CPE212-Project02 Solved

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Project02 Goals

A          fundamental  software         engineering    skill     is         the      design,            implementation,        and      testing of         a software         component     that     must   be        integrated      into     a          larger  software         product.                      In        order  to do        this,     the      software         component     must   conform          to         a          previously      agreed upon   interface         format. As        part     of         this      assignment,    you      will      practice          this      skill     by        completing     the      specification  and implementation         of         several           classes           that     will      be        integrated      into     a          larger  software         product provided        by        the      instructor.                  Along  the      way     you      will      review basic   C++     programming and      Linux  file management  skills   required         for       successful       completion     of         CPE     212.

Project02 Overview

For      this      project,           you      will      complete        the      provided        partial C++     program         that     utilizes            classes and inheritance    to         model geometric       shapes.           Class   Shape is         an        abstract          base    class    used    to         model properties      common         to         all        shapes including        its        Color.             Shape includes          a          function          (area) that must   exhibit polymorphic  behavior         in         any      derived           classes.                       Class   Triangle        is         a          derived class    that     is         used    to         model properties      of         all        triangles.                    The     Triangle        class    inherits from    the      base    class    Shape.            Class   Rectangle      is         a          derived           class    that     is         used    to         model properties      of         all        rectangles.                  The     Rectangle      class    inherits           from    the      base    class    Shape.            The Project02_Materials.zip     file       includes          four     source code    files     and      a          makefile.

Filename                  Project02_Materials.zip                  Description        
main.cpp                  Included Driver    program                  to              test          Shape,   Triangle,                and                  Rectangle              classes
shape.h Write     and          submit  this                  file           Specification         file            for            Shape    class
shape.cpp                  Included Implementation  file            for            Shape    class
triangle.h                  Included Specification         file            for            Triangle                 class
triangle.cpp                  Write     and          submit  this                  file Implementation  file            for            Triangle                 class
rectangle.h                  Included Specification         file            for            Rectangle              class
rectangle.cpp                  Write     and          submit  this                  file Implementation  file            for            Rectangle              class
color.h  Included Specification         file            for            Color      class
color.cpp                  Write     and          submit  this                  file Implementation  file            for            Color      class
p02input1.txt                  Included Tests       class        Shape    member                  functions
p02input2.txt                  Included Tests       class        Triangle                 member                  functions
p02input3.txt                  Included Tests       class        Rectangle              member                  functions


Step #1 – Unzipping Project Materials on blackhawk

Use      the      Firefox            browser          to         access Canvas            and      download       the      Project02_Materials.zip     file       into your    Project02      directory.                   At        terminal         window          prompt,          use      the      unzip  utility  to uncompress   the      files.                For      example,         to         unzip  the      files     into     your    current           directory:

unzip  Project02_Materials.zip

Since   this      project            is         worth  three   points, you      have    been    given   three   input   files     to         test      your    program.

Step #2 – Create Function Stubs for the Missing Support Functions

Open   a          Linux  terminal         window          and      navigate         to         the      directory        containing      the      Project02 materials        downloaded   from    Canvas            (you    should be        there   already           if          you      just      completed      Step    #1 above).

Use      the      following        command       to         create the      missing           files     by        typing the      following        at         the Linux  prompt.                      Linux  is         case     sensitive         so        pay      attention        to         upper  versus lower  case     letters.

gedit color.cpp shape.h triangle.cpp rectangle.cpp &

This     command       starts  the      gedit   text     editor  running          as        a          background    process           (          &         ).          With    the      editor  running          in         the      background,   you      may     use      the      same   terminal         window          to compile          and      test      your    program.

—          Place   the      missing           Shape class    declaration     in         shape.h         

—          Place   stubs   for       Color, Triangle        and      Rectangle      functions        in         color.cpp,      triangle.cpp  and rectangle.cpp           and      save    the      files.

In         the      terminal         window,         compile          your    program         by        typing the      word   make  at         the      prompt and      press   the      Enter   key.                 If         you      see      error   messages,       use      the      text     editor  to         make   corrections to         the      function          stubs   and      switch back    to         the      terminal         window          to         type    make  again   to recompile       your    program.                    Once   your    program         compiles,        you      may     execute           it          by        typing:                                                             ./project02   inputfilename      

Now    that     your    program         compiles         and      executes         using   function          stubs,  you      may     implement     and      test your    solution          function          by        function.                     Start    with    the      functions        associated      with    opening          files and      loading           data.

Running the Sample Solution on blackhawk [shows the desired output for specified input file] The    best     description    of what   your    code    should            do        is         the      Sample           Solution         for       the      project.

Run     the      sample            solution          by        typing the      following        at         blackhawk    terminal         window          command prompt           where inputfilename     is         the      name   of         one      of         the      provided        input   files     (for     example, p02input1.txt).

/home/work/cpe212/project02/p02   inputfilename

Your    current           working          directory        must   contain           the      input   files     for       this      to         work.

Running the Preview Script on blackhawk [analyzes outputs for all provided input files]

Run     the      preview          script  by        typing the      following        in         a          blackhawk    terminal         window          command prompt


This     script  will      run      both    the      Sample           Solution         AND    your    project02      executable      program         on        the complete        set       of         input   files,    and      it          compares       the      outputs           of         the      two     programs       line      by line      to         identify           errors in         your    program’s      outputs.                      Make   sure    that     the      output of         your program         exactly            matches          the      output of         the      Sample           Solution.

  • To use      the      preview          script, your    executable     must   be        on       blackhawk   
  • The sample           input  files     must   be        in        your    current          working         directory       BEFORE          you execute          the      preview          script!!!         


  • project02-2xtpin.zip