COMP442_6421 Assignment 4- Semantic Analysis Solved

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This assignment is about the design and implementation of a semantic analyzer for the language described in assignment 2. The implementation of the semantic analysis phase implies that you traverse the AST generated in assignment #3, and trigger semantic actions related to two inter-related sub-phases that should be triggered separately by at least two separate traversals of the AST:

  1. generation of symbol tables
  2. semantic checking and type-checking semantic actions

The semantic analyzer should use as input the abstract syntax tree generated by the parser in assignment #3. The semantic analyzer should locate, report, and recover from eventual semantic errors. The operation of the semantic analyzer should produce a symbol table data structure that is to be used by the further processing stages, including scoping and binding checks, type checks, and eventually code generation in assignment #5. It should also write to a file a text representation of the symbol table, as well as potential semantic error reporting in another separate file.

The assignment includes three grading source files. These files should be used as-is and not be altered in any way. Completeness of testing is a major grading topic. You are responsible for providing appropriate test cases that test for a wide variety of valid and invalid cases in addition to what is in the grading source files provided.

Semantic concepts to be implemented/verified

The following is a discussion of various aspects of the semantics of the language, and the tasks required for their implementation and documentation of the solution:

  • The purpose of the symbol table structure is to help resolve the scoping, binding and typing of the identifiers used in the program.
  • A symbol table contains an entry for all identifiers (variables, functions, classes) defined in the scope that it represents. There are scopes for each class definition, free or member function definition, and a global scope for the whole program.
  • A program includes a set of free functions, minimally including one and only one main function. Information about the free functions must be available in the symbol table before calls to free functions can be bound and semantically checked. In order to allow functions to be called before they are defined, you need to implement at least two passes: a first pass that constructs the symbol tables, and a second pass that uses the information generated in the first pass.
  • Classes represent the encapsulation of a user-defined data type and declarations for its member functions. The member functions are all defined in the global scope, but use a scope-resolution operator to identify them as members of a specific class. As with free functions, two passes (as described above) have to be used to allow a class to refer to another class that is declared after it. As member functions are declared in the class declaration and defined later, two passes are necessary to bind the function declaration’s symbol table entry with its corresponding local symbol table.
  • If a class has an inheritance list, the symbol table of its directly inherited class(es) should be linked in this class, so that inherited members are effectively considered as members of the class, even though they are part of a separate scope. Inherited members with the same name and kind (i.e. variable or function) as a class member should be shadowed by the class member and a warning should be reported in such cases. In any case, circular class dependencies should be reported as a semantic error.
  • It is allowed to have members or variables with the same name in two different classes or functions, as they are not defined in the same scope.
  • There is no point in checking for indexes out of bounds, as indexes can be expressions, whose value cannot be determined at compile time.
  • The variables declared inside the functions (local variables) or classes (data members) are considered local and thus can only be used in the current function or class scope. Data members can be used in all member functions of their respective class. This raises the need for a nested symbol table structure:• The global symbol table, representing all the symbols defined in the global scope, exists until the end of the compilation process.

    • Local symbol tables, representing sub-scopes. Each local symbol table should be bound to their respective elements in the higher-level symbol table.

  • A local symbol table is created at the beginning of the processing of any function or class. Therefore, you have to associate with each variable and function identifier a symbol table record that contains its properties, and include it in the symbol table representing the scope in which this identifier is declared.
  • When using operators in expressions, attribute migration must be done to determine the type of sub-expressions. For simplicity of code generation later, it is suggested that it should be semantically invalid to have operands of arithmetic operators to be of different types. For the same reason, both operands of an assignment must be of the same type.
  1. Work to submit


    You must provide a short document that includes the following sections:

Section 1. Section 2.

List of semantic rules implemented : Using the (1-15) itemized list provided below (see “Implementation”), provide a checklist that identifies what semantic checks are either implemented or not implemented in your assignment. Design : I – Overall design – Description/rationale of the overall structure of the solution and the roles of the individual components used in the applied solution. II – Phases – Description of the purpose of each semantic checking phase involved in the implementation.

Section 3. Implementation

Use of tools : Identify all the tools/libraries/techniques that you have used in your implementation and justify why you have used these particular ones as opposed to others.

• Symbol table creation phase
1. A new table is created at the beginning of the AST traversal for the global scope.
2. A new entry is created in the global table for each class declared in the program. These entries should contain links to

local tables for these classes.
3. An entry in the appropriate table is created for each variable defined in the program, i.e. a class’ data members or a

function’s local variables.
4. An entry in the appropriate table is created for each function definition (free functions and member functions). These

entries should be links to local tables for these functions.
5. During symbol table creation, there are some semantic errors that are detected and reported, such as multiply declared

identifiers in the same scope, as well warnings such as for shadowed inherited members.
6. All declared member functions should have a corresponding function definition, and inversely. A member function that is declared but not defined constitutes an “no definition for declared member function” semantic error. If a member function

is defined but not declared, it constitutes an “definition provided for undeclared member function” semantic error.
7. The content of the symbol tables should be output into a file in order to demonstrate their correctness/completeness.
8. Class and variable identifiers cannot be declared twice in the same scope. In such a case, a “multiply declared class”,

“multiply declared data member”, or “multiply declared local variable” semantic error message is issued.
9. Function overloading (i.e. two functions with the same name but with different parameter lists) should be allowed and

reported as a semantic warning. This applies to member functions and free functions.

• Semantic checking phase – binding and type checking
10. Typecheckingisappliedonexpressions(i.e.thetypeofsub-expressionsshouldbeinferred).Typecheckingshouldalso

be done for assignment (the type of the left and right hand side of the assignment operator must be the same) and return statements (the type of the returned value must be the same as the return type of the function, as declared in its function header).

  1. Any identifier referred to must be defined in the scope where it is used (failure should result in the following error messages: “use of undeclared variable”, “use of undeclared member function”, “use of undeclared free function”, “use of undeclared class”).
  2. Function calls are made with the right number and type of parameters. Expressions passed as parameters in a function call must be of the same type as declared in the function declaration.
  1. Referring to an array variable should be made using the same number of dimensions as declared in the variable declaration. Expressions used as an index must be of integer type. When passing an array as a parameter, the passed array must be of compatible dimensionality compared to the parameter declaration.
  2. Circular class dependencies (through data members\inheritance) should be reported as semantic errors.
  3. The“.”operatorshouldbeusedonlyonvariablesofaclasstype.Ifso,itsrightoperandmustbeamemberofthatclass.

    If not, a “undeclared data member” or “undeclared member function” semantic error should be issued.

• Error reporting: All semantic errors/warnings present in the entire program should be reported properly, mentioning the

location in the program source file where the error was located. When parsing a file named, for example, originalfilename and semantic errors or warnings are found, error or warning messages should be printed out in a file named originalfilename.outsemanticerrors. Only existing errors/warnings should be reported. Errors should be reported in the file in synchronized order, even if different semantic checking phases are implemented and errors are found in different phases.

• Output of symbol tables data structure: After the symbol table structure has been completely created, the program should output it to a file, allowing to easily verify if the symbol table correctly corresponds to the input program. When parsing a file named, for example, originalfilename, the parser should write into a file named originalfilename.outsymboltables a text representation of the symbol table data structure that corresponds to the original program.

• Test cases : Write a set of source files that enable to test the semantic analysis involved in the language as described above. Include cases testing for a variety of different errors to demonstrate the completeness and accuracy of your error reporting. •Driver: Include a driver that does the semantic analysis for all your test files. For each test file, the corresponding

outsymboltables files should be generated, in addition to all the outputs described in the previous assignments.
