Comp Sci 3MI3 Midterm Test Solved

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Day Class 01, Dr. J. Carette

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This examination paper includes 5 pages. It has 9 questions. You are responsible for ensuring that your copy of the examination paper is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your invigilator. All questions must be answered on the midterm itself.
Special Instructions:
1. The use of notes and textbooks is not permitted.
2. Calculators, computers, cell phones, and all other electronic devices are not to be used.
3. Read each question carefully.
5. If the space provided is not sufficient, use the back page.
continued on page 2
What learning objective was served by demonstrating the esoteric languages Piet (i.e. the one named after the famous modern painter Piet Mondrian).
What is BNF (Backus-Naur Form) and what was it invented for? A complete answer will contrast the situation pre-BNF as well.
Declarative is a programming paradigm where what is to be computed is specified, but how to achieve that aim is not, with Prolog being a leading example of such a language. What is the ‘other’ paradigm, and what is a good example of such a language?
continued on page 3
Consider the following Prolog code:
toto(R, [], R). toto([X|Xs], [X|Ys], Zs) :- toto(Xs, Ys, Zs).
Think of it as a relation where the “output” is the first argument, and the other two are inputs. Implement it in Haskell. To help you, here is a type signature:
toto :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
Consider the following thing Prolog relation, seeing the first and third arguments of the relation to be inputs, and the second argument to be the output. append is list append, as done in class, and length is the Prolog built-in relation between a list (first argument) and its length (second).
prefix(L, P) :- append(P , _ , L). thing(L, N, P) :- prefix(L, P), length(P, N).
Given the following Haskell type signature
thing :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Integer
either translate thing to Haskell with that signature, or find a Prolog query that shows that this is not possible (and explain your reasoning). Note that thing must have this exact signature and must be a total, terminating function.
continued on page 4
E ::= N | E + E | E * E
N ::= 1 | 2| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Is the expression 1 + 2 a member of E? What about (1+2)*6 ? Explain your reasoning.
continued on page 5
data Expr = Int Integer | Add Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr
where Add is to be interpreted as addition and Mul as multiplication. Give the Haskell term that would correspond to (5+17)∗6.
