Computer Project #05

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Assignment Overview
This assignment focuses on the implementation of Python programs to read files and process data by
using lists and functions.

Assignment Deliverable
The deliverable for this assignment is the following file: – the source code for your Python program
Be sure to use the specified file name and to submit it for grading via the handin system before the project deadline.

Assignment Background
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides scientific information to understand Earth, manage resources and minimize loss from natural disasters. You can download interesting data from the website
We have downloaded the flow rate data for the Red Cedar River in East Lansing starting from 1932 . Your task is to design and implement a Python program that draws two plots from the data (and displays a table of data for each plot).
Here is the first line of the file. The numbers that we are interested are the last three numbers which are year, month and flow rate in cubic feet per second (CFS). Notice that the year and month are ints and the flow rate is float:
USGS 04112500 00060 70495 1932 1 215.5

Assignment Specifications
1. The program must provide following functions to extract some statistics.
a) open_file()prompts the user to enter a file name. The program will try to open the data file. Appropriate error message should be shown if the data file cannot be opened. This function will loop until it receives proper input and successfully opens the file. It returns a file pointer.
b) read_file()calls the open_file() function and uses the returned file pointer to read the data file. This function returns a list of your choosing containing data you need for other parts of this project.
c) draw_plot( x, y, plt_title, x_label, y_label) provided by us takes two equal-length lists of numbers and plots them. You need to pass the label strings and plot title to the function. Include the range of years in the title (Hint: use string concatenation and check sample output).
d) annual_average(L) takes a list as an argument and returns a list of tuples in the form (year, average_flow).
e) month_average(L,M) takes a list L and month M as arguments and returns a list of tuples in the form (year, month_flow). (Note: this originally left out the month M parameter—if you figured out how to solve the problem using the previous specification, you will get full credit.)
f) You may use extra functions, if you wish.
2. The program should read the file only once.
3. The program should plot the average flow for each year. That is, find the average flow for each year and then generate a plot with years on the x-axis and average flow for that year on the y-axis. Then generate a table that has the year and average flow on each line. Put a title on the table and label each column.
4. Next, the program should prompt the user for a number in the range 1-12 and should plot the flow rates for only that month. For example if user enters 1, the program should extract the flow rate of Jan 1932, Jan 1933, … , Jan 2015 and plot them. (Note: do not loop and ask for more.)
5. The program should re-prompt the user if an invalid input (either wrong type or wrong value), was entered for the month. If something other than an integer is input, your error message should include the phrase “not an integer.” If an integer is input but it is not in the proper range, your error message should include the phrase “integer out of range.” Note: use exceptions.
6. The month name should be displayed in the title of the second plot instead of the month number. For
example, in the sample below you see “May” in the title. (Hint: use the month number as an index into
a list of strings.) As with the previous plot, display a table of values that you plotted.
Assignment Notes
1. Items 1-9 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.
2. Note that data are separated using spaces. You can use the list method .split() to split the line into a
list of data.
3. It is much easier to convert the input data to int and float when the program reads the file and creates
the list.
4. To create a list L of data begin with an empty list (e.g. L = [] before the loop begins) and within
the loop append to the list one item at a time, e.g. L.append(item). The data item you append
may be a collection such as a tuple or another list.
Suggested Procedure
• Solve the problem using pencil and paper first. You cannot write a program until you have
figured out how to solve the problem. This first step may be done collaboratively with another
student. However, once the discussion turns to Python specifics and the subsequent writing of
Python statements, you must work on your own.
• Construct the program one function at a time—testing before moving on.
• Use the handin system to turn in the first version of your solution.
Cycle through the steps to incrementally develop your program:
o Edit your program to add new capabilities.
o Run the program and fix any errors.
o Use the handin system to submit the current version of your solution.
• Be sure to log out when you leave the room, if you’re working in a public lab.
Sample Output
Input a file name: BadFileName
Error: Input a file name: RedCedarRiver.txt
Annual Average Flow
Year Flow
1932 192.10
1933 185.74
1934 72.88
1935 132.31
1936 103.25
1937 204.47
1938 194.36
1939 123.07
1940 144.65
1941 127.25
1942 211.36
1943 319.97
1944 159.20
1945 206.77
1946 150.00
1947 350.34
1948 315.48
1949 210.72
1950 369.48
1951 275.35
1952 252.57
1953 135.01
1954 221.32
1955 156.29
1956 267.83
1957 216.15
1958 105.79
1959 287.53
1960 234.02
1961 118.08
1962 141.41
1963 92.31
1964 46.62
1965 164.56
1966 152.28
1967 210.72
1968 282.76
1969 244.50
1970 185.69
1971 176.13
1972 225.50
1973 319.70
1974 329.13
1975 350.86
1976 272.38
1977 123.58
1978 137.61
1979 152.61
1980 206.37
1981 250.23
1982 236.56
1983 238.59
1984 164.65
1985 337.97
1986 299.21
1987 142.12
1988 195.68
1989 229.19
1990 292.00
1991 223.88
1992 340.07
1993 380.49
1994 376.62
1995 221.57
1996 191.86
1997 243.13
1998 269.27
1999 145.65
2000 164.97
2001 315.15
2002 182.42
2003 127.92
2004 234.91
2005 208.33
2006 278.90
2007 256.09
2008 356.99
2009 373.35
2010 187.87
2011 331.62
2012 162.27
2013 238.76
2014 257.95
2015 186.90
Enter a month (1-12): xxxx
Error. Not an integer
Enter a month (1-12): 13
Error. Integer out of range.
Enter a month (1-12): -5
Error. Integer out of range.
Enter a month (1-12): 5
Average Flow for May
Year Flow
1932 362.40
1933 354.50
1934 65.40
1935 190.00
1936 103.60
1937 376.30
1938 214.60
1939 100.40
1940 94.50
1941 99.90
1942 99.30
1943 1008.00
1944 325.30
1945 772.40
1946 143.00
1947 619.50
1948 959.30
1949 150.20
1950 252.50
1951 307.90
1952 262.70
1953 253.70
1954 134.70
1955 94.60
1956 1310.00
1957 482.80
1958 78.30
1959 201.70
1960 293.00
1961 195.00
1962 164.50
1963 176.80
1964 121.60
1965 95.50
1966 284.40
1967 167.20
1968 211.40
1969 474.10
1970 261.20
1971 101.10
1972 234.10
1973 305.80
1974 507.10
1975 341.10
1976 401.70
1977 146.60
1978 206.30
1979 182.30
1980 246.20
1981 354.40
1982 143.60
1983 591.90
1984 306.20
1985 187.60
1986 186.50
1987 87.90
1988 131.20
1989 197.30
1990 348.40
1991 218.50
1992 249.80
1993 316.60
1994 296.00
1995 272.60
1996 403.40
1997 271.80
1998 436.80
1999 186.40
2000 354.90
2001 446.70
2002 329.50
2003 255.80
2004 692.80
2005 158.90
2006 481.40
2007 387.70
2008 141.30
2009 544.70
2010 485.00
2011 839.20
2012 273.10
2013 294.20
2014 576.70
2015 165.10
Educational Research
When you have completed the project insert the 5-line comment specified below.
For each of the following statements, please respond with how much they apply to your experience
completing the programming project, on the following scale:
1 = Strongly disagree / Not true of me at all
4 = Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat true of me
7 = Strongly agree / Extremely true of me
***Please note that your responses to these questions will not affect your project grade, so please
answer as honestly as possible.***
Q1: Upon completing the project, I felt proud/accomplished
Q2: While working on the project, I often felt frustrated/annoyed
Q3: While working on the project, I felt inadequate/stupid
Q4: Considering the difficulty of this course, the teacher, and my skills, I think I will do well in
this course.
Please insert your answers into the bottom of your project program as a comment, formatted exactly as
follows (so we can write a program to extract them).
# Questions
# Q1: 5
# Q2: 3
# Q3: 4
# Q4: 6
