EMEC303 Homework #1 Solved

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Problem 1: Logistics (0 points)

  • Ensure you have a picture on D2L
  • Install MATLAB on your computer and bring it to class (if you can)

Problem 2: MATLAB Practice (10 points)

  • Write the MATLAB script that does the following steps
    • Create an array A of 20 zeros
    • Put a 1 in the second entry in the array, i.e., A = [0,1,0,…,0]
    • Loop over the third to twentieth entries and compute the value by adding the previous two values.

For example A(3) = A(1) + A(2) and A(4) = A(2) + A(3).

  • Display the final result along with the name of this famous sequence of numbers
  • Create a line plot of the functions y = sin(x) and y = cos(x) on the interval x = [−π,Ï€] with 1000 grid points. Label your axes, adjust the font size so the figure looks good, add a legend with line types that easily distinguishable.
  • Find a picture that depicts your summer and use MATLAB to display the image with a title and caption describing the activity.
  • Using the Publish feature in MATLAB, save your code and output as a pdf with the filename following this convention. File Naming: All MATLAB scripts should follow the following format


Example: For John Doe homework assignment 1 for section 003 it would be written as


Turn in the PDF of your MATLAB code that includes your output (e.g., figures) to GRADESCOPE. Also, upload your code (m-file) to the assignment folder on D2L. Be sure your code has comments explaining what is being done, as this is good programming practice.

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  • EMEC303-fylsnk.zip