COP 3330 Object Oriented Programming Euchre Project Part 3 Solved

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Assignment Scope

  1. Update classes due to changing requirements
  2. Use class Random
  3. Use an Iterator
  4. Add methods to classes to accomplish specific tasks
  5. Compile and run a project
  6. Compress a project and submit to Webcourses
  7. Decompress compressed project and verify it is a Netbeans project



  1. docx
  2. Setting up a project in Netbeans.docx
  3. Netbeans right click menu help.docx



To complete this assignment you must submit your compressed Netbeans project to Webcourses.



Euchre project  
Euchre class  
Constants class Add the following constants

1.      int ONE = 0

2.      int TWO = 1

3.      int NUM_PLAYERS = 4

4.      int DEAL_ONE = 2

5.      int DEAL_TWO = 3

core package  
AiPlayer class  
Card class  
Deck class Update class to

1.      If not already included, generate getter/setter for member variable of data type Set<Card> that represents the deck of cards for the game

Game class Update class to

1.      Add member variables

a.       Modify member variable named trump to be of data type class Card instead of enumeration Suit

b.      Add member variable of data type class ArrayList specifically to only allow for instances of class Player that represents the game table layout (i.e. players of the game Euchre are set up so that team members sit across from each other, therefore the deal would be similar to TeamOne.PlayerOne, TeamTwo.PlayerOne, TeamOne.PlayerTwo, TeamTwo.PlayerTwo depending upon who the dealer is)

c.       Add member variable of data type int to represent an integer index of the current dealer based on the table layout

d.      Add member variable of data type int to represent an integer index of the lead player based on the table layout

2.      Update custom constructor to call methods AFTER existing method calls

a.       setTable

b.      dealHand

c.       displayHands

3.      Write method setTable to do the following:

a.       Return type void

b.      Empty parameter list

c.       Instantiate the member variable that represents the player table that is of data type ArrayList

d.      Instantiate two instances of class Team set equal to each instance of class Team stored in the member variable of data type class ArrayList specifically of data type class Team

e.       Instantiate four instances of class Player set equal to each instance of class Player stored in the member variable in class Team of data type class ArrayList of data type class Player

(i.e. players of the game Euchre are set up so that team members sit across from each other, therefore the deal would be similar to TeamOne.PlayerOne, TeamTwo.PlayerTwo, TeamOne.PlayerTwo, TeamTwo.PlayerTwo depending upon who the dealer is)

i.      There should be an instance of class Player that represents TeamOne, PlayerOne

ii.      There should be an instance of class Player that represents TeamOne, PlayerTwo

iii.      There should be an instance of class Player that represents TeamTwo, PlayerOne

iv.      There should be an instance of class Player that represents TeamTwo, PlayerTwo

f.        Explicitly add each player to the member variable that represents the game table, from above in an alternating pattern so that a player from TeamOne is added, followed by a player from TeamTwo, followed by a player from TeamOne, followed by a player from TeamTwo; this requires using the method signature of class ArrayList.add that requires two arguments; the first argument is the position in the ArrayList (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3), the second argument is the object of data type class Player (e.g. table.add(0, teamOnePlayerOne)

4.      Write method setDealerAndLead to do the following

a.       Instantiate an instance of class Random

b.      Set the member variable of primitive data type int that will represent a random integer of four players to determine who the initial dealer of the game is set equal to the method call .nextInt passing as an argument the value of the number of players in the game (i.e. four)

c.       Set the member variable that represents the current dealer equal to the randomly selected value from item f. above using the .get method in class ArrayList on the member variable that represents the Euchre table

5.       Write method dealHand to do the following

a.       Return type void

b.      Empty parameter list

c.       Call method setDealerAndLead

d.      Create a local variable of data type int to represent the current player index initialized to the leadIdx member variable

e.       Create a local variable of data type class Iterator explicitly only allowing for members of class Card set equal to member variable deck, calling method getDeck followed by method getIterator

f.        For the first deal of two cards each, loop through the number of players

i.      Call method dealOne passing as arguments the variables player index and the iterator

ii.      If the current player value is greater than 3, reset the variable to the value of 0; otherwise increment the current player

g.      For the second deal of three cards each, loop through the number of players

i.      Call method dealTwo passing as arguments the variables player index and the iterator

ii.      If the current player value is greater than 3, reset the variable to the value of 0; otherwise increment the current player

h.      Set the member variable trump equal to the next card on the deck

6.      Write method dealOne so it does the following

a.       Return type void

b.      Receives two parameters

i.      Data type int representing the current player index

ii.      Data type Iterator<Card> representing the iterator

c.       Loops twice

i.      Checks if the iterator has a next Card

1.      Instantiate an instance of class Card set equal to method call next on the parameter iterator

2.      Outputs to the console the dealt card and the player it was dealt to

3.      Adds the card to the player’s hand by calling method getHand followed by method add, on the player instance stored at the parameter index location of member variable table

ii.      Remove the current card from the HashSet using method call remove

7.      Write method dealTwo so it does the following

a.       Return type void

b.      Receives two parameters

i.      Data type int representing the current player index

ii.      Data type Iterator<Card> representing the iterator

c.       Loops thrice

i.      Checks if the iterator has a next Card

1.      Instantiate an instance of class Card set equal to method call next on the parameter iterator

2.      Outputs to the console the dealt card and the player it was dealt to

3.      Adds the card to the player’s hand by calling method getHand followed by method add, on the player instance stored at the parameter index location of member variable table

ii.      Remove the current card from the HashSet using method call remove

8.      Write method displayHands to do the following

a.       Loops through the game teams

i.      Call method outputHands in class Team

HumanPlayer class  
IPlayer interface  
Player class Update class to

1.      Add member variable of data type class ArrayList specifically only allowing for instances of class Card that represents the player’s hand

2.      Generate getter/setter for the member variable above representing the player’s hand

3.      Write a customer constructor that

a.       Receives no parameters

b.      Instantiates the member variable of type ArrayList representing the player’s hand

4.      Write method displayHand

a.       Return type void

b.      Empty parameter list

c.       Using an enhanced for loop, loop through the hand of the player

i.      Output to the console the face and suit of each card in the player’s hand

Team class Update class to

1.      If it isn’t already included, add member variable of data type class String to represent the team’s name

2.      Generate getter/setter for member variable representing the team’s name

3.      Write method outputHands

a.       Return type void

b.      Empty parameter list

c.       Using an enhanced for loop, loop through the collection of class Team

i.      Call method outputHands for each player

userinterface package  
Euchre application  
Test Case 1 Test Case 1 passes
Test Case 2 Test Case 2 passes
Test Case 3 Test Case 3 passes
Test Case 4 Test Case 4 passes
Test Case 5 Test Case 5 passes
Test Case 6 Test Case 6 passes
Test Case 7 Test Case 7 passes
  Source compiles with no errors
  Source runs with no errors
  Source includes comments


Perform the following test cases

Test Cases
  Action Expected outcome
Test Case 1 Project view Completed project view should look like figure 1
Test case 2 Regression testing; Run application The console window should look like figure 2
Test case 3 Regression testing; Run application The JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method call should look like figure 3
Test case 4 Regression testing; Run application The console window should look similar to figure 4 for the initial display of the deck of cards
Test case 5 Regression testing; Run application The output in the console window should display the deck of cards after being shuffled and should NOT be in the same order as the first output, similar to figure 5
Test case 6 Run application The output in the console window should display the hands of team one after the deal, similar to figure 6
Test case 7 Run application The output in the console window should display the hands of team one after the deal, similar to figure 7
Test case 8 Run application The output in the console window should display the hands of team one after the deal, similar to figure 8
Test case 9 Run application The output in the console window should display the hands of team two after the deal, similar to figure 9
Test case 10 Run application The output in the console window should display the hands of team two after the deal, similar to figure 10



Figure 1 Project View


Figure 2 Output in console window


Figure 3 Display from JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method


Figure 4 Initial display of deck of cards


Figure 5 Display of deck of cards after shuffle


Figure 6 Display of First Deal

Figure 7 Display of Second Deal


Figure 8 Display of Trump


Figure 9 Team One Player’s Hands


Figure 10 Team Two Player’s Hands



Figure 11 Table Layout for Euchre
