample 5×5 DiagonalArray. D0 has the values 4 to 20 while D1 has the values 24 to 36.

4 0 0









24 8
40 28 12
52 44 32 16
60 56 48 36 20


Copy algs.hw1.arraysolution.DiagonalArraySolution into your USERID.hw1 package and write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a DiagonalArray.

Task 2.2 (10 points): Complete locate method in DiagonalArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 10,000 array inspections.

Hint: Can BINARY ARRAY SEARCH come to your rescue; thinking vertically?

Q2.2.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 7,569 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array. Hint: Can BINARY ARRAY SEARCH come to your rescue again, this time thinking diagonally?


Q2.3 NestedArraySolution

A NestedArray is a two-dimensional, lower-triangular, square nxn array of unique, positive integers with the following properties:

  1. The smallest positive integer is in the upper left cell A[0][0].
  2. The lower triangular array is decomposed into nested triangles. All other values in A are 0.
  3. The outermost triangle, T0, is composed of 3 ∗ (𝑛 − 1) integers in increasing order in clockwise fashion. That is, running diagonally “south-east” diagonally, then “west” horizontally, then “north” vertically.
  4. There are  nested triangles. All values in triangle Ti are smaller than all values in inner Triangle Ti+1.
  5. The next inner triangle, T1, has 3 ∗ (𝑛 − 4) The next inner triangle, T2, has 3 ∗ (𝑛 − 7) integers, and so on (note: sometimes the final Ts computes zero; when that happens, set to 1).

Here are sample NestedArrays, with each nested triangle colored a different color.


Copy algs.hw1.arraysolution.NestedArraySolution into your USERID.hw1 package and write a more efficient locate method that takes advantage of the structure of a NestedArray. Hint a naïve solution that (a) locates the proper triangle and then (b) checks all values in that triangle will be sufficient for Task 2.3.

Task 2.3 (10 points): Complete locate method in NestedArraySolution and ensure that on a 13×13 array, the sample trial completes with fewer than 20,000 array inspections.

Hint: Can BINARY ARRAY SEARCH come to your rescue; this time perhaps think a bit diagonally?

Q2.3.1 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

Only attempt the bonus point after you have completed the first part. Get an extra bonus point if you achieve (or do better than) 8,188 array inspections on the sample 13×13 array.

Q2.3.2 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

Given an nxn NestedArray, which cell, A[r][c], has the largest value? State your answer in terms of n, that is, state r and c in terms of n.

Q3. Counting Computations Exercise

To understand the performance of an algorithm, one must count the number of times that key operations are executed. The UnknownArraySolution program is concerned with how many times you inspect the array using inspect(r, c) while trying to locate numbers from 1 to .

If you execute algs.hw1.arraysolution.Q3, it will constrct nxn square arrays, of different sizes, and you will see the following output values:



# Array


3 57
4 255
5 795
6 1995
13 95277


Task 3.1 (10 points): Construct a function f(n) that accurately models the number of array inspections required by UnknownArraySolution for an nxn square array. Confirm you have the proper f(n) by validating that it computes f(13) = 95277.

For example, f(n) = 2𝑛3 + 𝑛  works for n=3, but doesn’t properly compute the other values in the table.

Now review the results from ImprovedUnknownArraySolution which are the second part of the Q3 output. This solution first identifies the smallest and largest values in the nxn array (shown in the table below) and uses this information to reduce the number of array inspections.



# Array


min max
3 57 2 12
4 245 3 30
5 765 4 60
6 1932 5 105
13 94367 12 1092


Task 3.2 (10 points): Construct a function g(n) that accurately models the number of array inspections required by ImprovedUnknownArraySolution for an nxn square lower-triangular array. Confirm you have the proper g(n) by validating that it computes g(13) = 94367.

As a hint, observe that in the nxn array created by UnknownArraySearch.create(n), its smallest value is 𝑛 − 1 and its largest value is (𝑛 − 1) ∗ 𝑛 ∗ (𝑛 + 1)/2.

Q4. Stack Programming Exercise

There is a deep relationship between stacks and functional recursion. Copy algs.hw1.Q4 into your USERID.hw1 package and finish the partially-completed fibonacci(FixedCapacityStack<Long> stack) and gcd(FixedCapacityStack<Long> stack) functions.

4.1 (10 points) Consider the well-known Fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on.  Each new number in the series is formed by adding the two prior numbers. The series is initialized starting with F(0)=1 and F(1)=1. This can be defined, recursively, as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2). To compute the Nth Fibonacci number using just a standard FixedCapacityStack, push n onto a stack, fcs, and call fibonacci(fcs).  This function cannot add any additional variables to the method and you cannot call any other functions other than push and pop.

Think of it this way: Use the stack to represent Fibonacci numbers to be computed and keep a running sum when you encounter F(0) or F(1). Try a hand-computation for using stack to compute F(4)=5.

4.2 (10 points) Around 300 B.C. (more than 2,300 years ago) the Greek mathematician Euclid designed one of the first algorithms ever invented, called gcd(a,b) which computes the greatest common divisor of two integers a and b. In reviewing the definition of gcd on Wikipedia, you can see that it, too, can be defined recursively:

function gcd(a, b)

if b = 0                                 // BASE CASE         return a     else                                     // RECURSIVE CASE         return gcd(b, a mod b)

Where mod is the modulo operator, “%” in Java, that returns the remainder when dividing a by b.

For this assignment, you must complete the partially-completed gcd(FixedCapacityStack<Long> stack) function to compute the greatest common divisor of the two long values that have been pushed to the stack.

Given the existing code, you cannot add any additional variables to the method and you cannot call any other functions other than push and pop.

Think of it this way: Use the stack to store two numbers for which the gcd is to be computed. When two numbers are popped from the stack, either the BASE CASE occurs (in which case the value is computed) or the RECURSIVE CASE occurs, and two numbers are pushed back onto the stack to repeat.

Q4.3 Bonus (+1 bonus point)

After you have completed the implementation of fibonacci, the output of the third column contains the minimum time to compute Fn. Compute the ratio of minTime(n+1)/minTime(n) which determines how much longer it takes to compute Fn+1 when compared to the time it takes to compute Fn. You should be able to see that this ratio converges. What is the value to which this ratio converges?

  • HW1-vmn2n1.zip