COMP2113 Assignment2-Inner Matrix Rotation Solved

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Problem 1: (C++) Inner Matrix Rotation
The completed program will read the dimension dim and the elements of a dim x dim matrix, and then display the elements of its inner dim-2 x dim-2 matrix rotated clockwise through 90 degrees.
You should start working from the 1.cpp provided. The main() function has been completed for you and your task is to write definitions of functions read_matrix() and display_inner_cw_rotated() to satisfy the following specifications:
read_matrix() : reads dim , an integer supplied by the user, into the variable passed as the second argument, where dim is guaranteed to be in {3, 4, …,10}. It then reads values of elements of a dim x dim square matrix of integers, each separated by whitespace. The values are supplied by the user row by row and are read into the 2D array passed as the first argument. The size of the array is MAXDIM x MAXDIM , where MAXDIM is a global constant and thus is available for use in your function definitions. MAXDIM is initialized with a value of 10 and, therefore, the array is large enough to hold the maximum number of values that the user will supply.
display_inner_cw_rotated() : takes as a first argument a 2D array containing a square matrix and, as a second, the dimension, dim , of that matrix. It displays the values of a dim-2 x dim-2 matrix formed by deleting the outermost rows and columns of the original matrix (that is, those that form its outer perimeter) and then rotating that reduced matrix clockwise through ninety degrees. The elements of the resulting matrix are displayed row by row with a trailing space after each element (check carefully your outputs against the given sample outputs using diff ).
Sample Test Cases
User inputs are shown in blue.



Problem 2: (C++) Isolated Bounding Boxes
This problem builds on top of Problem 5 of Assignment 1 (A1P5). Your C++ program will accept the same input as in A1P5, but this time your program should compute the axis-aligned boungind boxes (AABBs) for each of the input 2D geometries, and also identify the isolated AABBs which do not overlap with any other AABBs. (Note: Two AABBs are said to overlap if they share a common point in the 2D plane).
You are provided with a template program 2.cpp .
Input: Each line of the user input begins with a character indicating the type of geometry, followed by some parameters of the geometric object. The input line can be one of the followings:
R x y width height
where R represents an input rectangle, x, y are floating-point numbers for the x-, y-coordinates of the rectangle center, width and height are floating-point numbers for the rectangle size along the x- and y-axes, respectively.
C x y radius
where C represents an input circle, x, y are floating-point numbers for the x-, y-coordinates of the circle center, and radius is a floating-point number for the radius of the center
P n x1 y1 x2 y2 … xn yn
where P represents an input point set, n is an integer indicating the number of points in the set, and xi , yi , i = 1,…,n are floating point numbers for the x-, y-coordinates of the n points
# indicates end of input
A line
AABB **: xmin xmax ymin ymax for EACH of the input geometries (in the same order of the input), where ** is a 2-digit ID (left padded with zeros) indicating which geometry this AABB corresponds to. The ID is given by the input order of the geometry, it should be 00 for the first input geometry, 01 for the second, and so on.
then a line Isolated AABBs: followed by the ID of the isolated AABBs on each subsequent line, in increasing order of the IDs.
Take sample test case 2_4 as an example. There are four input geometries, a circle (r = 0.5), a rectangle, a circle (r = 1.6), a point set, and they will have IDs 00 , 01 , 02 , 03 , respectively. The first four lines of output give the AABBs (x, y, width, height) of the four geometries, and the last two lines of the output tell that each of the AABBs 00 and 03 do not overlap with the AABBs of any other geometries.
Task 1: Complete the member functions ReadRectangle() and ReadCircle() of struct AABB . These function are called by main() to read the input geometries and compute the AABBs. You may take the completed member function
ReadPointSet() as reference.
Task 2: The main() function has already read in the geometries and stored the AABBs of the geometries in an array boxes . Write your code to display the information of the AABBs for all input geometries by running through boxes .
Task 3: Complete the function IsOverlap() which determines whether two AABBs overlap with each other.
Task 4: In main() , write your code to identify the isolated AABBs and display their IDs in the output formats specified above.
You may assume that the maximum number of input geometries is 20.
Use the setw() and setfill() functions provided by the header <iomanip> to achieve zero padding.
You may add your own functions wherever appropriate for better program modularity.
Sample Test Cases
User inputs are shown in blue.




Problem 3: (C++) Word Search
Write a C++ program that searches a word from multiple files, and output the number of lines that the word appears and the total number of occurrences of the word in each file.
You are provided with a template program 3.cpp .
The program accepts command line argument as input. The command line of the program is given by:
<program_name> <word_to_search> <file1> <file2> <file3>
E.g., if your program is named wordsearch , then the following command at the command prompt
./wordsearch abc t1.txt t2.txt t3.txt will ask your program ./wordsearch to search for the string abc in the files t1.txt , t2.txt , t3.txt . Command line arguments in C/C++ are implemented by having input paramters for the main() function:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Read the comments in the provided template to see the usage of the paramaters argc (an integer) and argv (an array of C-strings).
The main() body has been completed for you, which means that command line argument parsing has been done for you. But you should read the code and understand how it works, as you may need to deal with command line arguments in your later courses too.
A line for each file specified in the command line arguments: first the filename, then the number of lines the word appears in the file ( n1 ), followed by the number of total occurrences of the word in the file ( n2 ):
<filename>: <n1> <n2>
or if there is any error accessing the file:
<filename>: error opening file Requirements:
You should start working from the 3.cpp provided.
Complete the function
int SearchWord(string word, string fileName, int &nLines, int &total) which search for a word in a file named fileName , and stores the number of lines that word appears in the file in nLines and the number of total occurrences in total . The function returns 0 if file operation is successful and 1 if otherwise.
The matching of word is case-insensitive.
The main() function has been completed for you, and you do not need to make any change to it. Read the code in main() and understand what it does before you start working.
You may add your own functions wherever appropriate for better program modularity.
Sample Test Cases
Sample text files t1.txt , t2.txt , t3.txt , t4.txt are provided.
We show only the contents of t1.txt , t2.txt , t3.txt here:
t1.txt t2.txt t3.txt
Cab AbB CAB Ab CaB ABc aBb AB cAb caB aBcAB CAB ABcAb AbcAb aBCAB AB ABcAb aBCaB ABCAB Abb aBC abC AbC ABCAB abCab ABC aBCAB ABcAB AB cAb ab abcab Ab abc aBCAB AbCAb abC AbC ab abcab aBc aBc ab abcAB
Abc aBC ab abC ab aB AbCAB AbcaB
Ab ab ABc aBcab abC ABc AbCab ABcAb app THe Elf DeEd keep SHe DEED dEEd aPP Ab sheeP Cde THe sHe ElF CDE sHe KeEP aB eLF An CaT sHE hE KEeP he SHE dEED ab she
Commands entered by the users at the command line prompt “>” to run your program are shown in blue, assuming that your program name is wordsearch .
Note that since there is no user input from the standard input, here’s how you should test your output against the sample output (e.g., for test case 3_1) to check for correctness:




Problem 4: (C) Character Counter
Write a C program to count the number of occurrences of each character in an input string.
Input: A string (that does not contain any space characters).
You may assume that the string is of at most 50 characters.
Output: The number of occurrences for each character.
Uppercase and lowercase of a character would be considered as the same.
The output order of the characters should be in the same order of their occurrences in the original string. (See sample cases.)
Output characters should be in lowercase.
Use the command gcc -pedantic-errors -std=c11 4.c -o 4 to compile your program. (Or specify -pedantic-errors -std=c11 as the compiler flags in the ATOM editor.)
Sample Test Cases
User inputs are shown in blue.



Problem 5: (Makefile, C++) Number System Conversion
In this question, let us implement a simple converter to convert a given integer in the range [1, 100] to its binary, octal and hexadecimal representation.
To allow other programs to reuse our program code for decimal-to-binary, decimal-to-octal and decimal-to-hexadecimal conversions, let us put the code in a separate file.
Let us first define the header file “d2boh.h” as follows:

The interfaces of the functions are explained below:
decimal_to_binary :
Parameter 1: An input integer (1 – 100) in decimal form
Parameter 2: An integer array to hold the binary representation of the input integer. For example, if the input integer is 10, the array will contain {1, 0, 1, 0}.
Return value: An integer to represent the number of digits in parameter 2. Using the above example, the return value will be 4.
decimal_to_octal :
Parameter 1: An input integer (1 – 100) in decimal form
Parameter 2: An integer array to hold the octal representation of the input integer. For example, if the input integer is 10, the array will contain {1, 2}.
Return value: An integer to represent the number of digits in parameter 2. Using the above example, the return value will be 2.
decimal_to_hexadecimal :
Parameter 1: An input integer (1 – 100) in decimal form
Parameter 2: An integer array to hold the hexadecimal representation of the input integer. For example, if the input integer is 10, the array will contain {A} (one single element).
Return value: An integer to represent the number of digits in parameter 2. Using the above example, the return value will be 1.
The skeleton of the implementation file “d2boh.cpp” is given below:


“d2boh.cpp” in your main program.
d2boh.o : which depends on d2boh.cpp and d2boh.h
main.o : which depends on main.cpp and d2boh.h
main : which depends on d2boh.o and main.o
You should assume that there can be a file named “clean” in the folder and you need to make sure that running make clean will not cause any conflict.
Upon Makefile is created appropriately, you should be able to compile all programs by issuing the command make main and cleaning all object files by issuing the command make clean .
