CPSC121 Lab exercise 1 objectives Solved

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  1. Navigate and explore Tuffix, a Linux environment.
  2. Write C++ code on the Atom editor.
  3. Navigate the Linux file system using a command line interface (CLI).
  4. Compile C++ code.
  5. Run compiled code (executable files).
  6. Use git to add and commit code to the local staging area as well as push code to a Github repository.

Instructional videos

Here are some instructional videos that you can view to know more about Tuffix and the command line.

  1. Running Tuffix using Virtual Box (https://youtu.be/otB9FPC86a8?t=1m54s)
  2. Intro to Tuffix (https://youtu.be/c0ZrWmarSwI)
  3. Intro to the Linux command line (https://youtu.be/bQm8TUTDK7E)
  4. Intro to Atom and clang++ compilation (https://youtu.be/TYlg3Ka8Mos) (Replace all the g++ commands with clang++)


Follow the steps listed below to complete this lab exercise.

  1. Make sure that the shared clipboard of VirtualBox is set to Bidirectional to allow you to easily copy and paste text between your host operating system and your virtual machine. Setting shared clipboard to bidirectional
  2. Open the Terminal in Tuffix through the Whisker menu.
  3. Make a copy of this Github repository on your computer using the git and clone commands that you will input to the terminal. The commands take a URL as a parameter to specify where it can get a copy of the repository. You can find the URL by clicking on the green Clone or download button at the top right part of this page.

    Copy the URL and replace the dummy text shown below. When you hit Enter it will ask you to provide your Github username and password. Once done, you will have a copy of the repository on your computer.

    git clone <URL>
    git clone https://github.com/CSUF-CPSC121-2019F0911/mycode.git
  4. Navigate into your labex1 folder using the command line. Take note that this will vary per user because the folder name is based on your Github username. The example below assumes the user’s username is Tuffy. Replace it with your own folder name. Take note that you can type the first few letters of the folder name and press Tab so that it auto completes the folder name for you.
    cd labex01-<github username>
    cd labex01-tuffy
  5. Your lab exercise 1 folder will contain all files you need for this exercise. Use the Atom editor to implement C++ code that will print Hello world on the screen. Save the code into a file called hello.cpp inside your lab exercise 1 folder.
  6. Compile the file using the command below. The -std option tells the compiler that it will use C++ version 17 standards and the -o hello option tells the compiler to place the executable code into a file called hello.
    clang++ -std=c++17 hello.cpp -o hello
  7. Run the program using the command below
  8. When everything runs correctly, let’s copy your code into the Github repository. The first step is to add hello.cpp to what is called the staging area using git’s add command. The parameter after add is the name of the file you want to add. Optionally, you can type . (period) if you want to add all modified files.
    git add hello.cpp
  9. Once everything is in the staging area, we use the commit command to tell git that we have added everything we need into the staging area.
    git commit
  10. In case it asks you to configure global variables for an email and name, copy the commands shown on screen and replace the dummy text with your email and Github username.
    git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
    git config --global user.name "Tuffy Titan"

    When you’re done, make sure you type git commit again.

  11. Git will ask you to describe what you have added to the staging area. By default, you will use a command-line based editor called nano. Go ahead and provide a description then press Ctrl + x to exit. Press Y to confirm that you want to make changes and then press Enter.
  12. Finally, lets push all changes to the Github repository using git’s push command. Provide your Github username and password when you are asked.
    git push
  13. Congratulations, you have now completed your C++ project on Github! Refresh this page and you should see the hello.cpp file you pushed from your command line.
  • Lab_01.zip