CS213 Assignment 13 -Create this presentation using LATEX, Beamer and TikZ Solved

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Statement : Create this presentation using LATEX, Beamer and TikZ

Instructions to create the presentation

  1. Task is to make this presentation which you are looking at except the current slide.
  2. For graphs you should use Tikz package
  3. For including “Pictures” use includegraphics package. You can use images of any two Turing award winners, not necessarily the ones shown in the current presentation.
  4. Create a folder called rollno-lab13 containing all source files. Name of main file to be compiled is rollno.tex
  5. Create a tar ball rollno-lab13.tar.gz of your directory, and upload it.
  6. Do not include this slide in your presentation.

Outline of presentation

1. Automations (restricted Turing Machines) – 2

Outline of presentation

1. Automations (restricted Turing Machines) – 2 2. Pictures of Turing award winners-2.

Automaton 1


s 1 s 0,1 s start 0 1 2

Figure: X={x ∈ {0, 1}∗| the second symbol from the right is 1}

Automaton 2


start s0 ε s2 1111

s1 s3
Figure: X={x ∈ {0, 1}∗| the second symbol from the right is 1}

Turing Award Winner:1

Figure: Edmund Melson Clarke received the Turing Award in the year 2007, for his work on Model Checking.

Turing Award Winner:2

Figure: Sir Tim Berners-Lee received the Turing Award in the year 2016, for inventing the World Wide Web.

Thank you.

  • Assignment-13-8y6far.zip