CS135-Project 10 Solved

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Project [10]: File Input/output


Project Goals

The goal of this project is to:

  1. Get students familiar with functions to read from and write to files, in text and binary modes


Important Notes:

  1. Formatting: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and formatting: for example, do not change the text in the first problem from “Please enter item data

(part number, quantity, price): ” to “Enter the item: ”. Your assignment will be auto-graded and any changes in formatting will result in a loss in the grade.

  1. Comments: Header comments are required on all files and recommended for the rest of the program. Points will be deducted if no header comments are included.
  2. Restriction: The use of goto statements anywhere within this program is prohibited. Points will be deducted if gotois used.


Problem 1

Write a program to repeatedly ask the user to enter information regarding inventory for a business (item part number, quantity, price) and then saves the information to a file called inventory.txt. The program stops the loop when the user enters 0 for the part number.

The program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):

This program stores a business inventory.

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 1, 2.4

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 1, 4, 3.0 Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 0 Thank you. Inventory stored in file inventory.txt.


  • Your program must write to the file in binary mode, using the fwrite function


Save your program as save_inventory.c




Challenge for problem 1 (10 extra credit points):

Modify your program to check if the user enters an identical part number again. If this occurs, the program should print a message and ask for the input again.

The program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):

This program stores a business inventory.

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 1, 2.4

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 1, 4, 3.0

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 3, 4, 3.0

This item has been entered before.

Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 2, 4, 1.3 Please enter item data (part number, quantity, price): 0 Thank you. Inventory stored in file inventory.txt.

Save your challenge separately as save_inventory_c.c


Problem 2

Write a program to read information from the inventory.txt file and display it to the screen, formatted as follows: Part#, Quantity, and Item Price in the table header should be separated by tabs. The part number field should take 5 spaces (values right justified), the quantity field should take 8 spaces (values right justified), and the price field should take 9 spaces with 2 numbers after the decimal (values right justified, with the $ sign in front of the price).

The program should function as follows:

Below are the items in your inventory.

Part#   Quantity        Item Price

3          1        $     2.40

  • 4 $     00
  • 4 $     30


  • Your program must read from the file in binary mode, using the fread function


Save your program as disp_inventory.c



  • Project10-myowwz.zip