CS111 Assignment -Decompress Solved

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Write your code in the file StringRec.java, your class must have this exact name with S and R capitalized.

Include a recursive method decompress with the following method header:

public static String decompress(String compressedText):
The following restrictions apply to method decompress:

Do not use loops (while, do/while, or for).
Do not declare any variables outside of a method. You may declare local variables inside a method.
Method decompress will decompress text which has been compressed using the RLE algorithm defined in the previous assignment and described below.

Run-length encoding (RLE) is a simple “compression algorithm” (an algorithm which takes a block of data and reduces its size, producing a block
that contains the same information in less space). It works by replacing repetitive sequences of identical data items with short “tokens” that
represent entire sequences. Applying RLE to a string involves finding sequences in the string where the same character repeats. Each such sequence
should be replaced by a “token” consisting of:

the number of characters in the sequence
the repeating character
If a character does not repeat, it appears as a single character in the compressed string with no number preceding it.

For example, consider the following string:

After applying the RLE algorithm, this string is converted into:

In the compressed string, “9w” represents a sequence of 9 consecutive lowercase “w” characters. “5e” represents 5 consecutive lowercase “e” characters, etc.

For example, the following call to decompress

returns the string: “qwwwwwwwwweeeeerrtyyyyyqqqqwEErTTT”

You may write your own main method to test your decompress method. Autolab will ignore your main method.

For this problem, you may assume that the character counts will be single-digit numbers (a character will not repeat more than 9 times consecutively).

Hint #1: remember that characters are represented by numeric codes. You can decrement a character variable as follows:

char c = ‘7’;
c–; // c will now hold the character ‘6’

Hint #2: You probably will not need to use this hint for this problem. However, a fast way to convert a digit character into the numeric value of the digit is to subtract the character code for the digit zero:

char c = ‘7’; // this has the character code 55, not 7
int x = c – ‘0’; // this produces the number 7

  • Decompress-rcgkei.zip