CPL Homework 4 Solved

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In this Homework assignment, we will be writing in ​ LIS​        P. If you need help on how to run LISP on Openlab, refer to this document her​         e.


In writing the following LISP functions, you may use only these primitive functions:


defun cond cons car cdr operators +, -, <, and >  

null eq


atom symbolp


You may also write and use auxiliary functions, but you must submit these along with your solution. HINT: some functions require subfunctions.


NOTE: ​ You MUST use recursion instead of looping. DO NOT assume the lists are SIMPLE​    unless it is explicitly specified in the problem statement.


EFFICIENCY NOTE:Do not traverse the whole list more than once​         . For example, do not​        flatten the list before processing it. Please provide sample runs that adequately test the functionality of each function.


We will start by writing some built-in functions, but we will add “my_” (or “my-”) to the front of the name. I tried to put these in order of difficulty (IMO). The first two are for practice and not​   worth any points, but please show them working correctly in your report.


  1. [8]​ Define a function​ my-length​   that takes one parameter, a list L, and returns the​      number of top-level elements in L. Examples:
    • (my-length nil) –> 0

(my-length ‘(b (a b c))       –> 2

(my-length ‘(a (((b))) c))    –> 3

(my-length ‘(a b c))          –> 3


  1. [10]​ Define a function ​  my-memq​    that takes two parameters, a symbol A and a list of​    symbols L, and returns the list starting where the symbol bound to A was found.   It returns nil otherwise.  Examples:
    • (my-memq ‘a nil) –> nil

○ (my-memq ‘b ‘(a b c))         –> (b c)

○ (my-memq ‘d ‘(a b c d e f g)) –> (d e f g)

○ (my-memq ‘d ‘(a b c d))        –> (d)

○ (my-memq ‘d ‘(a b c))          –> nil


  1. [8]​ Define a function ​ my-append​  that takes two parameters, a list L1 and a list L2, and​ returns the result of appending the two lists together.  You must not call append.
    • (my-append ‘(a b c) ‘(d e f))

–> (a b c d e f)

○ (my-append ‘((a) (b) (c)) ‘((d) (e) (f)))

–> ((a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f))

○ (my-append nil ‘(d e f))

–> (d e f)

○ (my-append ‘(a b c) nil)

–> (a b c)


  1. [6]​ Define the function ​ my-attach​    which takes an object O and a list L and returns the​   list L with O added to the end. Examples:
    • (my-attach ‘a nil) –> (a)

○ (my-attach ‘d ‘(a b c))        –> (a b c d)

○ (my-attach ‘(a) ‘(b c))        –> (b c (a))


  1. [10]​ Define the function ​        my-assoc​    that takes an atom A and a list L and returns the​       association pair for A. L is of the form ((key1 . value1)(key2 . value2) … (keyn . valuen)) Examples:
    • (my-assoc ‘a nil) –> nil

○ (my-assoc ‘a ‘((a . b)(c e f)(b))) –> (a . b) ○ (my-assoc ‘c ‘((a . b)(c e f)(b))) –> (c e f)

○ (my-assoc ‘b ‘((a . b)(c e f)(b))) –> (b)

○ (my-assoc ‘f ‘((a . b)(c e f)(b))) –> nil


  1. [6]​ Define the function ​ freq​   that takes a symbol A and a list L and counts the​       occurrence of symbol A found anywhere in L. Examples:
    • (freq ‘c ‘((a c) c e))  –> 2 ○ (freq  ‘f ‘(((s) o ) d))      –> 0

○ (freq  ‘f ‘(((f) f) f f))     –> 4

  1. [6]​ Define the function ​ mapping​      that takes 2 arguments – a list L, and an integer value​ Every element of the list L is a list of two atoms – key and object. (e.g. L <– ((35 kim) (67 clinton) (45 emma))) The function returns a list of objects whose key is less than val. Examples:
    • (mapping ‘((35 kim) (67 clinton) (45 emma)) 40)  –> (kim)

○ (mapping ‘((24 a) (15 b) (56 c) (19 d)) 26)    –> (a b d)

○ (mapping ‘((90 a) (80 b) (70 c))  40)

–> nil


  1. [10]​ Define a function ​  my-last​        that takes two parameters, a symbol A and a list of​    symbols L, and returns the list starting where the last occurrence of symbol A is in L.  It returns nil only if A is not in the list.  Examples:
(my-last ‘a ‘(a b c a b c a b c d e f g))

–>    (a b c d e f g)

(my-last ‘b ‘(a b c a b c a b c d e f g))

–>    (b c d e f g)

(my-last ‘c ‘(a b c a b c a b c d e f g))

–>    (c d e f g)

(my-last ‘g ‘(a b c a b c a b c d e f g))

–>    (g)

(my-last ‘h ‘(a b c a b c a b c d e f g))

–>    nil


  1. [8]​ Define the function ​ my-reverse​  that takes a list L and returns the reverse of L.​ Examples:
    • (my-reverse nil) –> nil

○ (my-reverse ‘(a))                   –> (a)

○ (my-reverse ‘(1 2 3 4 5))           –> (5 4 3 2 1)

○ (my-reverse ‘((1 2 3) 4 ((5 6))))  –> (((5 6)) 4 (1 2 3))


10.[8]​ Define the function ​     is-pattern?​   that takes two SIMPLE lists pat and str and returns​    the sublist of str which starts with the pat if pat is a substring of str. Otherwise, it returns nil. Examples:

○ (is-pattern? ‘(a b s) ‘(c d b a s))

–> nil

○ (is-pattern? ‘(c a c) ‘(b a j a c a c t u s))

–> (c a c t u s)

○ (is-pattern? nil ‘(a n y l i s t))

–> nil

○ (is-pattern? ‘(l i s p) nil)

–> nil


11.[8]​ Define the function ​     first-atom​    that takes a list L and returns the first atom of L.​        Examples:

○ (first-atom nil)                   –> nil

○ (first-atom ‘((2 (1) 4) 6))    –> 2 ○ (first-atom ‘((((s)) o )))         –> s

○ (first-atom ‘(1 (((2)) 3 4)))       –> 1


12.[10] Define a function ​       find-all​        that takes a symbol A and a list L and finds and returns​       the first symbol following each occurrence of A in L, or nil if A does not occur in L. Note that A may occur nested within L, possibly as the last element of a sublist.  You may assume that there is always a symbol occurring afterwards. Examples:

○ (find-all ‘a nil)                  –> nil

○ (find-all ‘a ‘(b a c a e))         –> (c e) ○ (find-all ‘a ‘(b d c e))           –> nil

○ (find-all ‘a ‘(b (a a) c))         –> (a c)

○ (find-all ‘a ‘((b a) ((c a b))))   –> (c b)


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