CS111 Assignment-SongApp Solved

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In the second part of your project, you are to write a Song Application that stores a library of songs and implements several functionalities,
such as printing all songs in the library.

We provide the following files here:
IO.java: the IO class
Song.java: the Song class from the first part of the project
SongApp.java: the application file you are to update and submit
SongDriver.java: a driver to test your SongApp
SongApp.java contains all the methods you need to implement. Refer to the methods description on file for your implementation. Fill in the code
in the methods SongApp, addSong, removeSong, getSongs, getNumberOfItems, updateRating, print, getSongsBySongwriter, getSongsByYear,
getSongsWithRatingsGreaterThan, sortByName, sortByYear, and searchSongByName.

Submit the file SongApp.java

Observe the following rules:

DO NOT add any import statements to SongApp.java
DO NOT change the headers of ANY of the given methods
DO NOT change/remove any of the given class fields
DO NOT add any new class fields
DO NOT use System.exit()
DO NOT use the IO module in SongApp.java
YOU MAY add new helper methods, but you must declare them private
If you wish to change SongDriver, feel free. You are not submitting it.

  • SongApp-fqxxfu.zip