CS2030s Lab 4-Immutable List Solved

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Topic Coverage

  • Static methods
  • Interface
  • Generics
  • Wildcards
  • Variable-Length Arguments

Problem Description

In this lab, we are going to extend our generic immutable Box to take the form of a list. Although Java provides a List interface as a Collection, the List implementations from the Java Collection Framework are still mutable.

In this lab, you will build you own immutable list class (ImmutableList) that implements various methods to manipulate this list We do this by wrapping an immutable API over a mutable List object — known as the immutable delegation class class, which obviously comes with a performance overhead. Note that a much more efficient implementation of an immutable list is possible (using a recursive data structure), but let’s leave that to a future lab on infinite lists.


By wrapping around an internal mutable List, implement the methods add, remove, replace, limit, equals, sorted, and toArray.


Level 1

Creating a Generic Immutable List

Create an immutable class ImmutableList that operates as a list. The list should be ordered, i.e., the position of the items in the list matters. Your immutable list should not implement the List interface but should contain a List instead.

import java.util.List;

class ImmutableList<T> {
    private final List<T> list;

Your class should have two constructors, both accept items to populate your new immutable list. The first one takes in a generic List containing the items as an argument; the second takes in a sequence of items as variable-length arguments (or varargs). Variable-length arguments allow you to pass an unspecified number of arguments to a method or constructor. You can read up about varargs if you are unfamiliar with this Java feature.

Using varargs with generic type parameters could be unsafe. Varargs is a syntactic sugar for an array, which is covariant in Java and potentially unsafe as you have seen in class (recall assigning a Shape array variable to reference a Circle array, and then storing a Rectangle as one of the array elements).

To tell the compiler that you know what you are doing is type-safe, when you declare a method that takes in varargs with a generic type parameter, add an annotation @SafeVarargs before the method.

Your class should also have an appropriate toString method which prints out the contents of the List.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3))
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3)))
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>()
$.. ==> []
jshell> /exit

Check the format correctness of the output by running the following on the command line:

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes *.java
$ jshell -q < test1.jsh

The -Xlint:rawtypes flag would warn you if you forget to specify generics and use raw types instead.

Check your styling by issuing the following

$ checkstyle *.java

Level 2

Manipulating the List

Include the method add (append an item to the list), replace (replace all occurences of an item with another), and remove (remove the first occurence of an item) methods. Remember your list has to be immutable.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> List<Integer> mList = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3))
jshell> ImmutableList<Integer> imList = new ImmutableList<Integer>(mList)
jshell> imList.remove(3)
$.. ==> [1, 2]
jshell> imList
imList ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> imList.remove(3).add(2)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 2]
jshell> imList
imList ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> imList.remove(6)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> imList.add(1).replace(1,3)
$.. ==> [3, 2, 3, 3]
jshell> imList.add(1).replace(1,1)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3, 1]
jshell> imList.replace(6,3)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> mList.set(0,10)
$.. ==> 1
jshell> mList
mList ==> [10, 2, 3]
jshell> imList
imList ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> Integer[] array = {1, 2, 3}
jshell> ImmutableList<Integer> imList = new ImmutableList<Integer>(array)
jshell> array[0] = 10
$.. ==> 10
jshell> imList
imList ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(List.of(4,5,6)).add(7)
$.. ==> [4, 5, 6, 7]
jshell> ImmutableList<String> stringList = new ImmutableList<String>(Arrays.asList("One","Two","Three"))
jshell> stringList.add("Four");
$.. ==> [One, Two, Three, Four]
jshell> stringList
stringList ==> [One, Two, Three]
jshell> /exit

Check the format correctness of the output by running the following on the command line:

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes *.java
$ jshell -q < test2.jsh

Check your styling by issuing the following

$ checkstyle *.java

Level 3

Limiting the List

Let’s create a new method limit in the ImmutableList class. The limit method takes in a long value and then returns an ImmutableList truncated to the length specified by that long value.

Consider the case where you pass in a negative number. In this case, let’s throw an IllegalArgumentException with the exception message “limit size < 0“.

It is important to note that, the test cases below catch unchecked exceptions for the purpose of testing only. It is an unusual coding practice to catch unchecked exceptions, as unchecked exceptions are usually caused by bugs or improper use of APIs, and the application usually cannot recover from such exceptions.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).limit(1)
$.. ==> [1]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).limit(10)
$.. ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> ImmutableList<Integer> list = new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3)
jshell> list.limit(0)
$.. ==> []
jshell> list
list ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> list = list.limit(0)
jshell> try {
   ...> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).limit(-1);
   ...> } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
   ...> System.out.println(e);
   ...> }
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: limit size < 0
jshell> /exit

Check the format correctness of the output by running the following on the command line:

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes *.java
$ jshell -q < test3.jsh

Check your styling by issuing the following

$ checkstyle *.java

Level 4

List Equality and Sorting the List

Write an overridden method equals that takes in another ImmutableList and checks for equality. Two immutable lists are the same if they contain the same elements (as determined by each element’s equals method).

We would also like to sort the list using an arbitrary Comparator. Let’s create a sorted method that takes in a Comparator and returns the ImmutableList as sorted by this Comparator. What if a null value is passed as a Comparator? To preempt such irresponsible actions, let’s throw a NullPointerException with the exception message “Comparator is null“.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> ImmutableList<Integer> list = new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3)
jshell> list.equals(list)
$.. ==> true
jshell> list.equals(Arrays.asList(1,2,3))
$.. ==> false
jshell> list.equals(new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3))
$.. ==> true
jshell> list.equals(new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2))
$.. ==> false
jshell> list.equals(new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3,3))
$.. ==> false
jshell> list.equals(new ImmutableList<Integer>(3,2,1))
$.. ==> false
jshell> list.sorted(new Comparator<Integer>() {
   ...>     public int compare(Integer i1, Integer i2) {
   ...>         return i2 - i1;
   ...>     }})
$.. ==> [3, 2, 1]
jshell> list
list ==> [1, 2, 3]
jshell> try {
   ...>   new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).sorted(null);
   ...> } catch (NullPointerException e) {
   ...>   System.out.println(e);
   ...> }
java.lang.NullPointerException: Comparator is null
jshell> /exit

Check the format correctness of the output by running the following on the command line:

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes *.java
$ jshell -q < test4.jsh

Check your styling by issuing the following

$ checkstyle *.java

Level 5

Implement a toArray Method

Create overloaded methods toArray that takes in either no argument, or an array as an argument. The toArray method without argument will return the items in the list as an array of type Object[]. The toArray method with an array as an argument is a generic method that will return the items in the list in an array of the same type as the argument. The behavior of toArray of your list is similar to that of toArray of List, with the only difference being the error message associated with the exception thrown.

When an array of the wrong type is being passed into the ImmutableList, an ArrayStoreException exception is thrown with the exception message “Cannot add element to array as it is the wrong type“.

As for passing a null argument? Once again, we throw a NullPointerException with the exception message “Input array cannot be null“.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).toArray()
$.. ==> Object[3] { 1, 2, 3 }
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>().toArray()
$.. ==> Object[0] {  }
jshell> Integer[] integers = new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).toArray(new Integer[0])
jshell> integers
integers ==> Integer[3] { 1, 2, 3 }
jshell> try {
   ...>   new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).toArray(new String[0]);
   ...> } catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
   ...>   System.out.println(e);
   ...> }
java.lang.ArrayStoreException: Cannot add element to array as it is the wrong type
jshell> try {
   ...>   new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).toArray(null);
   ...> } catch (NullPointerException e) {
   ...>   System.out.println(e);
   ...> }
java.lang.NullPointerException: Input array cannot be null
jshell> /exit

Check the format correctness of the output by running the following on the command line:

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes *.java
$ jshell -q < test5.jsh

Check your styling by issuing the following

$ checkstyle *.java

Bonus Level

Implement Map and Filter Methods

Now, let’s create two new methods in the ImmutableList class.

First, the filter method. The filter method will return an ImmutableList with elements based on a Predicate you pass to it. Remember that Predicate is a generic functional interface, and therefore it has one method to implement: test.

Next, implement the map method. The map method will return an ImmutableList in which all elements are transformed based on a Function you pass to it. Again, Function is a generic functional interface, and therefore it has one method to implement: apply. Remember that the input type may not be the same as the output type: consider a mapping from String to Integer using the length() method.

Try passing your own Predicates and Functions to these methods! We use lambda expressions in the following test cases below. You are encouraged to read more about lambda expressions as you will be using them extensively for the rest of the semester.


jshell> /open ImmutableList.java
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0)
$.. ==> [2]
jshell> new ImmutableList<String>("one", "two", "three").filter(x -> x.hashCode()%10 > 5)
$.. ==> [two, three]
jshell> Predicate<Object> p = x -> x.hashCode()%10 == 0
jshell> new ImmutableList<String>("one", "two", "three").filter(p)
$.. ==> []
jshell> ImmutableList<Integer> list = new ImmutableList<String>("one", "two", "three").map(x -> x.length())
jshell> /var list
|    ImmutableList<Integer> list = [3, 3, 5]
jshell> Function<Object,Integer> f = x -> x.hashCode()
jshell> ImmutableList<Number> list = new ImmutableList<String>("one", "two", "three").map(f)
jshell> /var list
|    ImmutableList<Number> list = [110182, 115276, 110339486]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).filter(x -> x > 3).map(x -> x + 1)
$.. ==> []
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).filter(x -> x > 2).map(x -> x + 1)
$.. ==> [4]
jshell> new ImmutableList<Integer>(1,2,3).map(x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x > 2)
$.. ==> [3, 4]
jshell> new ImmutableList<String>().filter(s -> s.endsWith("s"))
$.. ==> []
jshell> new ImmutableList<String>().map(s -> s.endsWith("s"))
$.. ==> []
jshell> /exit
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