COP3223 Homework 3 Solved

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You and your roommates go through a lot of orange juice.

Program Setup:
Your program should ask the user to enter the price of one carton of juice as well as the number of cartons Note that since juice is an ordinary grocery item, no sales tax is charged on it.

Then, determine the final cost of buying orange juice under the BOGO offer.
While it is possible to make a solution that does not use If Statements, the purpose of the assignment is to Make sure you take this opportunity to get the practice you need to master the programming concepts.

You’ll need to account for two different cases: buying an even number of OJ cartons and buying an odd num
How can you determine if a number is even or odd?
A number that is evenly divisible by 2 is even.
An odd number has a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.
Which arithmetic operator gives you the remainder?

Sample Run:
Here are two examples of what your program should look like when its finished.

What is the cost of one container of OJ in dollars?


How many containers are you buying?


The total cost is $7.58.

What is the cost of one container of OJ in dollars?


How many containers are you buying?


The total cost is $13.50.
