CS20006 Assignment 1 Solved

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1. Consider the following program which should obviously print Match.

     #include <iostream>
     #include <cmath>
     using namespace std;
     #define sqr(x) ((x) * (x))
     int main() {
         double a = 4.0*atan(1.0); // pi
         double b = sqrt(a); // square-root of pi
         if (a == sqr(b)) // pi is equal to
                          // square of square-root of pi?
             cout << "Match" << endl;
             cout << "Mis-Match" << endl;

return 0; }

However, on Visual C++ 64-bit compiler, it prints Mis-Match. Identify the bug and fix it. [1 + 1 = 2]

Write an appropriate guideline to avoid such bugs and improve the quality of the code. [1]

2. What is the output of the following program? [1] #include <iostream>

     using namespace std;
     int main() {
         int *p = new int(5);
         if (p = 0)
             cout << "No Value" << endl;
             cout << *p << endl;

return 0; }

Is it what the developer intended? If yes, justify the thoughts of the de- veloper. If no, find the bug in the program and fix it. [1]

Write an appropriate guideline to avoid such bugs and improve the quality

of the code.



3. Consider the following program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int rem(int n, int r) {
    return n % r;


int main() {
    int n = 15, r = 0; // Line 1
  • //  intn,r;//Line2
  • //  cin>>n>>r;//Line3
        if (r == 0 || rem(n, r))
            cout << "True" << endl;
            cout << "False" << endl;
        if (rem(n, r) || r == 0)
            cout << "True" << endl;
            cout << "False" << endl;

    return 0; }

    While using Visual C++ 64-bit compiler, the output is as follows:

Build Type


Debug (Un-optimized) True
Un-handled Floating Point Exception

Release (Optimized) True True

Now let us comment Line 1 and un-comment Line 2 & Line 3. The output changes to the following while we input 15 for n and 0 for r (as was initialized in Line 1:

Build Type


Debug (Un-optimized) True
Un-handled Floating Point Exception

Release (Optimized) True
Un-handled Floating Point Exception

Explain the behavior in both cases, especially justifying the difference due to changing Line 1 to Line 2 & Line 3 and providing the same input.

[2 + 2 = 4]

Write an appropriate guideline to avoid such bugs and improve the quality of the code. [1]

4. Consider the following program having 6 functions – each being a slight variant of the other. State the behavior (like compilation error, wrong output, run-time exception, correct output – showing the output, unpre- dictable behavior, etc.) of each function with proper justification (refer to specific lines in a function as you may need) of the behaviour as stated. You may compare the functions also from the perspectives of the quality of the code. Make a table in the following format in your submission sheet

and fill up accordingly.

[0.3 * 6 = 3]


Function Name



Justification & Comments

Finally, based on the observations above, formulate guidelines to maintain a good quality of code. [2]

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
void f1() {
    char * str = "Bat";
    cout << str << endl;
    str[0] = ’C’;
    cout << str << endl;
    str = "Rat";
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << endl;


void f2() {
    const char * str = "Bat";
    cout << str << endl;
    str[0] = ’C’;
    cout << str << endl;
    str = "Rat";
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << endl;


void f3() {
    char * const str = "Bat";
    cout << str << endl;
    str[0] = ’C’;
    cout << str << endl;
    str = "Rat";
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << endl;


void f4() {
    char * str = strdup("Bat");
    cout << str << endl;
    str[0] = ’C’;
    cout << str << endl;
    str = strdup("Rat");
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << endl;


void f5() {
    const char * str = strdup("Bat");
    cout << str << endl;
    str[0] = ’C’;
    cout << str << endl;
    str = strdup("Rat");
    cout << str << endl;
    cout << endl;



  void f6() {
      char * const str = strdup("Bat");
      cout << str << endl;
      str[0] = ’C’;
      cout << str << endl;
      str = strdup("Rat");
      cout << str << endl;
      cout << endl;


  int main() {

return 0; }

5. Consider the following program where 24 lines have been marked. State the behavior (like compilation error, wrong output, run-time exception, correct output – showing the output, unpredictable behavior, etc.) of each line with proper justification (refer to specific lines in a function as you may need) of the behaviour as stated. Make a table in the following for- mat in your submission sheet and fill up accordingly.

Function Name

Line 01
Line 02
Line 24


[0.5 * 24 = 12]

Justification & Comments

Finally, based on the observations above, formulate guidelines to maintain a good quality of code. [2]

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int e(int x) {
    cout << "x = " << x << " &x = " << &x << endl;
    return (x);


int f(int &x) {
    cout << "x = " << x << " &x = " << &x << endl;
    return (x);
int& g(int x) {
    cout << "x = " << x << " &x = " << &x << endl;

return (x); }

int& h(int &x) {
    cout << "x = " << x << " &x = " << &x << endl;
    return (x);



int main() {
    int a = 10;
    cout << "a = " << a << " &a = " << &a << endl;
    int& rvv = e(a); // Line 01
    int& rrv = f(a); // Line 02
    int& rvr = g(a); // Line 03
    int& rrr = h(a); // Line 04
    cout << "rvv = " << rvv << " &rvv = " << &rvv << endl; // Line 05
    cout << "rrv = " << rrv << " &rrv = " << &rrv << endl; // Line 06
    cout << "rvr = " << rvr << " &rvr = " << &rvr << endl; // Line 07
    cout << "rrr = " << rrr << " &rrr = " << &rrr << endl; // Line 08
    const int& rvvc = e(a); // Line 09
    const int& rrvc = f(a); // Line 10
    const int& rvrc = g(a); // Line 11
    const int& rrrc = h(a); // Line 12
    cout << "rvvc = " << rvvc << " &rvvc = " << &rvvc << endl; // Line 13
    cout << "rrvc = " << rrvc << " &rrvc = " << &rrvc << endl; // Line 14
    cout << "rvrc = " << rvrc << " &rvrc = " << &rvrc << endl; // Line 15
    cout << "rrrc = " << rrrc << " &rrrc = " << &rrrc << endl; // Line 16
    e(a) = 1; // Line 17
    cout << "a = " << a << " &a = " << &a << endl; // Line 18
    f(a) = 2; // Line 19
    cout << "a = " << a << " &a = " << &a << endl; // Line 20
    g(a) = 3; // Line 21
    cout << "a = " << a << " &a = " << &a << endl; // Line 22
    h(a) = 4; // Line 23
    cout << "a = " << a << " &a = " << &a << endl; // Line 24

return 0; }


  • Assignment-1-enwjnx.zip