COSC441 Assignment 2 – Medium Access Control Solved

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1    Administrivia

In this assignment you will explore the design, implementation and performance evaluation of two wireless MAC protocols, a CSMA-based protocol and a variant of the venerable ALOHA protocol. The assignment is worth 30% of the overall marks. You will develop a simulation model using the OMNeT++ discreteevent simulation framework. You will be given an overall simulation framework for your MAC protocols, including the “higher layer” components, a transceiver and a channel model. You find that framework on the Learn site of the course. It is stored there as a .tgz archive, which you will need to unpack it in a suitable place with the command

$ tar xvfz file.tgz

where file.tgz is the filename of the .tgz archive. It unpacks into a sub-directory, which contains the file with further information.

You will work in groups of two students. The marks for the assignment will be based on:

  • The achieved functionality and correctness of your code, and of the results generated by it, as well as the quality of your explanations of the results. You will provide evidence of these in a written final report.
  • The quality of presentation of results, as evidenced in the final report.
  • Your familiarity with the code and your ability to explain it well, as evidenced in the final report and in one-on-one inspections during week twelve.

I have tried my best to make the following description as clear, helpful and correct/consistent as I possibly can. If you have any question or any doubt please let me know (by email, on the Learn forum or during the lecture). I will update this assignment description as necessary.

1.3 Assignment Timeline • During the third term you will acquaint yourself with the C++ programming language and the OMNeT++ discrete-event simulation framework. While the main responsibility for this is on you, I will give a brief introduction to C++, discrete-event simulation and OMNeT++ in the tutorials. You will be able to gain some experience with C++/OMNeT++ with the physical layer assignment. • Early in term one the assignment description (this document) will be published, and will be updated as necessary. You will be notified through Learn about important updates.

  • In the second term we will use the tutorials as drop-in clinics.
  • At the end of week eleven each pair submits a final report through Learn. The precise deadline and submission instructions for the submission are given in Section 8.
  • During week twelve I will meet with each of you individually. You will demonstrate your simulation and explain your code to me. You will be marked on your familiarity with the code (all of it!) and your ability to explain it clearly and concisely. We will allocate time slots for these inspections closer in time.

2    Framework

2.1     Module Structure

Figure 1: System Setup

The overall module structure of the simulation framework is shown in Figure 1. Note that this does not show the enclosing NED network module. All modules mentioned in this subsection are given to you as part of the framework. We discuss the modules in turn.

Node A Node is an OMNeT++ compound module. It contains as submodules an individual Application and a NetworkInterface module. It has three parameters: ownAddress gives the own node address, and the ownXPosition and ownYPosition parameters specify the two-dimensional geographic position of the node. These parameters are propagated into the child modules.

Application The Application is a simple module. It is responsible for generating “application layer” packets and handing these over to the local MAC for transmission, and in the other direction it is responsible for receiving “application messages” from the underlying MAC and generating suitable statistics. It exchanges messages of type AppMessage and AppResponse with the underlying MAC. It has the following parameters: a configurable distribution for the inter-arrival time of generated messages (parameter interArrivalTime), a configurable distribution for the size of the generated messages in bytes (packetSize), a configurable distribution for the address of the receiver node of a message (receiverNodeAddress), and the own node address (ownAddress). The ownAddress parameter is set by the enclosing Node module, the other parameters should be set in the omnetpp.ini configuration file or in the relevant network modules for the individual experiments.

NetworkInterface The NetworkInterface is a compound module containing a MAC module and a Transceiver module. The MAC module can be any OMNeT++ module type that adheres to the InterfaceMac module interface, i.e. it is possible to slot in different specific MAC modules (in particular the CsmaMac and AlohaMac described below). The NetworkInterface compound module has four parameters. The three parameters ownAddress, ownXPosition and ownYPosition are set by the enclosing Node module and propagated down into the child modules of NetworkInterface, the fourth parameter macType is a string parameter which you can use to specify the specific MAC module type to be used. This module type will have to adhere to the InterfaceMac module interface.

Transceiver The Transceiver is a simple module, modeling a simplified half-duplex transceiver. It is responsible for the interaction with the Channel and provides a simple log-distance channel model. In particular, it keeps track of all ongoing transmissions, calculates for any node the received power of incoming transmissions, calculates bit- and packet error rates and drops incoming packets when they are hit by a bit error or when there has been a collision in the channel (i.e. two or more nodes transmitting at the same time). It can also perform carrier-sense operations for the MAC above, and it models turnaround between transmit and receive mode. Propagation delay is not modeled. The Transceiver has a number of parameters:

  • txPowerDBm is the transmit power in dBm.
  • bitRate is the bit rate.
  • csThreshDBm is the carrier-sense threshold in dBm: when the Transceiver is tasked to perform a carrier-sense operation, it will calculate the total received power in the channel (from all ongoing transmissions) and compare it against this threshold – if the total power is lower, then the channel/carrier is considered to be free, otherwise busy.
  • noisePowerDBm is the noise power (in dBm) of the receive circuitry.
  • pathLossExponent is the path loss exponent.
  • turnaroundTime is the time (in seconds) the transceiver needs to turn from receive mode to transmit mode (or from transmit to receive mode).
  • csTime gives the time needed for a carrier-sense operation.
  • ownAddress, ownXPosition and ownYPosition are the same as for the Node module, and they are set by the surrounding NetworkInterface. All other parameters need to be set in the ini configuration file.

Channel The Channel is a simple module responsible for copying messages telling the start and stop of a node transmission to all nodes in the system. These messages are generated and processed by the Transceiver modules attached to the channel.

2.2     MAC Module Interface

All the modules described so far will be provided to you (both the .ned files and the accompanying C++ source code), along with all types of messages and packets that you will need (.msg files). You should inspect their .ned files for more details on their gate names, parameters and, importantly, their signals and the statistics they generate (if any).

You will have to implement two MAC protocols described below. Both protocols will need to adhere to the module interface InterfaceMac, defined as follows:

package cosc441 mac ;

moduleinterface InterfaceMac

{ parameters :

// own           station  address int          ownAddress ;

// max number          of              AppMessages      the MAC can        store       in FIFO buffer int              bufferSize ;

// Overhead for a MAC data packet int macOverheadSizeData @unit( byte );

// Overhead                 for            a MAC acknowledgement int      macOverheadSizeAck @unit( byte );

gates :

input fromHigher ; output toHigher ; input fromTransceiver ; output toTransceiver ; }

It has the following parameters:

  • ownAddress is the own station address, set by the enclosing NetworkInterface
  • bufferSize: specifies how many AppMessage entries for transmission the MAC can hold in total. The buffer is organized in FIFO order, and when it is non-empty, the MAC always works on the oldest (or head-of-line, HOL) element.
  • macOverheadSizeData: specifies the MAC frame overhead size (MAC header, MAC trailer) in bytes for a MAC data packet.
  • macOverheadSizeAck: specifies the MAC frame overhead size (MAC header, MAC trailer) for a MAC acknowledgement packet.

Furthermore, a MAC needs to have the following four gates:

  • fromHigher: This is an input gate over which the MAC will receive packets from the higher layers for transmission. The packets will have to be of type AppMessage.
  • toHigher: This is an output gate, used for two different purposes:
    • The MAC is expected to send back exactly one AppResponse message for each AppMessage it was asked to transmit by its local higher layers. This AppResponse message provides the higher layers with information about the success or failure of packet transmission (see below).
    • Any AppMessage received from another node is handed over to the local higher layers.
  • fromTransceiver: This is an input gate on which the MAC receives messages from the Transceiver.

The three messages to expect are CSResponse (outcome of a carrier-sense operation), TransmissionConfirmat

(indicating that the Transceiver has completed transmission of a packet and is now back in receive mode), and TransmissionIndication (indicating that the Transceiver has successfully received an incoming packet).

  • toTransceiver: This is an output gate through which the MAC will send messages to the Transceiver. These messages should be of type CSRequest (asking the Transceiver to initiate a carrier-sense operation) or TransmissionRequest (asking the Transceiver to start transmission of a packet).

Note that the two .ned files AlohaMac.ned and CsmaMac.ned given to you in the framework conform to this interface.

3    Interaction between MAC and Application

The Application generates packets of type AppMessage for transmission and sends these to the MAC, which gets them over the fromHigher gate. The precise format of the AppMessage packets is shown here:

packet AppMessage { simtime t             timestamp ; int                  senderAddress ; int               receiverAddress ; int     sequenceNumber ;


Note that class AppMessage is a sub-class of the OMNeT++ class cPacket, so you can use the encapsulate() method of the MAC packet type MacPacket to directly encapsulate the AppMessage into a MAC packet.

The key requirement in the interaction between MAC and Application is that the MAC will have to generate exactly one AppResponse message for each AppRequest message it has received from the Application. The format of the AppResponse message is shown here:

cplusplus {{

#include ”AppMessageStatus m .h”

}} enum AppMessageStatus ;

message AppResponse { int     sequenceNumber ;

int                            outcome @enum(AppMessageStatus );


where the sequenceNumber field has to be identical to the sequenceNumber field of the AppMessage for which the AppResponse is generated. There are the following possible values for the AppMessageStatus:

enum AppMessageStatus


Success                                =        0;

BufferDrop                       =        1;

ChannelFailure            =        2;

}; with the following semantics:

  • Success: means that the MAC protocol has transmitted a MacPacket with the AppMessage embedded and has received an immediate (MAC layer) acknowledgement for this packet.
  • BufferDrop: the MAC maintains a finite buffer for AppMessages from the higher layers. If this buffer is full and another AppMessage arrives, then the MAC will have to drop the new AppMessage (after it generated the AppResponse for it, of course).
  • ChannelFailure: means that the MAC has attempted to transmit a MacPacket with the AppMessage embedded to the receiver, but has not received an immediate acknowledgement for this packet after exhausting all allowed attempts.[1]

4    Interaction between MAC and Transceiver

The interaction between the MAC and the Transceiver can be grouped in three different areas: carriersensing for CSMA-type MACs, transmission of packets and reception of packets.

4.1     Carrier-Sensing

A CSMA MAC requires help from the Transceiver to perform carrier-sensing. The MAC initiates the process by sending a CSRequest message to the Transceiver (through the toTransceiver gate). This message carries no parameters and is declared as follows:

message CSRequest {


After receiving this message the Transceiver will spend some time to carry out the carrier-sense operation, and then the Transceiver will return a CSResponse message, declared as follows:

message CSResponse { bool    busyChannel ;


If busyChannel is true, then the channel is considered busy (i.e. the total power received on the channel exceeds the carrier-sense threshold csThreshDBm), otherwise the channel is considered idle. After receiving an idle CSResponse a CSMA MAC will proceed to initiate the packet transmission process.

4.2     Packet Transmission

To prepare a packet transmission, the MAC first prepares a MacPacket, defined as follows:

cplusplus {{

#include ”MacPacketType m .h”

}} enum MacPacketType ;

packet MacPacket


int               receiverAddress ; int     transmitterAddress ;

int                      macPacketType @enum(MacPacketType );


where MacPacketType is defined as

enum MacPacketType


MacDataPacket          =        0;

MacAckPacket             =        1;


More precisely, after creating a new instance of MacPacket, the MAC will have to fill in fields of the MacPacket:

  • The receiverAddress is to be taken from the AppMessage to be transmitted.
  • The transmitterAddress is filled with the value of the ownAddress parameter of the MAC.
  • The MacPacketType tells whether the packet is a data packet or an ACK packet.

Besides filling in these fields, the MAC will also have to set the length of the MacPacket (yet without payload), using the setByteLength() method. Depending on the MacPacketType, this length will either be the value of the macOverheadSizeData parameter or of the macOverheadSizeAck parameter. After this, and when the packet is of type MacDataPacket, the AppMessage to be transmitted can be encapsulated into the MacPacket using the encapsulate() method.

The resulting MacPacket is then encapsulated (using encapsulate() again) into a new message of type TransmissionRequest, defined as follows: packet TransmissionRequest {


The resulting TransmissionRequest message is then sent to the Transceiver via the toTransceiver output gate.

After some activity (the Transceiver will first turn around from receive mode to transmit mode, then transmit the actual packet over the channel and finally turn back from transmit to receive mode), the

Transceiver will send back a TransmissionConfirmation message to the MAC, which has the following format:

message TransmissionConfirmation {


This message will arrive at the MAC on the fromTransceiver gate. It means that the packet transmission has been completed and the Transceiver is now back in receive mode.

4.3     Packet Reception

Most of the hard work in packet reception is carried out in the Transceiver module, in particular the evaluation of the channel error model and figuring out whether an incoming packet has bit errors or not. If an incoming packet is free of bit errors and has a destination address matching the ownAddress parameter of the Transceiver[2] (set by the enclosing NetworkInterface module to the same value as the MAC module parameter of the same name), then the Transceiver will send a TransmissionIndication message to the MAC, which it will receive on its fromTransceiver gate and which has the following format:

packet TransmissionIndication {


The actual MAC packet of type MacPacket is encapsulated into this message and can be decapsulated using the – surprise! – method decapsulate(). The MAC will then have to retrieve the AppMessage by decapsulate()-ing it out of the MacPacket and send it to the Application through the toHigher gate.

5    The CSMA MAC Protocol

The first, and more complex MAC protocol that you should design and implement is a CSMA-type protocol with immediate acknowledgements, a configurable number of transmission attempts (initial attempt and some retransmissions) and a configurable number of random carrier-sense backoffs per attempt.

Your CSMA MAC protocol will be a simple OMNeT++ module called CsmaMac. A minimal .ned specification is provided to you and looks as follows:

package cosc441mac ; import cosc441mac . InterfaceMac ;

simple CsmaMac like                                            InterfaceMac

{ parameters:

@signal [ bufferLossSig ]( type=bool ); // number                           of            packets             l o s t                 at MAC buffer
@signal [ bufferEnteredSig ]( type=bool ); // number                           of            packets                 admitted                      to MAC buffer                   (and                            transmission )
@signal [ numberAttemptsSig ]( type=long ); // number                           of             attempts             per           packet
@signal [ accessFailedSig ]( type=bool ); // number                           of            packets             for                    which no ACK is                     ever               received
@signal [ accessSuccessSig ]( type=bool ); // number                           of            packets             for                    which an ACK is                         received

@statistic [ bufferLossSig ]( record=count ;                                                                      title=”MAC: number of higher−layer packets                                            lost                    at buffer” );

@statistic [ bufferEnteredSig ]( record=count ;                                                                                             title=”MAC: number of higher−layer packets admitted to buffer” );

@statistic [ numberAttemptsSig ]( record=stats ;                                                                          title=”MAC: number of attempts per packet” );

@statistic [ accessFailedSig ]( record=count ;                                                                title=”MAC: number of MAC packets                                                         for which no ACK was received” );

@statistic [ accessSuccessSig ]( record=count ;                                                               title=”MAC: number of MAC packets                                                         for which an ACK was received” );


In the following the operation of the CSMA MAC is only described in broad strokes. You will need to design (and implement!) its detailed operation.

5.1     Packet Buffer

int ownAddress ; // own node                           address
int bufferSize ; // max number                         of                application                    messages                   the MAC can                hold
int maxBackoffs ; // max number                         of            backoff                   operations                per            attempt
int maxAttempts ; // max number                         of            attempts  
int macOverheadSizeData @unit(byte ); //            Overhead             for               a MAC data                 packet  
int macOverheadSizeAck @unit(byte ); //            Overhead             for                      a MAC acknowledgement  
double macAckDelay @unit( s ); //            fixed               waiting             time           for                 sending ACK  
double ackTimeout @unit( s ); //            timeout                      for ACK packet  
volatile double csBackoffDistribution @unit( s ) = default(uniform(0ms, 3ms));                                                                      //                        backoff after                   busy CS
volatile double attBackoffDistribution @unit( s ) = default(uniform(0ms, 10ms));                                                                   //                        backoff after                f a i l e d                    attempt
volatile double gates : succBackoffDistribution @unit( s ) = default(uniform(0ms, 3ms));                                                                      //                        backoff after                       successful                    atte
input fromHigher ; output toHigher ; input fromTransceiver ; output toTransceiver ;

An important design element of the MAC is that it only holds a finite number of packets to transmit. This number is given by the value of the bufferSize module parameter, which has to be an integer larger than or equal to one.

The buffer is organized in FIFO order. The MAC always works on the oldest (or head-of-line, HOL) packet and tries to transmit it to the receiver. When the outcome for the HOL packet is known (i.e. the MAC has either received an acknowledgement for it or has exhausted all allowed attempts), it is removed from the buffer and an appropriate AppResponse message describing the fate of this packet is sent to the Application through the toHigher gate. After this, the MAC will check the buffer status again and starts to work on the next packet when the buffer is non-empty.

When a new AppMessage arrives from the higher layers (through the fromHigher gate), then the buffer occupancy is checked. If there are currently strictly less than bufferSize packets in the buffer (not counting the newly arrived packet) then the packet is added to the buffer (becoming the tail element of the queue) and, if it is the only packet in the buffer, the MAC shall start to work on this packet immediately. If the buffer occupancy upon arrival of a new packet is bufferSize, then the buffer is full, and the newly arrived AppMessage is to be discarded after the MAC generated an appropriate AppResponse message reporting a buffer loss.

5.2     Receive Path and Acknowledgement Generation

When the Transceiver receives a packet without bit errors and if the destination address of the packet coincides with ownAddress, then it will hand over the packet to the MAC using a TransmissionIndication, into which the MacPacket is encapsulated. After receiving the TransmissionIndication, the contained MacPacket should be decapsulated. The AppMessage encapsulated within the MacPacket should be decapsulated as well and sent to the higher layers (through the toHigher gate).[3]

The MAC is required to respond to a received unicast MacPacket with an immediate acknowledgement, to be generated after a fixed amount of time, given by the macAckDelay module parameter.4 Hence, after getting the TransmissionIndication the MAC will have to wait for time macAckDelay, and when this time has expired (you should use a self-message for this timeout) then the MAC shall prepare a MacPacket of type MacAckPacket and hand it over to the Transceiver encapsulated into a TransmissionRequest message. No carrier-sense operation is to be carried out before sending the ACK packet.

5.3     Transmit Path

The MAC always works on the head-of-line (HOL) packet in the buffer. We first describe what constitutes an attempt and what the different outcomes of an attempt are:

  • An attempt always starts with a carrier-sense operation (i.e. exchanging CSRequest and CSResponse messages with the Transceiver).
  • If the Transceiver indicates an idle carrier, then the MAC shall send a packet, by carrying out the following steps:
    • Create a MacPacket of type MacDataPacket and encapsulate the HOL AppMessage into it.
    • Create a TransmissionRequest message, encapsulate the MacPacket and send it to the Transceiver.
    • Wait for the Transceiver returning back a TransmissionConfirmation
    • After getting the TransmissionConfirmation message, start a timer (we call it the ack timer here) with the timeout being ackTimeout seconds into the future.
    • If the MAC receives an acknowledgement packet before the ack timer expires, then the packet transmission has been successful (and the local Application is informed by sending it an AppResponse message indicating Success), the ack timer is cancelled, the current attempt ends (and is considered successful) and the current HOL packet in the buffer is dropped (the packet has been successfully completed). After this, the MAC will wait an additional random backoff time, which here we refer to as a success backoff,5 and which is drawn from the succBackoffDistribution module parameter. After this backoff waiting time, the contents of the packet buffer is checked. If the buffer is non-empty, the MAC will start working on a new packet.
    • If the MAC does not receive an acknowledgement before the ack timer expires, then upon expiry of the ACK timer the current attempt shall be deemed failed.
  • If the Transceiver indicates a busy carrier, the MAC follows a non-persistent-CSMA-type of strategy by executing a carrier-sense backoff : the MAC will draw a random waiting time from the csBackoffDistribution module parameter, wait for this time, and trigger the next carrier-sense operation.
  • The number of carrier-sense backoff operations per attempt is limited to the value given in the maxBackoffs module parameter. If the carrier-sense operation after the maxBackoffs-th carriersense backoff again indicates a busy medium, then the attempt shall be deemed failed. It is important to note that different attempts shall each have the full number maxBackoffs of carriersense backoffs.

When an attempt is deemed as failed, the MAC will wait for a random backoff time drawn from the attBackoffDistribution given as a module parameter – we refer to this backoff as a failure backoff.

need to take care of this, instead duplicates are identified in the Application module, which generates a suitable signal / statistic.

4In this assignment the MAC implementation generates the acknowledgement, which is the correct option from a layering perspective. In practice it is common for ACKs to be generated in the physical layer by the Transceiver chip.

5The intention of this additional backoff is for the successful station to step back for a while and give other stations a chance.

Afterwards the MAC will check whether further attempts are allowed, the total number of allowed attempts is given by the maxAttempts module parameter.

5.4     Signals/Statistics

The MAC should collect a number of statistics, using OMNeT++ mechanism for signal-based statistics collection (see Sections 4.14 and 4.15 in the OMNeT++ simulation manual ). You should collect at least the following statistics:

  • Number of AppMessage’s arriving from the local Application that are dropped at the buffer (i.e. AppMessage’s arriving at a full buffer that then get dropped).
  • Number of AppMessage’s arriving from the local Application that are admitted to the buffer (i.e. not dropped).
  • The number of attempts per AppMessage.
  • The number of AppMessage’s for which no acknowledgement is ever received.
  • The number of AppMessage’s for which an acknowledgement is received.

These statistics can help your debugging. They are pre-defined in the skeleton file CsmaMac.ned given to you as part of the framework.

6    The ALOHA MAC Protocol

Once you have implemented the CsmaMac module, it is an easy exercise to modify it and implement an ALOHA-type protocol: in the CSMA MAC protocol described in Section 5 the carrier-sense operation does not actually need to be carried out, but is considered successful right from the start (and no time is spent on carrier-sensing).

The ALOHA MAC should become its own OMNeT++ simple module AlohaMac with the same module parameters and gates as CsmaMac. It’s implementation should be sub-classed from the CsmaMac implementation. A skeleton implementation of the AlohaMac module is provided in the framework.

7    Hints

  1. I would strongly recommend to use a version control system. In particular, the college of Engineering provides a git server called GitLab at You can log in with your UC credentials and create a new project. You can find plenty of information on the web on how to use git.
  2. The OMNeT++ manual advertises the graphical interfaces as great debugging tools. This should be taken with a grain of salt, in particular the harder errors occur only after some time and are hard to catch. It sounds old school, but there is no substitute for sprinkling your code generously with assertions and printing lots of log messages in a structured textual format through which you can easily sift with grep, awk and friends. Do this from the very beginning, write a log message (using OMNeT++’s standard mechanism of sending text to the EV output stream) for every interesting event, e.g. arrival of a message, timer events, important decisions made during processing etc. I suggest that you inspect the source code of the Transceiver for some inspiration and some useful helper methods to implement. OMNeT++ allows (through a configuration setting) to store these messages in a log file. Make sure that these logs can be easily parsed, e.g. any numbers should not immediately be followed or preceded by other characters than a blank.
  3. You have to be really careful with memory management. In particular, you have to eventually deallocate (delete) all messages that have been created, otherwise you create memory leaks and you cannot run a simulation for long. A simple guideline is that messages should be deleted by the consumer of the message. For example, when the Transceiver sends a TransmissionConfirmation, then the MAC should delete that message.
  4. When designing and developing the CsmaMac, you should proceed in small steps and test each step thoroughly before making the next step. For example:
    1. Start with a simple CSMA MAC that performs carrier-sensing, transmission of data packets and acknowledgements, but does not yet implement carrier-sense backoffs and multiple attempts. Test this thoroughly in a simple scenario with just one “transmitter node” and one “receiver node” that are very close to each other (to rule out channel errors). More precisely, the receiverNodeAddress parameter of the “transmitter node” should point to the “receiver node”, and it should generate new packets of a fixed length deterministically every ten seconds or so (interArrivalTime parameter), whereas the interArrivalTime parameter of the “receiver node” should be set to a very huge deterministic value much larger than your simulation stopping time (so it never generates a packet). Inspect your log messages to make sure all steps are taken in the right order, that packet transmissions have the duration you expect, that timeouts (like the ackTimeout) work correctly, and so on.
    2. Next set the distance between the transmitter node and receiver node to a larger value where packet/bit errors occur at a high rate, and check whether your transmitter node notices the absence of an acknowledgement in such a case.
    3. Next implement having multiple attempts and test in the previous two-node scenario whether it works correctly.
    4. Next test whether you have implemented buffer handling correctly by vastly increasing the rate of AppMessage arrivals at the transmitter node to the point where packets arrive faster than they can be transmitted.
    5. Next implement carrier-sense backoffs and test them in a scenario with multiple transmitter nodes that are close to each other and to the receiver.
    6. And so on …
  5. Write yourself a separate script that sifts through the results (stored in .sca files) and generates the plots, e.g. using Python and matplotlib or – if you want to do it tough – using gnuplot. I cannot over-emphasize how time-saving it is to use scripts for this instead of manually creating figures in, say, Excel. Chances are you will have to do this multiple times.
  6. Beware: You should plan enough time for the actual production simulations! This can be in the order of days!

There is one important guideline for designing the (implementation of) the CsmaMac module. I strongly suggest you design it as an extended finite state machine, where you identify a number of states and identify a set of events (e.g. packet / message arrivals, timeouts) that can happen. A state should signify a step in the operation of the MAC where the MAC actually waits for something to happen before it can proceed – e.g. it waits for a CSResponse after having sent a CSRequest, it waits for an acknowledgement packet or an ack timeout after having sent a data packet, it waits for the expiry of a backoff time (either a carrier-sense backoff, a success backoff or a failure backoff – these are three distinct events), it waits for the expiry of the fixed waiting time before sending an acknowledgement itself, etc. After you have identified the states, you will next need to identify all the possible events that can happen (i.e. all the possible messages that the MAC can receive), including the various timeout events, the arrival of an

AppMessage, the arrival of a TransmissionIndication, and so on. Once you have identified all the states and all possible events, you will need to specify for each event and each state how the event should be handled in that particular state. If a particular combination is nonsensical, then you should stop your simulation with an error. An example of such a situation is when you receive a CSResponse message while you are waiting for an acknowledgement for a data packet that you have just finished sending – it is clear from the protocol description that this should not happen. In other cases you will have to make actual design decisions. For example, what happens if your MAC receives a data packet addressed to itself (for which it should send an acknowledgement) while it waits itself for an acknowledgement for a previous data packet. Should it send an acknowledgement itself and abort its own data transmission procedure or should it not send an acknowledgement and hope to get one itself?

8.4.1    Setup and Common Parameters

We first describe settings that apply to all experiments, these are given in Table 1. Many of them are identical to their corresponding values in the physical layer assignment. Note that the framework already contains a skeleton omnetpp.ini file in which these parameters are set to the values given here.

For each fixed set of parameters (a measurement) you should carry out a number of repeat independent replications, and the key performance indicators for each experiment (specified below) obtained from all the replications are to be averaged. You are then asked to report the achieved confidence intervals for confidence levels of 95% and 99%. Each replication shall run for 1,000 simulated seconds. You can report the confidence intervals either in a table or in the graphs (using error bars).

Parameter Value Comment
sim-time-limit 1000 s  
repeat 30 this many replications per measurement
Application.packetSize deterministic, 64 bytes  
Transceiver.txPowerDBm 0 dBm corresponds to 1 mW
Transceiver.bitRate 250,000 b/s similar to IEEE 802.15.4
Transceiver.csThreshDBm -50 dBm  
Transceiver.noisePowerDBm -120.0  
Transceiver.turnaroundTime 300 µs  
Transceiver.csTime 125 µs  
Transceiver.pathLossExponent 4 corresponds to indoor propagation
MAC.macOverheadSizeData 20 byte  
MAC.macOverheadSizeAck 20 byte  
MAC.macAckDelay 500 µs  
MAC.ackTimeout 1.5 ms  
MAC.csBackoffDistribution uniform from 0 ms to 6 ms  
MAC.attBackoffDistribution uniform from 0 ms to 6 ms  
MAC.succBackoffDistribution uniform from 0 ms to 12 ms  

Table 1: Fixed parameters for all simulation experiments

In the following I am going to use the terms “transmitter” and “receiver” nodes. A “receiver node” is a node where the interArrivalTime parameter of the Application is set to a deterministic value much larger than the sim-time-limit, so that it really never sends a packet. The setting of the packetSize and receiverNodeAddress parameters of the receiver does not matter. A “transmitter node” is configured with a given packetSize, an interArrivalTime distribution with an average inter-arrival time much smaller than sim-time-limit (so that it effectively will send packets) and a receiverNodeAddress that is pointing towards a receiver node.

The assignment framework contains an OMNeT++ compound module called CircularNetwork (in file CircularNetwork.ned) which places one “receiver node” in the origin of the two-dimensional plane, and a configurable number of transmitter nodes equidistantly on a circle of configurable radius around the origin. This module can (and should!) be used when specifying the OMNeT++ networks for all the experiments below.

8.4.2    Experiment One

In the first experiment we have just one transmitter node and one receiver node, placed at a distance of 5m from each other (so that there should be practically no packet losses in the channel due to bit errors). Use only the CsmaMac protocol. We consider two different cases for the interArrivalTime parameter of the Application:

  • Deterministic inter-arrival times from the set {1ms,2ms,3ms,…,20ms}
  • Exponentially-distributed inter-arrival times with average inter-arrival times from the same set.

In addition, for this particular experiment please set the parameter MAC.succBackoffDistribution to the deterministic value of zero.

For each interArrivalTime parameter value collect the number of packet losses at the buffer (of the transmitter node) and the number of successfully received non-duplicate packets at the receiver node (it has a dedicated statistic for that, called rxUniquePacketsSig, see Application.ned) and display them graphically (with the (average) inter-arrival time on the x-axis), with one curve for deterministic and one curve for exponential inter-arrival times. Use a logarithmic scale on the y-axis – in doing so, particularly for the number of dropped packets I suggest you add a 1 to each outcome. Please explain your findings.

8.4.3    Experiment Two

We have one receiver node and ten transmitter nodes placed equidistantly on a circle of radius R ∈ {2m,3m,4m,…,20m}, with the receiver node being at the center of the circle. Each transmitter node generates packets with an exponential inter-arrival time distribution with an average of 15 ms. Do this for both the ALOHA and the CSMA protocols. Record the number of successfully received non-duplicate packets at the receiver node and show it graphically (one curve per protocol, logarithmic scale on the y-axis), with the radius R on the x-axis. Please explain your findings.

8.4.4    Experiment Three

We have one receiver node and a varying number of transmitter nodes, all placed equidistantly on a circle of radius 5m around the receiver node. The number of transmitter nodes is to be varied in {2,3,4,…,20}. At each transmitter packets arrive with an exponentially distributed inter-arrival time of 15 ms average. Do this for both ALOHA and CSMA. Record the number of successfully received non-duplicate packets at the receiver node and show it graphically (one curve per protocol, logarithmic scale on the y-axis) with the number of transmitters on the x axis.

8.4.5    Experiment Four

Same as experiment three, but now with a radius of 20m around the receiver node.

[1] To keep things simple, the MAC protocols you will have to design will not have a broadcast feature. If they had that, then broadcast packets would not be acknowledged and the conditions under which a ChannelFailure (or Success) are declared would be different for such packets.

[2] Recall that we do not support broadcast/multicast, so incoming packets are only accepted when their destination address matches the node address.

[3] The rule that the MAC hands over every data packet it receives to the higher layers leads to a minor problem: the MAC may hand over the same packet more than one time, which can happen when the original sender of the packet does not receive an acknowledgement properly and re-transmits the same packet again. In this assignment the MAC does not
