Comp 484 Project 1-HTML and CSS for a website Solved

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In this project you are going to create the HTML and CSS for a website to match a consistent look and feel.

Requirements:​ To complete this project you will write and submit 5 files: 4 HTML documents and 1 CSS document. The CSS file should contain the main style and formatting of the project.  You may use glitch or any editor that you prefer. For this project no use of libraries or automated CSS code-generation will be allowed. I want you to come up with the structure of your site and write the HTML and CSS that you feel fits that style. You may use lecture slides and the past hw’s for sample code but make sure to make it your own.


The purpose of this lab is to create a personal site about one of your interests. Examples include but are not limited to: favorite movie, show, book, artist, band, genre, sport, team, person, place to visit, etc. Be as creative as you wish if you have another idea for your site we can further discuss in person.


Review lecture material and make proper use of the elements, properties, and roles covered.

