CS3339 LAB​ ​3 Password ​ Cracking​ Solved

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In​ ​this​ ​lab​ ​we​ ​will ​ be​ ​ cracking​              ​ passwords.​      ​You​     ​ will​       ​ be​        ​ ​given  ​  a​ ​ ​list​         of​​ ​password​ ​hashes​ and​​ ​you must ​ determine​             ​ the​       ​ corresponding​               ​ plain​   ​ text​      ​  ​password         ​ for​        ​ each​   ​               hash.​ ​​All​ ​of​ ​the​ ​hashes​ ​in​ this​ lab ​ were​   ​ hashed​             ​ using​  ​ SHA256.​


In​ ​addition,​ ​you​ ​may​ ​NOT​ ​use​ ​any​ ​password​ ​cracking​ ​tool​ ​to​ ​do​ ​this​ ​lab.

You​ ​must write​ ​ your​ ​ own​                 ​ ​ password​  cracker​   ​ to​         ​ use.

It ​ can​   ​ be​        ​ done​   ​ in​ ​ ​       whatever ​ language​      ​ you​      ​               feel​​  ​comfortable      ​  with​ ​ (​ I ​ suggest​          ​ Python)​

You​ ​should​ ​at​ ​least​ ​implement​ ​a​ ​brute-force​ and​        ​ a​ ​ dictionary​    ​ attack.​    Additional​ ​attack​ ​types​ ​may​ ​be​ ​necessary​ ​to​ find​     ​ ​all​ ​passwords


Types​ ​of​ ​passwords​ ​to​ ​look​ ​for

  • English​ words​ ​ ​(with ​ ​both​ lowercase​ ​ and​​ ​uppercase​ ​letters)
    • Eggplant, ​ waterfall,​ ​ kAngaRoO​
  • 2​ ​words​ ​(no​ spaces,​ ​ some​  ​ ​words ​ ​may ​ ​be ​ capitalized)​
    • computerScreen,​ ​FootballHead,​ ​bluecactus
  • Common​ passwords​
  • Random​ ​strings​ ​(up​ to​ ​ ​6​ ​characters)
  • Long​ ​english ​ ​words ​ (11​ ​ -​​  26​    ​ characters)​
  • English ​ words​ ​ ​with ​ trailing​ ​ numbers​          ​ and​      ​​symbols           ​  ​( up ​ ​to    ​ 4)​
    • nerd123!
  • English​ ​words​ ​with ​ ​letters​ ​replaced
    • 1337​ ​h@ck0r



  • Your​ ​password​ ​cracking​ ​program​ ​source​ ​code
  • A ​ README​ ​ for​        ​ compiling/running​        ​ ​your​ ​program
  • A ​ file​ ​ named​              ​ txt​             ​ which​ ​should​​ ​contain ​​all​ of​​ ​the​ ​passwords ​​that​ ​you ​ have​         found​ ​and​ ​their ​ corresponding​             ​ hashes​               ​ ​in ​ the​ ​  following​          ​ ​             format.​  If​​  a​ ​     ​password ​ it​​  ​not            ​  found,​   just​ ​include​ the​             ​ hash​   ​ followed​           ​ by​        ​ a​ ​ ​blank.


<hash>:<password> <hash>:


  • All​ deliverables​ ​ ​should​ ​be​ ​uploaded​ ​to​ ​canvas


Grade:​ ​50​ ​points​ ​for​ ​the​ ​program,​ ​50​ ​points​ ​for​ ​passwords​ ​(1​ ​point​ ​per​ ​password)

  • Lab3-dp6znb.zip