CPRG307 Assignment 3 Solved

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This is the Database course assignment assigned to us in third semester.

The res folder contains:
1. Assignment instruction document – CPRG 307_Assignment 3.pdf
2. A delimited text file with the payroll transaction information in it. This delimited text file is processed, a month end process is performed and database data is exported – payroll.txt
3. An executable jar file so that you can perform integration tests to ensure your code is compatible with the front end. – CPRG307-Assignment3.jar
4. Physical ERD of the database used for the assignment – WKIS ERD.pdf
5. SQL scripts to create the database tables – create_wkis.sql, add constraints to the tables – constraints_wkis.sql, load data in the tables – load_wkis.sql

Execute the scripts in the following order:
1. create_wkis.sql
2. constraints_wkis.sql
3. load_wkis.sql

My assignment solution – Assignment solution.sql which is complete and correct.



  • Database-Assignment3-main-cvtkw4.zip