COP3502 Lab 01: Hello Solved

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In this project students will write a very simply program using Python’s input and output methods. The program will prompt the user to enter responses to several questions, displaying the answer each time. The project is designed to give students an opportunity to practice very basic input and output via a simple project.


When the program starts it should prompt the user for input and print a response (including that input) as follows:

Output User Input
Hello. What is your name? James_Brown
It’s nice to meet you, James_Brown. How old are you? 42
I see that you are still quite young at only 42.
Where do you live? magicland
Wow! I’ve always wanted to go to magicland. Thanks for chatting with me. Bye!

In the above example, blue text is the output, and grey text is the input. Zybooks separates the three inputs from the user by new line characters (‘ ’) and not spaces (‘ ’). So, the input is of the form James_Brown
42 magicland

You must use the input() method to accept user input. It will read inputs separated by new line characters (‘ ’)
NOTE: Your output must match the example blue text output. You do not need to print the format in a table, but your output must match what you see on Zybooks. If it does not, you will not receive full credit for your submission!

Method: Submit on ZyLabs

Do not submit any other files!

Sample Output

Example #1
Hello. What is your name? Jimmy_Dean
It’s nice to meet you, Jimmy_Dean. How old are you? 18
I see that you are still quite young at only 18.
Where do you live? Oklahoma
Wow! I’ve always wanted to go to Oklahoma. Thanks for chatting with me. Bye!

Example #2
Hello. What is your name? Rick_Sanchez
It’s nice to meet you, Rick_Sanchez. How old are you? fifty-billion
I see that you are still quite young at only fifty-billion.
Where do you live? C187 Wow! I’ve always wanted to go to C187. Thanks for chatting with me. Bye!
