COMP 1039 Problem Solving Assignment 2 Solved

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You are required to write a list module (containing only the functions listed below). This file is provided
for you (on the course website) however, you will need to modify this file by writing code that implements the
functions listed below. Please read the slides on modules available on the course website if you would like
more information on modules.
You are required to implement a Python module containing the following functions:
1. Write a function called length(my list) that takes a list as a parameter and returns the length of the list. You
must use a loop in your solution. You must not use built-in functions, list methods or string methods in your
2. Write a function called to string(my list, sep=’, ‘)that takes a list and a separator value as parameters
and returns the string representation of the list (separated by the separator value) in the following form:
item1, item2, item3, item4
The separator value must be a default argument. i.e. sep=’, ’
You must use a loop in your solution. You must not use built-in functions (other than the range() and str()
functions), slice expressions, list methods or string methods in your solution. You may use the concatenation
(+) operator to build the string. You must return a string from this function.
3. Write a function called count(my list, value) that takes a list and a value as parameters. The function
searches for the value in the list and returns how many times the value appears in the list. You may assume
that the elements of the list can be compared using the comparison operators ==, !=, etc. You must use a loop
in your solution. You must not use built-in functions (other than the range() function), list methods or string
methods in your solution.
4. Write a function called find(my list, value) that takes a list, and a value as parameters. The function
searches for the value in the list and returns the index at which the first occurrence of value is found in the list.
The function returns -1 if the value is not found in the list.
5. Write a function called insert value(my list, value, insert position) that takes a list, a value and an
insert position as parameters. The function returns a copy of the list with the value inserted into the list
(my list) at the index specified by insert position. Check for the insert position value exceeding the list
(my list) bounds. If the insert position is greater than the length of the list, insert the value at the end of the
list. If the insert position is less than or equal to zero, insert the value at the start of the list. You must use
a loop(s) in your solution. You may make use of the list name.append(item) method in order to build the new
list. You must not use built-in functions (other than the range() function), slice expressions, list methods (other
than the append() method) or string methods in your solution.
6. Write a function called remove value(my list, remove position)that takes a list and a remove position as
parameters. The function returns a copy of the list with the item at the index specified by remove position,
removed from the list. Check for the remove position value exceeding the list (my list) bounds. If the
remove position is greater than the length of the list, remove the item at the end of the list. If the remove position
is less than or equal to zero, remove the item stored at the start of the list. You must use a loop in your solution.
You may make use of the list name.append(item) method in order to build the new list. You must not
use built-in functions (other than the range() function), slice expressions, list methods (other than the append()
method) or string methods in your solution.
You must test your functions to ensure that they are working correctly. So you do not have to write your own test
file, one has been provided for you. The assign2 partI test file is a test file that contains code that calls
the functions contained in the list module. Please do not modify the test file.
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It is recommended that you develop this part of the assignment in the suggested stages.
It is expected that your solution will include the use of:
The supplied list module (containing the functions listed below). This is provided for you – you
will need to modify this file.
Functions (length, to string, count, find, insert value, and remove value) implemented adhering to the
assignment specifications.
The supplied assign2 partI test file. This is provided for you – please DO NOT modify this file.
Well constructed while loops. (Marks will be lost if you use break statements in order to exit from loops).
Well constructed for loops. (Marks will be lost if you use break statements in order to exit from loops).
Appropriate if/elif/else statements.
Output that strictly adheres to the assignment specifications. If you are not sure about these details, you should
check with the ‘Sample Output – Part I’ provided at the end of this document.
Good programming practice:
– Consistent commenting and code layout. You are to provide comments to describe: your details, program
description, all variable definitions, all functions, and every significant section of code.
– Meaningful variable names.
Your solutions MAY make use of the following:
– Built–in functions range() and str().
– List method append() to create/build new lists. i.e. list name.append(item).
– Concatenation (+) operator to create/build new strings.
– Comparison operators (==, ! =, <, >, etc).
– Access the individual elements in a list with an index (one element only). i.e. list name[index].
– Use of any of the functions you have written as part of the assignment. i.e. length() function.
Your solutions MUST NOT use:
– Built–in functions (other than range() and str() functions).
– Slice expressions to select a range of elements from a list. i.e., list name[start:end].
– List methods (other than the append() method. i.e. list name.append(item)).
– String methods.
– Do not use break, or continue statements in your solution – doing so will result in a significant mark
deduction. Do not use the quit() or exit() functions as a way to break out of loops.
It is recommended that you use Python 3.6.0 (or most current version) in order to complete your assignments. Your
programs MUST run using Python 3.6.0 (or most current version).
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It is recommended that you develop this part of the assignment in the suggested stages. Many problems in later
stages are due to errors in early stages. Make sure you have finished and thoroughly tested each stage before
The following stages of development are recommended:
Stage 1
You will need both the list and assign2 partI test files for this assignment. These have
been provided for you. Please download both of these files from the course website and ensure that they are in the
same directory as each other.
Test to ensure that this is working correctly by opening and running the assign2 partI test file. If this is
working correctly, you should now see the following output in the Python shell when you run your program:
Start Testing!
length Test
In function length()
List length: None
In function length()
List length: None
to string Test
In function to string()
List is: None
In function to string()
List is: None In function to string()
List is: None
count Test
In function count()
In function count()
In function count()
find Test
In function find()
In function find() None
insert value Test
In function insert value()
In function insert value()
In function insert value()
In function insert value()
remove value Test
In function remove value()
In function remove value()
Page 4 of 52
In function remove value()

length Test
In function length()
List length: None
to string Test
In function to string()
List is: None
In function to string()
List is: None
count Test
In function count()
find Test
In function find()
insert value Test
In function insert value()
remove value Test
In function remove value()
End Testing!
Page 5 of 52
Stage 2
Implement one function at a time. The following implementation order is a recommendation only:
to string()
remove value()
insert value()
Place the code that implements each function in the appropriate place in the list file.
For example, if you were implementing the length() function, you would place the code that calculates and returns
the length of the list under the comment ‘Place your code here’ (within the length function definition) seen below.
# Funct ion length ( ) ô€€€ place your own comments here . . . : )
def length(my list ):
# This l i n e w i l l eventual l y be removed ô€€€ used f o r
# development purposes only .
print(“In function length()”)
# Place your code here
Test your function by running the assign2 partI test test file to ensure each function is working correctly
before starting on the next function.
Compare your output with the sample output provided (at the end of this document) to ensure that your
function is working as it should.
Stage 3
Finally, check the sample output (see section titled ‘Sample Output – Part I’ towards the end of this document) and if
necessary, modify your functions so that:
The output produced by your program EXACTLY adheres to the sample output provided.
Your program behaves as described in these specs and the sample output provided.
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Write a menu driven program called yourSaibtId that will allow the user to enter commands and process
these commands until the quit command is entered. The program will store and maintain personal profile
information (using a List of Profile objects). Personal profile information will be stored in a text file that will be read in
when the program commences. Once the initial profile data has been read in from the file, the program should allow
the user to interactively query and manipulate the profile information.
When your program begins, it will read in personal profile information from a file called profiles.txt. This is a text
file that stores profile information for the simple social network. An example input file called profiles.txt is provided
on the course website (under the Assessment tab). You may assume that all data is in the correct format. Details for
each person is listed as follows:
1st line – Given name, family name, email address, and gender are stored on one line (separated by a space)
2nd line – Person’s current status
3rd line – A single number that represents how many friends the person has. For example, if the number is 0,
the following line will be the start of a new profile. If the number is 1, then the following line is a single email
address of the friend before starting a new profile on the line after that.
Figure 1: Extract from supplied file – profiles.txt
After the program has stored the data (using a List of Profile objects), it will enter interactive mode as described in
the following section.
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Interactive Mode
Your program should enter an interactive mode after the profile information has been read from the file. The program
will allow the user to enter commands and process these commands until the quit command is entered. The following
commands should be allowed:
1. Summary:
Outputs the contents of the profile list as seen below in the section titled Screen Format.
2. Add:
Prompts for and reads a person’s email address. If the email address does not already exist (i.e. a match is not
found on email address) in the profile list, prompts for and reads the rest of the person’s details (given name,
family name, gender and status) and adds the information to the profile list (note that the number of friends will
be set to zero – no friends are read in at this point). A message is displayed to the screen indicating that the
profile has been successfully added. The profile must be added after the last profile entry stored in the list. If
the profile is already stored in the profile list, an error message is displayed.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Please enter given name: Homer
Please enter family name: Simpson
Please enter gender: m
Please enter current status: mmmmmm…. donuts…. 🙂
Successfully added [email protected] to profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] already exists in profiles.
3. Remove:
Prompts for and reads the person’s email address. If the email address (profile) is found, it is removed from the
list of profiles and a message is displayed to the screen indicating that this has been done. If the profile is not
found in the profiles list, an error message is displayed. Note: The deleted person’s email address must also
be removed from ALL profiles that are friends with the deleted profile. That is, remove the email address from
all friends’ lists.
Sample Output 1
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Successfully removed [email protected] from profiles.
Sample Output 2
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
4. Search:
Prompts for and reads the person’s email address and searches for the person in the profile list. If the person
is found in the profile list, the person’s details are displayed to the screen as seen below in the section titled
Screen Format. If the person is not found in the profile list, an error message stating the person has not been
found is displayed.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
Please enter email address: [email protected]
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John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]
5. Update:
Prompts for and reads the person’s email address. If the email (profile) is not found in the profiles list, an error
message is displayed to the screen.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] was not found in profiles.
If the profile with matching email address is found, the following prompt is displayed:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]:
status – Prompt for and read the new status; update the status accordingly.
add friend – Prompt for and read the email address of the friend to add.
– If the friend’s email address is not found in the list of profiles, display an error message to the screen.
– If the email address is found in the friends list (i.e. they are already friends), display an error message
to the screen (duplicate entries are not allowed).
– Otherwise, add the email address to the friends list and display a message to the screen indicating
that this has been done.
remove friend – Prompt for and read the email address of the friend to remove.
– If the friend’s email address is not found in the list of friends, display an error message to the screen.
– If the email address is found in the friends list, it is removed from the array of friends and a message
is displayed to the screen indicating that this has been done.
6. Quit:
Causes the program to quit and output the contents of the list of profiles to a file called new profiles.txt.
The format of this file should exactly match that of the input file.
The program should display an appropriate message if a profile is not found matching a search criteria. Appropriate
messages should also be displayed to indicate whether a command has been successfully completed.
Please refer to the sample output (at the end of this handout) to ensure that your program is behaving correctly and
that you have the correct output messages.
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Screen Format
The summary command (display summary() function) should display the profile information in the following
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
Tony Stark

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
Robbie Gray
Fox Mulder

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
Katy Perry
David Guetta

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
John Mayer
David Guetta
Jimmy Fallon

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
Katy Perry
John Mayer
Tony Stark
Fox Mulder
Robbie Gray

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
Robbie Gray
Tony Stark

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
Jimmy Fallon
Fox Mulder
John Mayer
Tony Stark

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It is recommended that you develop this part of the assignment in the suggested stages. Each
stage is worth a portion of the marks.
It is expected that your solution will include the use of:
Your solution in a file called yourSaibtId
The supplied module (that defines the Profile class). This is provided for you – do
NOT modify this file.
Appropriate and well constructed while and/or for loops. (Marks will be lost if you use break
statements in order to exit from loops).
Appropriate if, ifô€€€else, ifô€€€elifô€€€else statements (as necessary).
The following functions:
– read file(filename, profile list)
Takes the name of the input file and list of profile objects(profile list) as parameters
Reads the contents of the file into the profile list(list)
Returns the list of profile objects
You must use a loop in your solution. You may use String and/or List methods in this
function only. You may find the String methods split() and strip() useful here.
– write to file(filename, profile list)
Accepts the name of the output file (filename) and list of profile objects (profile list)
as parameters
Output the contents of the profile list (list of profile objects) to a file in the same
format as the input file
The file will need to be opened for writing in this function (and of course closed once
all writing has been done).
The function returns nothing
You must use a loop in your solution.
– display summary(profile list)
Accepts a list of profile objects as a parameter
Displays the contents of the list to the screen in the format specified (see Screen
Format on page 10)
The function returns nothing
You must use a loop in your solution
– find profile(profile list, email)
Accepts a person’s email as input along with the list of profile objects (profile list)
as parameters
Returns the position (index) of the person found in the profile list. If the person is
not found, the function returns ô€€€1.
You must use a loop in your solution. You must not use list methods in your solution.
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– add profile(profile list)
Accepts a list of profile objects as a parameter
Prompts for and reads the person’s (to be added) email address
. If the person already exists in the list of profiles, display an error message to the
. If the person does not exist in the profiles list, prompt for and read the person’s
given name, family name, gender and status
. Create a new profile object with the information read in and add the profile object
to the end of the list of profiles and displays a message to the screen indicating
that a new person has been added to the profiles list
. Returns the list of profiles
. You may use the list name.append(item) method to add the new profile object to the
list of profiles. You must call function find profile() from this function
– remove profile(profile list)
Accepts a list of profile objects (i.e., profile list) as a parameter
Prompts for and reads the person’s email address (to be removed)
. If the person is not found in the list of profiles, display an error message to the
. If the person does exist in the profiles list, this function removes the person’s
profile object and displays a message to the screen indicating that the person has
been removed from the profiles list
. Note: The deleted person’s email address must also be removed from ALL profiles
that are friends with the deleted profile. That is, remove the email address from
all friends’ lists (you may make use of the profile.remove friend(email) method to
do this)
. Returns a list of profiles
. You may use the list name.append(item) method in this function. You must call
function find profile() from this function
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Your solutions MAY make use of the following:
Built-in functions int(), input(), print(), range(), open(), close(),len() and str().
Concatenation (+) operator to create/build new strings.
Access the individual elements in a string with an index (one element only). i.e. string name[index].
Access the individual elements in a list with an index (one element only). i.e. list name[index].
Profile objects and methods (as appropriate).
The list module (that you wrote in part I of this assignment). You may like to
make use of some of the functions defined in the list module for this part of the
assignment (as appropriate). Not all will be suitable or appropriate.
Your solutions MUST NOT use:
Built-in functions (other than the int(), input(), print(), range(), open(), close(), len() and
str() functions).
Slice expressions to select a range of elements from a string or list. i.e. name[start:end].
String or list methods (i.e., other than those mentioned in the ‘MAY make use’ of section
Global variables as described in week 8 lecture.
The use of break, return or continue statements (or any other technique to break out of loops)
in your solution – doing so will result in a significant mark deduction.
PLEASE NOTE: You are reminded that you should ensure that all input and output conform
to the specifications. If you are not sure about these details you should check with the
sample output provided at the end of this document or post a message to the discussion
forum in order to seek clarification.
Please ensure that you use Python 3.6.0 or a later version (i.e. the latest version) in order to
complete your assignments. Your programs MUST run using Python 3.6.0 (or latest version).
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It is recommended that you develop this part of the assignment in the suggested stages. Many
problems in later stages are due to errors in early stages. Make sure you have finished and
thoroughly tested each stage before continuing.
The following stages of development are recommended:
Stage 1 – Set up
To begin, download the following provided files (available on the course website):
profile.txt – See page xxx for a description of available functions in this file
– Rename to yourSaibtId
– Define an empty list to store the profile information. For example:
profile list = []
Stage 2 – Importing profile module
Create a profile object from class Profile (provided for you in the module).
Open in IDLE and uncomment the following line at the top of your program:
import profile
Create and display the profile object below inside your read file() function
new profile = profile.Profile(“Bruce”, “Wayne”, “[email protected]”, “m”, “fighting crime”)
new profile.set friends list([“[email protected]”, “[email protected]”])
print(new profile)
Make sure the program runs correctly.You should see the following output:
Bruce Wayne [email protected] m
fighting crime
[email protected]
[email protected]
Once you are sure that your program is working correctly, you can delete the above two
statements – we just wanted to make sure it was working correctly!
Once you have that working, back up your program. Note: When developing software, you should
always have fixed points in your development where you know your software is bug free and runs
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Stage 3 – Implementing read file()
Write the code for function read file() following the algorithm provided below:
1 def read file(filename, profile list)
2 Open file
3 Read line
4 WHILE line not end of file DO
5 line!Strip newline character from end of line
6 Create new profile
7 Split line into list! given name, family name, email, gender
8 Add details to new profile
9 Read line ! get Status
10 line!Strip newline character from end of line
11 Add status to new profile
12 Read line ! get number of friends
13 line!Strip newline character from end of line
14 Add number to new profile (i.e. set number of friends())
15 Create an empty list to store friends
16 FOR index in 0..No. of friends DO
17 Read line ! friend
18 line!Strip newline character from end of line
19 APPEND friend to friend list
20 Add friends list to new profile
21 Append profile to profile list
22 Read line
23 #End of main loop
Add code to call the function to ensure it is working correctly.
The following code splits the string user details into a list, basing the split on the space character:
line = ‘Bryan Adams [email protected] m’
user details = line.split(”)
for user detail in user details:
print(user detail)
Produces the following output:
[email protected]
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The following code removes the ’nn’ from the end of the string:
line = ‘Bryan Adams [email protected] mnn’
Produces the following output:
Bryan Adams [email protected] m
Stage 4 – Implementing display summary()
Write the code for function display summary(). Add code to call the function to ensure it is working
At this stage, you will have each contact from profiles.txt read in and inserted (as individual
profiles) into profile list. Each profile represents an object, in other words, an instance of
the profile class.
These individual instances are stored in a list (object) called profile list which you should
already have implemented and used to add profiles in Stage 3.
You’ll need a loop and use the methods in the profile class to obtain the different data attributes
for each instance, e.g. given name, status, email, etc. For more examples of using
methods in the profile class, see page 29.
1 for person in profile list:
2 print(person.get given name() + “”+ person.get family name())
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Sample Output – Display summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
Tony Stark

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
Robbie Gray
Fox Mulder

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
Katy Perry
David Guetta

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
John Mayer
David Guetta
Jimmy Fallon

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
Katy Perry
John Mayer
Tony Stark
Fox Mulder
Robbie Gray

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
Robbie Gray
Tony Stark

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
Jimmy Fallon
Fox Mulder
John Mayer
Tony Stark

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Stage 5 – Implementing write to file()
Now that you know the information is being correctly stored in your profile lists, write the code for
function write to file(). Add code to call this function to ensure it is working correctly.
Note – Your output should look precisely like the contents of profiles.txt
Stage 6 – Implementing Interactive menu
Implement the interactive mode, i.e. to prompt for and read menu commands. Set up a loop to
obtain and process commands. Test to ensure that this is working correctly before moving onto
the next stage. You do not need to call any functions at this point, you may simply display an
appropriate message to the screen, for example:
Sample output:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: roger
Not a valid command – please try again.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
In summary command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
In add command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
In remove command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
In search command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
In update command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
Menu input should be validated with an appropriate message being displayed if incorrect input is
entered by the user.
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Stage 7 – Implementing menu options
Implement one command at a time. Test to ensure the command is working correctly before
starting the next command. Start with the quit and summary commands as they do not need you to
add anything further to the file other than ensuring that the function calls are in the correct place.
You should be able to see that for most commands there is a corresponding function(s).
For the remaining commands, the following implementation order is suggested (note: this is a
guide only):
1. summary command (display summary() function).
2. search command (find profile() function).
Hint: Make use of the following functions from
– profile.get email()
Sample Output 1 – Find profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]:
Sample Output 2 – Find profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
Please enter email address: [email protected]
David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]:
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add command (add profile() function).
Hint: Make use of the following functions from
– profile.set given name(given name)
– profile.set family name(family name)
– profile.set gender(gender)
– profile.set status(status)
Sample Output 1 – Add profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] already exists in profiles.
Sample Output 2 – Add profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Please enter given name: Homer
Please enter family name: Simpson
Please enter gender: m
Please enter current status: mmmmmm…. donuts…. 🙂
Successfully added [email protected] to profiles.
remove command (remove profile() function).
Hint: Make use of the following functions from
– profile.get email()
– profile.remove friend(email)
Sample Output 1 – Remove profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Sample Output 2 – Remove profile
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Successfully removed [email protected] from profiles.
Page 20 of 52
update command.
The update command has three(3) sub-options:
– status – Update status of a person’s profile
– add friend – Add a friend to the person’s profile
– remove friend – Remove a friend from the person’s profile
Hint: Make use of following functions from
profile.set friends list(aList)
profile.get friends list(aList)
profile.get friends list()
profile.set status(new status)
profile.remove friend(previous friend)
profile.get email()
profile.get given name()
profile.get family name()
The pseudocode for the function update profile has been provided on page 22
Page 21 of 52
1 def UPDATE PROFILE(profile list)
3 email ! PROMPT user enter EMAIL ADDRESS
4 is found ! FALSE
5 for profile in profile list DO
6 if profile.get email() EQUALS email THEN
7 is found ! True
8 if is found THEN
9 For EACH profile in profile list DO
10 profile email! profile.get email()
11 IF email EQUALS profile email THEN
12 action ! input(‘Update ‘+ profile.get given name()
+ ‘ ‘ + profile.get family name()
+ ‘ ‘ + ‘[statusjadd friendjremove friend]: ‘)
14 IF action EQUALS ‘status’THEN
15 new status! PROMPT user to ‘Please new status: ‘
16 profile.set status(new status)
18 ELSE IF action EQUALS ‘add friend’THEN
19 new friend! PROMPT user enter EMAIL ADDRESS
20 friends! profile.get friends list()
21 FOR friend in friends DO
22 IF friend EQUALS new friend THEN
23 DISPLAY ‘You are already friends this person (duplicate entries not permitted)’
26 APPEND new friend TO friends LIST
27 DISPLAY new friend +’has been added to your friends list.’
28 profile.set friends list(friends)
30 ELSE IF action EQUALS ‘remove friend’
31 previous friend! PROMPT user to ‘Enter email address: ‘
32 friends! profile.get friends list()
33 FOR friend in friends DO
34 IF friend EQUALS previous friend THEN
35 profile.remove friend(previous friend)
38 DISPLAY ‘You are not friends with this person Remove request ignored.’!
40 DISPLAY ‘Friend’+ previous friend + ‘removed’
42 PROMPT ‘Not a valid command ô€€€ please try again.’
44 DISPLAY email + ‘is not found in profiles.’
Table 1: Pseudocode for update profile
Page 22 of 52
Sample Output 1 – Add friend
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
Added Katy updated profile is:
Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sample Output 2 – Add friend — email not found
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Tony Stark [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Sample Output 3 – Add friend — email already exists
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
John is already a friend.
Sample Output 4 – Add friend — Invalid command
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add
Not a valid command – returning to main menu.
Page 23 of 52
Stage 8 – Validate User input
Ensure that you have validated all user input with an appropriate message being displayed for
incorrect input entered by the user. Add code to validate all user input. Hint: use a while loop to
validate input.
Stage 9 – Comparing your output
Finally, check the sample output (see section titled ‘Sample Output – Part II towards the end of
this document) and if necessary, modify your code so that:
The output produced by your program EXACTLY adheres to the sample output provided.
Your program behaves as described in these specs and the sample output provided.
Page 24 of 52
You are required to demonstrate your assignment to your practical supervisor during your
week 12 class for marking. The supervisor will mark your work using the marking criteria
included in this document. You MUST attend the practical session that you have been
attending all study period in order to have your assignment marked.
You are also required to submit an electronic copy of your program via Moodle. Assignments
submitted to Moodle, but not demonstrated during your allocated practical session, will NOT be
marked. Likewise, assignments that have been demonstrated during the practical session, but
have not been submitted via Moodle, will NOT be marked. Assignments are submitted to Moodle
in order to check for plagiarism.
All students must follow the submission instructions below:
Ensure that your files are named correctly (as per instructions outlined in this document).
Ensure that the following files are included in your submission:
assign2 partI test – this will not be modified, but you should submit it anyway. – this will not be modified, but you should submit it anyway.
For example:
assign2 partI test
All files that you submit must include the following comments.
# File :
# Author : your name
# Saibt Id : your saibt id
# Description : Assignment 2 ô€€€ place assignment description here . . .
# This is my own work as defined by the University ’s
# Academic Misconduct policy .
Page 25 of 52
Assignments that do not contain these details may not be marked.
You must submit your program at the start of class before you demonstrate the work to your
marker. You will also be required to demonstrate that you have correctly submitted your work to
Moodle. Work that has not been correctly submitted to Moodle will not be marked.
It is expected that students will make copies of all assignments and be able to provide
these if required.
Page 26 of 52
There will be no extensions/late submissions for this course without one of the following exceptions:
1. A medical certificate is provided that has the timing and duration of the illness and an opinion
on how much the student’s ability to perform has been compromised by the illness. Please
note if this information is not provided the medical certificate WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Late assessment items will not be accepted unless a medical certificate is presented to the
Course Coordinator. The certificate must be produced as soon as possible and must cover
the dates during which the assessment was to be attempted. In the case where you have a
valid medical certificate, the due date will be extended by the number of days stated on the
certificate up to five working days.
2. A SAIBT counsellor contacts the Course Coordinator on your behalf requesting an extension.
Normally you would use this if you have events outside your control adversely affecting your
course work.
3. Unexpected work commitments. In this case, you will need to attach a letter from your work
supervisor with your application stating the impact on your ability to complete your assessment.
4. Military obligations with proof.
Applications for extensions must be lodged via learnonline before the due date of the assignment.
Note: Equipment failure, loss of data, ‘Heavy work commitments’ or late starting of the
course are not sufficient grounds for an extension.
Students are reminded that they should be aware of the academic misconduct guidelines available
from the SAIBT website (see
Deliberate academic misconduct such as plagiarism is subject to penalties.
Page 27 of 52
The module provides a profile class definition called Profile. This class definition is to
be used to create profile objects and is designed to be used for assignment 2 (part II) work.
Profile objects will be used to store a person’s personal profile information.
To make use of class Profile defined within the profile module, you will need to import the profile
module. This should have been done in Stage 1 (i.e. uncommenting the line #import profile in
Profile Object Methods
Method Description
set given name(name) Sets the person’s given name.
get given name() Returns the person’s given name.
set family name(name) Sets the person’s family name.
get family name() Returns the person’s family name.
set email(email) Sets the person’s email address.
get email() Returns the person’s email address.
set gender(gender) Sets the person’s gender.
get gender() Returns the person’s gender.
set status(status) Sets the person’s status.
set status() Returns the person’s status.
set number friends(no friends) Sets the number of friends the person is friends with.
get number friends() Returns the number of friends the person is friends with.
set friends list(friends list) Sets the friends list of email addresses.
get friends list() Returns the friends list of email addresses.
str () Returns the string representation of the Profile object.
add friend(email) Adds an email address to the person’s list of friends (friends list), only
if the email doesn’t already exist. No duplicate entries are allowed.
Returns True if successful and False otherwise.
remove friend(email) Removes an email address from the person’s list of friends
(friends list). Returns True if successful and False otherwise.
is friend(email) Determines whether the email passed in as a parameter exists in the
friends list, i.e. they are friends. Returns True if the email is found in
the list of friends (friends list) and False otherwise.
Table 2: Methods in Profile class
Page 28 of 52
Examples – Using methods from Profile class
You can construct a Profile object and call it’s methods as seen in the following example:
import profile
# Create Profile object with given name ‘ ‘Bruce ’ ’ , family name ‘ ‘wayne ’ ’ ,
# email address ‘ ‘[email protected]’ ’ ,
# gender ‘ ‘m’ ’ and status as ‘ ‘ fighting crime ’ ’ .
new profile1 = profile.Profile(“Bruce”, “Wayne”, “[email protected]”,
“m”, “fighting crime”)
# Display the Profile object to the screen as specified by the st r method.
print(new profile1)
# Create another Profile object
new profile2 = profile.Profile(“Tony”, “Stark”, “[email protected]”, “m”,
“talk to the hand”)
# Add Tony Stark as friend of Bruce Wayne
new profile1.add friend(“[email protected]”)
# Create yet another Profile object
new profile3 = profile.Profile(“Clark”, “Kent”, “[email protected]”, “m”,
“flying high”)
# Add superman as friend of Bruce Wayne
new profile1.add friend(“[email protected]”)
# Add superman as friend of Bruce Wayne
new profile3.add friend(“[email protected]”)
# Display the Profile object to the screen as specified by the st r method.
print(new profile1)
# Display the Profile object to the screen as specified by the st r method.
print(new profile3)
# Update Clark Kent ’s status
new profile3.set status(“kryptonite kaos”)
# Display the Profile object to the screen as specified by the st r method.
print(new profile3)
# Create l i s t of superheros (Profile objects )
superhero list = []
Page 29 of 52
# Append profile objects to l i s t
superhero list.append(new profile1)
superhero list.append(new profile2)
superhero list.append(new profile3)
print(“nnnnDisplaying superhero list:”)
# Iterate over superhero l i s t and display secret identity to screen
for superhero in superhero list:
print(superhero.get given name () + ” ” + superhero.get family name ())
Bruce Wayne [email protected] m
fighting crime
Bruce Wayne [email protected] m
fighting crime
[email protected]
[email protected]
Clark Kent [email protected] m
flying high
[email protected]
Clark Kent [email protected] m
kryptonite kaos
[email protected]
Displaying superhero list:
Bruce Wayne
Tony Stark
Clark Kent
Page 30 of 52
Page 31 of 52
Assessment Feedback
Problem Solving and Programming (COMP 1039) Assignment 2 – Weighting: 15% – Due: Week 12, 2017
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit] 2  -3 No or incorrect line spacing
 -2 No or incorrect menu display
Profile Summary
Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
Tony Stark
Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
Jimmy Fallon
Fox Mulder
John Mayer
Tony Stark
 -1 For each missing or incorrect
info (up to 4 marks)
 -1 For each formatting error (up to 2 marks)
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Please enter given name: Homer
Please enter family name: Simpson
Please enter gender: m
Please enter current status: mmmm donuts… can’t talk, eating!
Successfully added [email protected] to profiles.
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg
not to specs (up to 4 marks)
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Successfully removed [email protected] from profiles.
 -8 If incorrect results (-4 if not removing from friends list but
from profiles only
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg not to specs (up to 4 marks)
Please enter email address: [email protected]
John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change
– Friends (2):
Katy Perry
David Guetta
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg not to specs (up to 4 marks)
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Homer Simpson [status|add_friend|remove_friend]: status
Please enter status update: doh!
Update status for Homer Simpson:
Home Simpson (m | [email protected])
– doh!
– No friends yet…
 -2 If incorrect results
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg not to specs (up to 1 mark)
Update Homer Simpson [status|add_friend|remove_friend]: add_friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
Added John updated profile is:
Home Simpson (m | [email protected])
– doh!
– Friends (1):
John Mayer
 -2 If incorrect results
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg not to specs (up
to 1 mark)
Update Phil Dunphy [status|add_friend|remove_friend]: Remove_friend
Please enter email address of friend to remove: [email protected]
Removed [email protected] updated profile is:
Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face
– Friends (1):
Fox Mulder
 -2 If incorrect results
 -1 For each output/prompt/msg not to specs (up to 1 mark)
Output file (new profiles.txt) 2
 -2 If output file does not exist
 -2 If incorrect results in file
 -2 If output not to specs in file
While loop for menu/prompt (choice != “quit”)
Appropriate control structures (in general)
Use of the following functions:
 read_file(filename, profile_list)
 write_to_file(filename, profile_list)
 display_summary(profile_list)
 find_profile(profile_list, email)
 add_profile(profile_list)
 remove_profile(profile_list)
Use of file and Profile class
 -2 No or incorrect loop
 -2 No or incorrect control structures
 -2 No or incorrect function read_file
 -2 No or incorrect function write_to_file
 -2 No or incorrect function display_sum
 -2 No or incorrect function find_profile
 -2 No or incorrect function add_profile
 -2 No or incorrect function remove_profile
 -2 No or incorrect use of file
Should not use the following: Built-in functions, Slice expressions to
select range of elements, String or list methods (other than
list_name.append() method), Global variables.
Validation of user input – messages:
Not a valid command – please try again.
Not a valid command – returning to main menu.
 -2 for each should not be using
 -2 No validation of user input
 -2 For using break/return/exit statements to exit loops
STYLE (BOTH PARTS): Comments (your details, prog. description, all
variable definitions & code), meaningful variable names 5
 -4 Insufficient comments
 -4 Insufficient code layout
 -4 Non-descriptive variable names
Page 32 of 52
Sample output 1:
Start Testing!
length Test
List length: 7
List length: 0
to string Test
List is: r, i, n, g, i, n, g
List is: rô€€€iô€€€nô€€€gô€€€iô€€€nô€€€g
List is:
count Test
find Test
insert value Test
[‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’, ‘four’, ‘five’, ‘six’]
[‘p’, ‘i’, ‘t’]
[‘s’, ‘p’, ‘i’, ‘t’]
[‘s’, ‘p’, ‘i’, ‘t’, ‘s’]
remove value Test
[‘r’, ‘i’, ‘g’]
[‘i’, ‘n’, ‘g’]
[‘r’, ‘i’, ‘n’]
length Test
List length: 6
to string Test
List is: 1, 7, 2, 3, 7, 7
List is: 1 ô€€€ 7 ô€€€ 2 ô€€€ 3 ô€€€ 7 ô€€€ 7
count Test
find Test
Page 33 of 52
insert value Test
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
remove value Test
[1, 4, 5, 6]
End Testing!
Page 34 of 52
Sample output 1:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: asdf
Not a valid command – please try again.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
Page 35 of 52
[email protected]

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
Program terminating
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Page 36 of 52
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sample output 2:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] already exists in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: add
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Please enter given name: Homer
Please enter family name: Simpson
Please enter gender: m
Please enter current status: mmmmmm…. donuts…. 🙂
Successfully added [email protected] to profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
Page 37 of 52
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Homer Simpson (m | [email protected])
– mmmmmm…. donuts…. 🙂
– No friends yet…

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 38 of 52
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Homer Simpson [email protected] m
mmmmmm…. donuts…. 🙂
Sample output 3:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: remove
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Successfully removed [email protected] from profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Page 39 of 52
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (4):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Page 40 of 52
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
Sample output 4:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: search
Please enter email address: [email protected]
David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
Page 41 of 52
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
Page 42 of 52
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sample output 5:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
Added Katy updated profile is:
Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (5):
Jimmy Fallon
Fox Mulder
John Mayer
Tony Stark
[email protected]
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
[email protected] m
Page 43 of 52
[email protected]
[email protected]

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Tony Stark [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add friend
Please enter email address of friend to add: [email protected]
John is already a friend.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Page 44 of 52
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Robbie Gray [status|add friend|remove friend]: add
Not a valid command – returning to main menu.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
Robbie Gray
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 45 of 52
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
Tony Stark

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected] [email protected] Katy Perry [email protected] f Waiting on
John to change. 3 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 46 of 52
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sample output 6:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update Fox Mulder [status|add friend|remove friend]: remove friend
Please enter email address of friend to remove: [email protected]
[email protected] is not Fox’s friend.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update John Mayer [status|add friend|remove friend]: remove friend
Please enter email address of friend to remove: [email protected]
Removed [email protected] updated profile is:
John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Page 47 of 52
Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Waiting on the world to change!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
[email protected] m
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
Page 48 of 52
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Waiting on the world to change!
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 49 of 52
Sample output 7:
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
[email protected] is not found in profiles.
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: update
Please enter email address: [email protected]
Update John Mayer [status|add friend|remove friend]: status
Please enter status update: Slow dancing in a burning room…
Updated status for John Mayer:
John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Slow dancing in a burning room…
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
David Guetta
Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: summary
Profile Summary

Fox Mulder (m | [email protected])
– The truth is out there!
– Friends (1):
[email protected]

Tony Stark (m | [email protected])
– Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
– No friends yet…

Phil Dunphy (m | [email protected])
– wtf? = why the face?
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Mayer (m | [email protected])
– Slow dancing in a burning room…
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Katy Perry (f | [email protected])
– Waiting on John to change.
– Friends (3):
John Mayer
David Guetta
Jimmy Fallon

David Guetta (m | [email protected])
– Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
Page 50 of 52
– Friends (5):
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Jimmy Fallon (m | [email protected])
– I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
– Friends (2):
[email protected]
[email protected]

Robbie Gray (m | [email protected])
– Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
– Friends (4):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] m
[email protected]

Please enter choice [summary|add|remove|search|update|quit]: quit
– Program terminating –
NOTE: Your program should output the following information to a file – new profiles.txt.
Fox Mulder [email protected] m
The truth is out there!
[email protected]
Tony Stark [email protected] m
Saving the world is hard work – no time for friends.
Phil Dunphy [email protected] m
wtf? = why the face?
[email protected]
[email protected]
John Mayer [email protected] m
Slow dancing in a burning room…
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katy Perry [email protected] f
Waiting on John to change.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 51 of 52
[email protected]
David Guetta [email protected] m
Will collaborate with anyone who has a heartbeat.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jimmy Fallon [email protected] m
I wish I was as good as Letterman, thank goodness he’s retiring.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Robbie Gray [email protected] m
Training hard… can we win? Yes we Ken!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 52 of 52
