COSC1220 Assignment 1-Introduction to Algorithms Solved

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1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
Modern medicine is increasingly moving towards personalised diagnosis and treatments. A large part of this is based on DNA sequencing, which has seen significant growth over the past two decades. What was once a prohibitively expensive task, sequencing the entirety of your genome is now available as an affordable online service.
In these assignments we will be using algorithms to learn about, and help treat, patients based on their genes. While short DNA sequences such as that of a fly are so small that almost any algorithm will be sufficient on a modern machine, humans are orders of magnitude more complicated. Thus the algorithms we use need to be able to scale to look at hundreds of millions of base pairs, and as computer science students you will be the ones designing the tools for the next generation of medical researchers.
Throughout these assignments when representing DNA, we only ever store one half of the strand—the first half always unambiguously implies the other. Indeed, this is exactly what a cell does when it is replicating. For example, from atcgta we can determine the pair sequence is tagcat. For our purposes, we will consider a gene to be a sequence of 16 bases/letters— this is about a thousand times shorter than genes usually are, but still gives us 416≈ 4.3 billion different genes to work with.
Ideally your assignment code should be submitted by:
1.3 Submission
This assignment is a step up from COSC121/131 so please make sure you start early so that you have time to understand the requirements and to debug your code. The first part uses a very simple algorithm, but you’ll need time to understand the structure you’re working in.
1.4 Implementation
All the files you need for this assignment are on the quiz server. You must not import any additional standard libraries unless explicitly given permission within the task outline. For each section of the assignment there is a file with a function for you to fill in. You need to complete these functions, but you can also write new functions that these functions call if you wish. All submitted code needs to pass the PYLINT style check before it is tested on the quiz server. Please allow extra time to meet the style requirements for this assignment.
1.5 Getting help
2 Findinggeneticmarkersofdiseases
Genetic diseases occur as a result of abnormal DNA sequences, resulting in mutated genes. Many forms of cancer stem from genetic abnormalities, as well as conditions such as Huntington’s Disease or even Asthma. Given the DNA of individuals known to carry a particular disease, we can find all the genes in common, and thus determine which genes are potentially linked to the disease in question. In Assignment 1, we will be focussing on the first part of the problem, finding common genes.
2.1 Task Overview
This assignment takes two different approaches to solving the same problem. Each task requires you to make a function that:
• Takes two Genome objects of the same length containing unique Gene objects:
1. first_genome – the genome of individual one.
2. second_genome – the genome of individual two.
• Goes through each Gene of individual one’s Genome and searches for that Gene in individual two’s geonome, recording the number of comparisons made between Gene objects.
• Returns a GeneList object containing the genes that occur in both genomes, alongside the number of comparisions used.
You will need to use specific data structures (e.g. GeneList), located in You do not have to implement these data structures, you will just have to interact with them. Details of these data structures are in the Provided Classes section below.
You are expected to test your code using both your own tests and the provided tests. More information about testing your code is in the Testing your Code section.
2.2 Provided classes
The module contains three useful classes for you to work with: Gene, Genome, and GeneList. They are primarily wrappers around existing Python types, but we can add or remove features as we need them.
Genome A Genome is an immutable list-like structure that can only hold Genes. You cannot edit a Genome, nor can you sort it nor query for the index of certain elements. You are able to iterate over a Genome, that is, you can use it in a for loop. You can also access specific Gene objects in the Genome by using indexing, that is g[i].

Figure 1: A Genome is an immutable list of strings.
GeneList Similar to a Genome, a GeneList is a list-like structure that can only contain Gene objects. The difference is that you can append onto a GeneList, which you cannot do with a Genome.

Figure 2: A GeneList is like a mutable list of strings.
StatCounter In order to count how many comparisons your code makes, we provide a StatCounter class. Note that because of the way it is implemented, it will not behave like a regular class. This class is only for testing purposes, and not in your final code. You should only use the StatCounter.get(counter_name) method, providing “comparisons” as the counter_name.
” Important: You cannot rely on StatCounter being available to you on the quiz server at the time of submission, so do not use it in your final code.
3 Tasks[100MarksTotal]
3.1 Part A: Finding common genes using sequential search [40 Marks]
This task requires you to complete the file This first method isn’t going to be very efficient, but it’s a starting point!
• You should start with an empty GeneList representing the common genes found so far.
• Go through each Gene in first_genome and sequentially search second_genome to try find that Gene.
• If a match is found, add that gene to the common genes found so far and stop searching the rest of second_genome for that Gene (it can be assumed that no gene occurs twice in a single genome).
• You should return the populated GeneList containing the common genes and the number of Gene comparisons the function made (see the return line in the supplied code).
3.1.1 General Notes
• You cannot assume that either Genome will be in any particular order. Both Genomes are the same length.
• The returned GeneList must be in the same order that the genes appear in first_genome.
• Remember, you can compare Genes using all the normal comparison operators, eg, >, >=, ==, etc all work so you can do comparisons like gene1 > gene2, etc…
• We recommend writing your own tests with very small lists first, eg, start out with one gene in each list, then try using one in the first list and two in the second list, etc, …
• The provided tests are really just a final check — they won’t help you very much when debugging your code. Initially, you can do some initial tests with small lists of strings (str). Later, you can swap the lists for Genomes and strs for Genes.
3.2 Part A: Theory Questions [6 Marks]
1. What is the worst case big-O complexity for your sequential_gene_match function, given there are n items in both the first genome and second genome. Explain how this would come about and give a small example of worst case input.
2. What is the best case big-O complexity for your sequential_gene_match function, given there are n items in both the first genome and second genome. Explain how this would come about and give a small example of best case input.
3. Give the equation for the number of comparisons used by the sequential_gene_match function, given there are n items in the first_genome and n items in the second_genome list AND that all the items in the first_genome are also in the second_genome. NOTE: you are giving an equation for the exact number of comparisons made, NOT the big-O complexity.
3.3 Part B: Finding common genes using binary search [50 Marks]
In the first task, we made no guarantees about the order of the genes. Can we make a more efficient algorithm for finding common genes if one of the Genome parameters are in lexicographic order?
This task requires you to complete the file You are to implement a function that finds the GeneList of common genes using binary search to find each gene in first_genome in the second_genome.
• Again, start with an empty GeneList representing the common genes found so far.
• Go through each Gene in first_genome and and perform a binary search, trying to find that Gene in second_genome.
• If a match is found, add that gene to the common genes found so far.
• A helper function that does a binary search for an item in a sorted list and returns True/False along with the number of comparisons used could be helpful here.
• Again, you should return the populated GeneList containing the common genes and the number of Gene comparisons the function made.
3.3.1 General Notes
• Again, the returned GeneList should be given in the same order that the genes appear in first_genome.
• You can assume that second_genome will be in order (ie, the genes contained in it will be sorted from smallest to largest). Both Genomes are the same length.
• Remember, you can compare Genes using all the normal comparison operators, eg, >, >=, ==, etc all work so you can do comparisons like gene1 > gene2, etc…
• Important: Your binary search must only do one comparison per loop when it is searching the second geoneome and should only compare genes for equality once. This approach will narrow the search down to one gene and then check if that is the one being searched for. This method will be discussed in lectures and labs; it is not the commonly given form of a binary search algorithm (which makes two comparisons per loop).
” Important: Binary search can be difficult to implement correctly. Be sure to leave sufficient time to solve this task.
3.4 Part B: Theory Questions [4 Marks]
1. What is the best case big-O complexity for your binary_gene_match function, given there are n items in both the first genome and second genome? Explain how this would come about and give a small example of best case input.
2. What is the worst case big-O complexity for your binary_gene_match function, given there are n items in both the first genome and second genome? Explain how this would come about and give a small example of worst case input.
4 TestingYourCode
There are two ways to test your code for this assignment (you are required to do both):
• Writing your own tests – useful for debuging and testing edge cases
• Using the provided tests in– a final check before you submit
4.1 Writing your Own Tests
In addition to the provided tests, you are expected to do your own testing of your code. This should include testing the trivial cases such as empty parameters and parameters of differing sizes. You will want to start by testing with very small lists, eg, with zero, one or two items in each list. This will allow you to check your answers by hand.
4.1.1 Provided Data for Testing
The module contains functions for reading test data from test files.
Test files are in the folder TestData to make it easier to test your own code. The test data files are named test_data-i-j-s.txt where:
• Each file contains three DNA sequences, each gene is 16 base pairs long:
– The first two DNA sequences are genomes, belonging to two patients with a common disease.
– The third sequence represents all the genes they have in common.
• i = number of genes (or 16i DNA bases) in both patient’s geonomes.
• j = number of genes common to both genomes.
• s (optional) = the second genome is sorted if present.
You should open some of the test data files and make sure you understand the format— remember to open them in Wing or a suitably smart text editor (not Notepad).
The test files are generated in a quasi-random fashion and the seed suffix indicates the random seed that was used when generating the data—you don’t need to worry about this. But, you do need to worry about the fact that we can easily generate different random files to test with.
4.1.2 Provided Tools for Testing
The module contains functions for reading test data from test files. The most useful function in this module is utilities.read_test_data(filename), which reads the contents of the test file and returns both genomes in the datafile, alongside the genes they have in common as a GeneList.
The following example shows how to use the utilities module:

>>> import utilities
>>> filename = “TestData/test_data-2-1.txt”
>>> genome_a, genome_b, common_genes = utilities.read_test_data(filename)
>>> genome_a
agtacggtctgaaact gggcaatgaggagctt
>>> genome_b
gggcaatgaggagctt attcaagaagctacaa
>>> common_genes gggcaatgaggagctt >>> type(genome_a)
<class ’classes.Genome’>
>>> type(genome_a[0])
<class ’classes.Gene’> >>> type(common_genes)
<class ’classes.GeneList’>

4.2 Provided tests
Off-line tests are available in the module:
• These tests are not very helpful for debugging–do your own smaller tests using hand workable examples when debugging!
• You should use them to check your implemented code before submission: the submission quiz won’t fully mark your code until submissions close.
• The provided tests use the Python unittest framework.
– You are not expected to know how these tests work, or to write your own unittests
– You just need to know that the tests will check that your code finds the list of common genes, and that the number of comparisons that your code makes is appropriate.
4.2.1 Running the Provided Tests
The provides a number of tests to perform on your code:
• The all_tests_suite() function has a number of lines commented out:
– The commented out tests will be skipped.
– Uncomment these lines out as you progress through the assignment tasks to run subsequent tests.
• Running the file will cause all uncommented tests to be carried out.
• Each test has a name indicating what test data it is using, what it is testing for, and a contained class indicating which algorithm is being tested.
• In the case of a test case failing, the test case will print:
– which assertion failed—a value your code produced was not the expected value for that test;
– which exception was thrown—your code produced a Python exception when run.
” Important: In addition to the provided tests you are expected to do your own testing of your code. This should include testing the trivial cases such as empty lists and lists of differing sizes.
5 Updates
• A log of updates will go here.
— Have fun —
