Computer_Graphics Assignment 11– Simple Vertex and Fragment Shader Solved

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Assignment 11: Simple Vertex and Fragment Shader

In this assignment you have to write a Vertex and a Fragment Shader for showing a starship with a rotating palette of colors.

The Vertex Shader receives the cartesian local coordinates of each vertex in variable

vec3 inPosition;

and respectively the world, view an projection matrices in components

mat4 worldMat; mat4 viewMat;

mat4 prjMat;

of the black called ubo . The clipping coordinates of the vertex should be returned in variable

vec4 gl_Position;

The Fragment Shader must compute a time dependent color and return it in the four component variable

vec4 outColor;


The first three of the four elements are respectively the red, green and blue components of the color, all in the 0-1 range. The last element of the vector is the transparency, and should be always set to 1 to avoid graphic card dependent showing problems. The fragment shader can use the


float time;


component of the black called gubo to have a timer count. In particular, it is a number in the range 0-1, representing the current fraction of second. The way in which the color alternates is left to the student, and can be anything. An interesting reference can be taken here:



Shaders are found in files Shader.vert and Shader.frag of the shaders folder. Please remember to compile them (as done in Assignment 10), to allow the main program loading them. In particular, the following naming conventions should be used:


Source       -> Binary
Shader.frag Frag.spv
Shader.vert Vert.spv




