CCC Rectangle Solved

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Below is some code for a rectangle class that needs to be completed. Add member function declarations to the class
declaration and member function definitions below the declaration. For the accessor functions, you can add the definitions
directly into the class declaration The goal is to code the class so that it works wthout changing the main program.
You can cut and paste the code into a file (rectangle.cpp) in the Mimir IDE or any other environment where you can build and
test the code more easily.

using namespace std;// rectangle has a vertical height and horizontal width
// The class below is a rectangle. It has two private
// data members: height and width.
// TODO: Complete the class declaration and definition.
class rectangle {
// TODO: declare a default constructor
// sets height and width to the unit rectangle which is a square 1×1 size.
// TODO: declare member function add
// add the given addHeight to height and addWidth to width
// @param int addHeight, int addWidth
// @returns void// TODO: delcare member function void set
// set the height to new_height and width to new_width
// @param int new_height, int new_width
// @returns void// TODO: declare member function draw
// uses height as the vertical dimension (outer loop) and width as the horizontal
// dimension (inner loop) to draw the rectangle with ‘#’ characters.// TODO: define accessor for width// TODO: define accessor for height// TODO: declare a function that tells if a
// rectangle is a square
int height;
int width;
};// TODO: implement a default constructor
// sets height and width to the unit rectangle which is
// a square 1×1 size.// TODO: Implement add member function
// @param int addHeight, int addWidth
// to addHeight to height and add addWidth to width
void rectangle::add(int addHeight, int addWidth)
{}// TODO: implement member function void set that assigns
// new_height to height and new_width to width
// @param int new_height, int new_width
void rectangle::set(int new_height, int new_width)
{}// TODO: declare member function void draw that uses
// uses the height in an outer loop and the width in an
// inner loop to draw the rectangle with ‘#’ characters.void rectangle::draw()
}// TODO: Don’t forget to define getWidth and getHeightint main()
// Declare 2 rectangles
rectangle r1, r2;
// Draw the unit rectangle
cout << “unit rectangle” << endl;
// Set, print dimensions and draw
r1.set(4, 3);
cout << “r1 is ” << r1.getHeight() << ” x ” << r1.getWidth() << endl;
// Assign, increment, print dimensions and draw
r2 = r1;
r2.add(3, 4);
cout << “r2 is ” << r2.getHeight() << ” x ” << r2.getWidth() << endl;
if (r2.isSquare())
cout << “r2 is a square” << endl;
cout << “r2 is not a square” << endl;
return 0;
