COP2337C Project Version 2 – Solved

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For version 2 you will add the concept of Inheritance.


  • A subclass called PartTimeEmployee, to be inherited from the Employee class.
    • pts) This class will inherit all of the fields and methods of an Employee, and will include the following additional private fields:
      • weeklyHoursWorked o hourlyRate

The PartTimeEmployee class will also include the following methods:

  • (10 pts) Constructors:
  • Default constructor that initializes the two private fields to zero in addition to calling the superclass default constructor.
  • Parameter Constructor that sets the two private field values in addition to calling the superclass parameter constructor. o (5 pts) Include mutator methods for the two new member fields. o  (5 pts) Include accessor methods for the two new member fields.
  • (10 pts) Include the following public method called CalculateWeeklyPay(). This method should calculate and return the weekly pay based on the following:

If 40 hours or less are worked:

weeklyPay = weeklyHoursWorked * hourlyRate

If over 40 hours are worked:

Regular pay for the first 40 hours plus an additional amount of 1.5 the hourlyRate for all hours worked over 40.

  • A subclass called FullTimeEmployee, to be inherited from the Employee class.
    • pts) This class will inherit all of the fields and methods of an Employee, and will include the following additional private field: o annualSalary

The FullTimeEmployee class will also include the following methods:

  • (10 pts) Constructors:
  • Default constructor that initializes the private field to zero in addition to calling the superclass default constructor.
  • Parameter Constructor that sets the private field value in addition to calling the superclass parameter constructor. o (5 pts) Include a mutator methods for annualSalary. o  (5 pts) Include accessor methods for annualSalary.
  • (10 pts) Include the following public method called CalculateWeeklyPay(). The weekly pay will be based on a 52-week year.

(10 pts) Update your UML diagram to represent the Employee Hierarchy.

o (20 pts) Create a driver class called EmployeeTester.  Be sure to fully test your class.
