CPSC349: Front-End Web Engineering Homework 5 Solved

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In this assignment, you will finish the CoffeeRun app and modify the RemoteDataStore module to work with FIREBASE as a back end.

Complete the following:

  1. If you have not yet completed Chapter 12 (Form Validation), work through that chapter to add form validation.
  2. Work through Chapter 13 (Ajax) to connect CoffeeRun to the back-end service at http://coffeerun-v2-rest-api.herokuapp.com/api/coffeeorders.
  3. Using Firebase, create a new Firebase app for CoffeeRun, using the data sent to the API hosted on Heroku as a guide.
  4. Modify scripts/remotedatastore.js as necessary to use Firebase as CoffeeRun’s new back-end. Note the following…

 You may need to change the way that orders are created.

 Any changes you make should not affect the code outside remotedatastore.js.

 As with the Heroku API, access the collections over HTTP.

  1. Push the contents of your project to a new GitHub repository using a git client (e.g., the git command-line client, GitHub desktop. Do not submit files using drag-and- drop onto the repository web page, and do not push this assignment to the same repository as your previous homework assignments.
  • CS349_CoffeeRunHw5-gdhigm.zip