CS3342 Javascript Solved

30.00 $



5/5 - (1 vote)


  1. Fork this repository into your own GitHub account.
  2. Look at assignment.js. Following the instructions about what you can change, add or fix the code to make the tests pass.
  3. I recommend committing your work every time you finish a session, and pushing it up to GitHub.
  4. At some point, generate a PR back to me. Your work needn’t be finished: if you push more commits to your account after creating a PR, they’ll automatically get merged in (assuming you stay in the same branch).


The assignment has seven sections. They contribute to the total mark as follows:

Section Marks
1 10
2 10
3 10
4 10
5 20
6 20
7 20

Within each section, 70% of the grade is given if all the corresponding tests pass. The remainder is given based on how well you demonstrate your understanding of the principles from class, along with things such as layout and naming.


  • Javascript-Part-1-6argp0.zip