10.009 Week 8 Solved

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• Homework problems : Same as for the cohort session problems.
• Exercises: These are practice problems and will not be graded. You are encouraged to solve these to enhance your programming skills. Being able to solve these problems will likely help you prepare for the end term examination.
1. Understand what is object-oriented programming (OOP).
2. Learn classes and methods.
Problems: Cohort sessions
1. Classes and Methods: Make a Coordinate class. Implement a class named Coordinate that represents the coordinates of a point in two-dimensional space. The class has two attributes: x and y. It also has the following methods:
• __init__(self, x=0, y=0) : This method takes in x and y to initialize the at-
tributes. If x and y are not provided, the attributes are initialized to 0.
• magnitude(self): This method returns the distance from the origin, which is defined
as px2 + y2.
• translate(self, dx, dy): This method translates the point by dx and dy so that the point now has the coordinates (x + dx, y + dy).
• __eq__(self, other): This method takes another Coordinate object and returns True if the attributes of other have the same values as the attributes of self, and False otherwise.
A sample interactive session is shown below.
>>> p = Coordinate()
>>> print(p.x, p.y)
0 0
>>> print(p.magnitude())
>>> p.x = 3
>>> p.y = 4
>>> print(p.magnitude())
>>> q = Coordinate(3,4)
>>> print(p == q)
>>> True
>>> q.translate(1, 2)
>>> print(q.x)
>>> print(p == q)
>>> False
2. Clases and Methods: Make a Celsius class: Implement a class named Celsius that represents a temperature in degrees Celsius.
It has one attribute called _temperature that stores the temperature value. Note that by convention, an underscore prefix (like _temperature) designates a private attribute that should only be accessed within the class itself. Public attributes are those that are intended to be accessed anywhere. While Python does not prevent access to private attributes, it is a convention that is generally followed by Python programmers.
The class also has a property temperature (See Python docs here: https://docs. python.org/3/library/functions.html#property).
The methods that the class contains are as follows:
• __init__(self,temperature): This method initializes the property temperature according to the argument temperature. If it is not specified, the property should be initialized to 0.
• to_fahrenheit(self): This method returns the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
• get_temperature(self): This method returns the temperature in degrees Celsius.
• temperature: This is a property that allows access to the _temperature attribute. Remember that the underscore is a convention denoting a private attribute. Thus temperature behaves like a public attribute. Assign the get_temperature and set_temperature methods as its getter and setter.
A sample interactive session using class Coordinate is shown below.
>>> c=Celsius()
>>> print(c.temperature)
>>> c.temperature=32
>>> print(c.to_fahrenheit())
>>> c.temperature=-300
>>> print(c.temperature)
3. Classes and Methods: Stopwatch: Write a class named StopWatch. The class contains:
• Two instance attributes, i.e. start_time and end_time.
• During object instantiation, start_time should be initialized to the current time and end_time should be initialized to -1. You should not use optional arguments in __init__() for this problem.
• A method named start that resets the start_time to the current time and end_time
to -1.
• A method named stop that sets the end_time to the current time.
• A method named elapsed_time that returns the elapsed time for the stopwatch in seconds as a float. Round the value of the elapsed time to one decimal place. If end_time is not valid (ie., it is -1), return None.
Hint: To get the current time, you will need to use a function from Python’s time module. Read the documentation to find out what it is. https://docs.python. org/3/library/time.html.
To test, run this script:
sw = StopWatch() time.sleep(0.1) sw.stop() print(sw.elapsed_time()) sw.start() time.sleep(0.2) print(sw.elapsed_time()) sw.stop() print(sw.elapsed_time())
It should output the following:
0.1 None
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
4. Classes and Methods: Write a class Line that represents the following equation: y = c0 + c1x. It will have the following methods:
(a) The __init__() method takes two parameters, c0 and c1. During object instantiation, the two parameters should initialize the coefficients c0 and c1 in the expression for the straight line: y = c0 + c1x.
(b) The call method returns the value of y according to y = c0 + c1x.
(c) The table(L, R, n) method samples the function at n points for L ≤ x ≤ R and creates a table of x and y values, with each value formatted to 2 decimal places in a field of width 10.
Hint: Look up string formatting in Python docs to find out how to do the formatting required by the method table(L,R,n).
Refer to the following sample interactive session.
>>> line=Line(1,2)
>>> line(2)
>>> print(line.table(1,5,4))
1.00 3.00 2.33 5.67
3.67 8.33
5.00 11.00
For the test cases below, use the inputs in the same way they were used in the sample interactive session given above. Input 1 refers to the input x, c0 and c1 in line(x) and for instantiating the class Line, output 1 refers to the output after calling line(x), input 2 refers to the input L, R, and n in line.table(L,R,n) and output 2 refers to the output after printing line.table(L,R,n).
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input 1: x = 2,c0 = 1,c1 = 2
Output1: 5.0
Input 2: L = 1, R = 5, N = 4
Output 2:
1.00 3.00
2.33 5.67
3.67 8.33
5.00 11.00
Test case 2
Input 1: x = 2,c0 = −1,c1 = 2
Output 1: 3.0 Input 2: L = -1, R = 5, N = 10
Output 2:
-1.00 -3.00
-0.33 -1.67
0.33 -0.33
1.00 1.00
1.67 2.33
2.33 3.67
3.00 5.00
3.67 6.33
4.33 7.67
5.00 9.00
Test case 3
Input 1: x = 2,c0 = 3,c1 = 4
Output 1: 11.0
Input 2: L = 1, R = 5, N = 15
Output 2:
1.00 7.00
1.29 8.14
1.57 9.29
1.86 10.43
2.14 11.57
2.43 12.71
2.71 13.86
3.00 15.00
3.29 16.14
3.57 17.29
3.86 18.43
4.14 19.57
4.43 20.71
4.71 21.86
5.00 23.00
Test case 4
Input 1: x = 2,c0 = 3,c1 = 4
Output 1: 11.0 Input 2: L = 1, R = 1, N = 15
Output 2:
1.00 7.00
Test case 5
Input 1: x = 2,c0 = 3,c1 = 4
Output 1: 11.0
Input 2: L = 1, R = 5, N = 0
Output 2:
Error in printing table
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
Problems: Homework
1. Classes and Methods: Time: Write a class named Time. The class contains:
• The instance attributes _hours, _minutes, and _seconds that represent a time.
• During object instantiation of a Time object, it should initialize the attributes _hours, _minutes, and _seconds using the input parameters.
• A property named elapsed_time with a getter and setter. The getter returns the total number of seconds that has elapsed since the time 00:00:00, and the setter takes number of seconds elapsed and sets the _hours, _minutes and _seconds instance
attributes accordingly.
• Define the __str__ method so that when you print a Time object you would get the following string representation: ‘‘Time: H:M:S’’, where H is hour, M is minute, and S is seconds. For example, ‘‘Time: 10:19:10’’
Note that _hours can only go from 0 to 23, and _minutes and _seconds can only go from 0 to 59. You can assume that all our test cases will have valid values within those ranges. If the given number of elapsed seconds is so large that it overflows (ie. it is longer than one day), simply set the appropriate time in the different day. For example, if the elapsed time is 555550 seconds, _hours is 10, _minutes is 19, and _seconds is 10. An example of a test program is as follows:
t = Time(10, 19, 10)
t.elapsed_time = 555550 print(t.elapsed_time) print(t)
It should output:
Time: 10:19:10
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
2. Classes and Methods: A bank account class: Implement the concept of a bank account as a class named Account. The bank account has some data, namely the name of the account holder, the account number, and the current balance. The current balance can be a negative number. Three things we can do with an account is withdraw money, deposit money into the account, and print out the account information. These actions are modelled by methods inside the class. Implement the following methods:
• __init__(self, owner, account_number, amount)
• deposit(self, amount)
• withdraw(self, amount)
• __str__(self)
Name the attributes of your class as
• _owner
• _account_number, and
• _balance
>>> a1 = Account(’John Olsson’, ’19371554951’, 20000)
>>> a2 = Account(’Liz Olsson’, ’19371564761’, 20000)
>>> a1.deposit(1000)
>>> a1.withdraw(4000)
>>> a2.withdraw(10500)
>>> a1.withdraw(3500)
>>> print(a1)
John Olsson, 19371554951, balance: 13500
>>> print(a2)
Liz Olsson, 19371564761, balance: 9500
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
3. Classes and Methods: A class for estimating the derivative of a function f(x) at x takes the form:
where h is a small change in x.
The goal of this exercise is to use the formula above to differentiate a mathematical function f(x) implemented as a Python function f(x).
Implement class Diff with two special methods. The __init__() method takes in a function object and also an optional argument h. The default value of h is 1e-4. Implement also the special method call so that the instance is callable. This method returns the approximation of the derivative of the function using the formula above.
The following code shows you how this class can be used to compare the exact value of the derivative versus its approximation for the function f(x) = (1/4)x4.
def f(x): return 0.25*x**4 df = Diff(f) # make function-like object df # df(x) computes the derivative of f(x) approximately:
for x in [1, 5, 10]:
df_value = df(x) # approx value of derivative of f at point x exact = x**3 # exact value of derivative
print(“f’({:d})={:g} (error={:.2E})” .format(x, df_value, exactdf_value))
The following are test cases for the derivative of f(x) = ln(x), evaluated at x = 10 for various values of h.
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: x = 10.0, f = log, h = 0.1,
Output: mation error
Test case 2 (0.09950330853167877, 0.0004966914683212365) # derivative, approxi-
Input: x = 10.0, f = log, h = 0.5,
Test case 3 (0.09758032833886343, 0.0024196716611365743)
Input: x = 10.0, f = log, h = 1.0E-5,
Test case 4 (0.09999994996512383, 5.003487617283309e-08)
Input: x = 10.0, f = log, h = 1.0E-9,
Test case 5 (0.1000000082740371, -8.274037094357922e-09)
Input: x = 10.0, f = log, h = 1.0E-11,
Output: (0.0999644811372491, 3.551886275091065e-05)
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
4. Polynomial class: This exercise focuses on a class Polynomial for polynomials. The coefficients in the polynomial will be given as a list, and is used as a parameter during object instantiation. Index number i in this list represents the coefficients of the xi term in the polynomial. For example, writing Polynomial([1,0,-1,2]) defines the polynomial:
p(x) = 1 + 0x − 1×2 + 2×3 = 1 − x2 + 2×3.
(a) Polynomials can be added and subtracted(by adding/subtracting the coefficients). The class should implement the ‘magic’ __add__ and __sub__ methods.
(b) Implement __call__ so that we can evaluate the value of the polynomial expression given a certain value of x
(c) Implement the __mul__ method for polynomial multiplication. Let
and be two polynomials. Their product is:
M N XX i+j
cidjx .
i=0 j=0
(d) Implement two different methods for differentiating the polynomial:
The first method is differentiate which returns None but changes the coefficients of the current polynomial instance on which it is called.
The second method is derivative, which returns a new Polynomial instance with
containing the new coefficients.
An interactive session for Polynomial is as follows:
>>> p1 = Polynomial([1, -1])
>>> p2 = Polynomial([0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1])
>>> p3 = p1 + p2
>>> print(p3.coeff)
[1, 0, 0, 0, -6, -1]
>>> p4 = p1*p2
>>> print(p4.coeff)
[0, 1, -1, 0, -6, 5, 1]
>>> p5 = p2.derivative()
>>> print(p5.coeff)
[1, 0, 0, -24, -5]
>>> p = Polynomial([1, 2, 3])
>>> q = Polynomial([2, 3])
>>> r=p-q
>>> print(r.coeff)
[-1, -1, 3]
>>> r=q-p
>>> print(r.coeff)
[1, 1, -3]
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: [1, -1], [0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1] # poly coeffs are added Output: [1, 0, 0, 0, -6, -1]
Test case 2
Input: [1, -1], [0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1], x = 3 # poly coeffs are subtracted and
evaluated at x = 3
Output: [1, -2, 0, 0, 6, 1], 724 # resultant poly coeff and evaluated value
Test case 3
Input: [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4] # multiplication Output: [1, 4, 10, 20, 25, 24, 16]
Test case 4
Input: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] # differentiation
Test case 5 [3, 10, 21, 36]
Input: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] # derivative – differentiation of polynomial copy
Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
Problems: Exercises
1. Classes and Methods: Make a function class: Make a class named F that implements the
f(x) = e−axsin(wx).
The function f(x) calculates the value for the given variable x from constant parameters a and w.
Class F has instance attributes a and w. Apart from the __init__ method, it also has the __call__ method implemented to compute the values of f(x) for a given value of x. Test the class with the following program.
from math import * f = F(a=1.0, w=0.1) print(f(x=pi))
Submission to Vocareum: Please submit your entire class with all the above methods implemented.
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: a=1.0, w = 0.1, x=pi Output: 0.013353835137
Test case 2
Input: a = 3.0, w = 0.5, x=pi/2.0 Output: 0.00635214599841
Test case 3
Input: a = 5.0, w = 1.5 , x=pi/4.0 Output: 0.018203081084
Test case 4
Input: a = 5.0, w = 2.0, x=pi/6.0 Output: 0.06317573987774452
Test case 5
Input: a = 10.0, w = 3.0, x=pi/18.0
Output: 0.0872937481106
2. Classes and Methods: Straight line class based on alternative definition: Make a class Line0 whose __init__ method takes two points p1 and p2 (2- tuples or 2-lists) as input. The line passes through these two points. Implement __call__ to take an x value and return the corresponding y value.
>>> line = Line0((0,-1), (2,4))
>>> print(line(0.5), line(0), line(1)) 0.25 -1.0 1.5
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: p1 = (0,-1), p2 = (2,4), x = 0.5,
Output: 0.25
Test case 2
Input: p1 = (0,-1), p2 = (2,4), x = 0,
Output: -1.0
Test case 3
Input: p1 = (0,-1), p2 = (2,4), x = 1,
Output: 1.5
Test case 4
Input: p1 = (3,3), p2 = (8,8), x = -1,
Output: -1.0
Test case 5
Input: p1 = (3,3), p2 = (8,8), x = 4.3,
Output: 4.3
End of Problem Set 8.

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