Application to model interns and supervisors Solved

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Suppose that you are required to write an application to model interns and supervisors in a company.
1- Define an abstract superclass called Staff to store two properties as:
String name;
String address;
[4 points] Provide (only one) constructor which sets the name and address properties.
[6 points] Provide getters & setters and toString() methods for the class Staff.
2- Define:
[2 points] Two subclasses of Staff, one named Intern and one Supervisor.
[3 points] Both classes, Intern and Supervisor must implement the interface StaffInfo, provided below.
3- Requirements for the class Intern:
• should maintain a list of tasks taken and the respective hours for each task.
• an intern cannot have more than 10 tasks
• should also provide a method to add a task with hours
• print all tasks taken with task description and hours
• calculate the average hours of the tasks assigned
[5 points] Intern(…) constructor calling the parent constructor
[5 points] private instance variables: numTasks, taskList[], hourList[], MaxNumTasks=10
[5 points] toString() method to describe itself. Add the string “Intern: ” to the beginning.
[5 points] addTaskHours(task, hours) adds a task and its hours. Validate that task description is not null and hours are greater than zero
[5 points] // printHours() prints all Tasks taken and their hour
[5 points] // getAverageHour() computes the average hour
4- Requirements for the class Supervisor:
• should maintain a list of tasks they currently supervise
• be able to add or remove a task supervised
• assume that a supervisor cannot supervise more than 5 tasks
[5 points] private instance variables: numTasks, taskList[], MaxNumTasks=5
[5 points] Supervisor (…) constructor calling the parent constructor
[5 points] toString() method to describe itself. Add the string “Superviser: ” to the beginning.
[5 points] addTask(task) adds a task to task list. Returns false if task already in the list.
[5 points] removeTask (task) removes a task from task list. Returns false if task not found.
Note: Your program solution may only be uploaded in .jar format. No other format will be graded.
Interface to be implemented by the Intern & the Supervisor class as described in item 2 above.
* StaffInfo interface declaration.
public interface StaffInfo {
// Returns (String “Supervisor” or “Intern”), name + address of the staff
String getStaffInfo();